Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

844 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY OENCRAL HGB.c. c. 018eB county kttorlmy :wlislercounty Kermit, Tax88 Dear Sir: d.^. aalarler br nanei canty :, at an 0rti0OrO fox>945 .,* ,--.. ., and 11s inor@ase over ,’ ,,I above maximum allored euah ot?Iorrs on Awust '\ '.~ ,. .- :’ 24, 19353 ,’ To have r&hod your rseent rrqurrt ior an opinion, from whloh we pUgtO ga idlO~S1 Y.- %.:\, .j ,,~ ‘. I -The pertlaulsr quastlon PfhesIre to hare enswere is based upm the folio-4ng faOta: *. . %! i “(1) That the Coaalssloners’ Court of Wnkler Countf, Texaa>;has pareed at itr Jmuary regular ,terwan order putting all oi the oounty and pre- ~‘-alaot oiiloiala On a- salary bar16 iOr the yam 1945. m(2).-Thst thr population OS Wnkler County eoeordlng to the 1940 Federal Consu8 la 6,141; .. .\ ‘(3) I~‘1944 tta approved tax roll waa In the sum OS ‘2&819,098. ‘.I..-..a’ Van the CommissIonera * Court oi v;lnkler County, ‘Texas, proooedlng under Article 3912(e), 7eo. 15, pay to the oounty judge, the sheriff, the tax ssaeasor- oolleotor, the county and dlatrlot Olerk, end the county attorney the eleven per cent inorease in 0018~ penaation ror the year i91*5?” 845 Hon. 0. 1. Olsen, ~sge 2 ceatlon 15 a? Artlole 3912a. V. A. C. S., reeds, In part, as r0ii0w8: ma CommlssIonersl Court in or>ustIes having a population o? less than twenty thousand (20,000) In- habitanta, eooording to the last preoedlog Federal Census at thr iirst regular meting In January of esoh oalondar yesr, mey pssa en order provadlng ?or oompensstIon of 811 county and preolnot offloers on a salary basis. The Conmissioners Court In eaoh or such counties ia hereby authorized, nnd it shall be its duty, to fix the salaries o? Crlmlnal District Attorneys. In the event suah Court pssses suoh order they shell peg to eaoh o? said Dlstrlot and County o??Ioers In money an annual sslary in twelve (12) equel installments o? not less than the total sum earned SB compensation by said otflcer In hie said ofriolsl ospaolty ?or the fiscal year or 1935 end not more than the maximum allowed suoh oiflcer under laws existing August 24th. 1935, Snd not more than the maximum amount allowed such officer under laws existing August 24, 1335, provided, thst in counties having a populstIon o? leS3 than twenty thousand (20,000) Inhabitants, according to the lost preoeding Federal Census, and having an assessed valustlon In exoess o? Ten Million (~lO,OCO,OOO.OO) Dollars acoord- lng to the last praacding approved tsx roll o? ouoh county the maximum amount allowed suoh o??ioera as salerles may be Increased one (1%) per ocnt ?or esah One Killion (~1,000,000.00) Dollars valuation, or freotlonal part thereof, In exoess of said Ten !.‘Il.lion (~10,000,000.00) 3ollsrs veluatlon over end above the ~~?xlrr.urn amount allowed suoh of?Ioers under laws exlst- Inc; on August 2i+, 1735; provided, however, no salaries covered by this rocticn shall exceed the sum o? Pour Thousand Five Hundred (:.L,500.00) Dollprs reqardlass of the percentage o? Increase in population and volue- tion &nd provided ?urther that In all counties ?:avlng a nopulation o? not leas than twenty thoi.Lsand and cne (20,001) nnd not moro than tvdonty-?!ve thousand (25,000), scoordin~ to tha last ?receding +dersl Census, nn(i ahich has an assessed velustkn in axceas or %ent.y-r?ve YillIon (‘25,000,5OO.C0) dollars HO- corcii;ig to the lest preceoing al?nrovo~Z tox roll of such oountles, the ccmty ju@?, rhcri??, county attorney, ~sscs::or a& collector a? taxes, county 846 Non. 0. c. Cloon, page 3 alork and dlatrlot dark, the marbum salary 18 hareby firad at Three Thousand Tovan fiundrad au8 Fifty (33,7!YJ.O0) Dollars. . . . .* Under tho exproar authority ot the above atatuta, your Ccamiaalonota~ Court may rix tha aalarloa of woh oifloera ror the ansuln(y yaar ll$ over and above tha marlnum amount ellowad such ortlcara under lows oxiatln# on August 24, 1935, prorldad none of suoh aalar:ea shall axaaad tha sun of Four Thousacd live Eundrad (@+,500.001 DollSrS ragardlaaa of tha peraentage 0r lnoresae In population end valuation. ?e 0811 to your attention that tha population breoket by xhloh the n?axinum salarlea ailowtd auuh orrloara la fixed, la deterrainad by the Federal Canaua of 1930, but t;le inoreaae or ciaximum salary allowed umhr Ceeo. 15 of lald Art. 39120, aupra, lu dotim&;:cd by the last prooedlag Faders1 Census (19401, together with the hot preoadlng approved tax roll (194k). me bellevo thla la fully axplelnad in our O9lalon No. ~-5986, a oopy or whloh la horoto attaohed. Trusting the above fully enawars your question, we are Your8 rorg truly, R;t:rt