Arnold salth
l8 f011oYs1
onvereatl~ or
gsd to rote in the
he exemptionprovldod
d to file a a+rtifLed
Oom~ YhO were @A-
betvssnJmuary and
OAtiOn 18 that 8 list
sntltle the men In his
xamptlon on the 1943 poll tax and
%indQ advise me vhether or not the sxomp-
tiOA basod UDOA the oertlflsdlist made by Ca -
t4binMoon at t+lr data sppl1.s to the 1943 pof1
tax or whether it applier to the payment of tb
1944 poll tairwhich would AOt exempt them f’roa
the psyment of the poll tax until Aext yW’.*
HonorableArnold Smith, Page 2
Artlolos5840 and 58+1 aoaord fm exemptiontrca
WmfBAt of & portion of this tu to maltmF8 of the 'botlve
militia' of this State. There Artioleo mad a8 follomr
‘Art. $340, All offioeraurd enlistedmm
of the latlvo ri11tia of this aa*, vho 0cmpl.y
vith tboir militarydutleo a~ pnrorlbed b7 this
Oh'l)t4P, lhu bo Mtit1.d t0 tMll the
psya~-or 811
J?F$P bd&
Er 2 read or otroet t8x, bad iraa uu mad duty
uhatoiwrorw&r the l8vo-ofthis Stat*, uut ox--
amptlon fmm my oerriaa or drrtr of *very ohmao-
top and dareri ption.
* %rt.!5841. TOllhtitle w tl'OOD, 8OtteX7,
a s, ligrul aorpo, 0~ bend of the aotiva
milltla of thlo 3klO to the lx e 4 lp fS@m
tlo the
p ep h a0r~01 tu0
1 ~
0a l
p00iri0d inth e
p r wd-
lng artiole, the aaauwadingofrloetr of oooh or-
ganisation*hall,bOtlfMA the iirot day0 of Jan-
uery and April of eeob y-r, SLle vlth t&o 8o#eo-
lo r of tax.0 for his oounty l llot oi dl 8emben
of hir a- vho bar. dlsohir@d the military
duties requiredof them tOP tJM pI'oa9ding TU?,
aad vho have beet%presaat for at leaot tveaty-
four drtllo or pare+deo, o r h sv8b o *n
lx o uo ed
non-ottendanootheroofby rowon of 11~~08 Or
other aeoesu
tlons an h%o lrrerraeatroll &I rot forth In
luoh lloto,uid -oh luah lnfonutlaa to all
00n08rnod,a0 aey k neo6444ryp carryingout
tha prortrfonaof thlr artiolo. (Sa@aels added)
Aa p.l know, vo ruled lrloilrOpfnlaa Ho* o-so15
that membera of the POX&E State Guard am eutltl*dto thin
partl61 *xemption~
BonarabloArnold Salt& Fugo 3
_. Sootion
._ __ 2 of__.Artiole VII oi ou? coAotitUtioA,
after greAtlAg U&e rl t to vote to Wn perrom dorlgnated
therein,iRpo0~0 ths $ollovbg 1iritationupan the exera1oe
of ouch right 1
. . . ..uIdpxlvlAafuahor~ thahmj
VQtor, who lo rub eat to par 8 poll to% u&dOP
tba l&vo at the 4tote ofTax8o rhlllmr* pIid
Uk i k r k r OP 0
Ot$ b b gtQ TOk lt UI$lb O-
ta m in tlIi88t4 toud h o ld
0r o o dp t
Oh o YlIIg
ttmtuidpoll tu#opddkfon the firat
day at Februaw nut nmUa# muah lleotiaa.
or ii odd voter oh0s ht. loot or RiOD&Oed
odd tax mao&L, ho or oho, 40 tha 0800 uy
bok aholl k altitled to ?Ote upam
4lRvt.t befo* Ofshe~ waoMsod ta
iokr ootho t$a
"y ouoh t+ rrtwlpt ho bun
loot l . . l
Llkouloe,AFtia1*3004, R.G.8., la
*o follouo1
%o oitls8a obll bo prrritte4to TOW, un-
l*oo he rirot pmoeato to the ladgoof lkotioA
h %pOOu& X4 WOOiDt
’OP tif
i M w OflX~tiOl3
irouod to hl8 bfor4 tha i&rot by of Fobru6~
or the yur la phi&I ho off8m t6 (Iota, exoopt
a* othervir*
pwRltt4klin thLI tit1*, trdleuo the
048a Ime boaloot or riolal4, ot loft at hem.,
lnul.Ii&ooonth4 ohal8ak*aa8ffida?it of
xt will be notiaed ubot &tioleo uiUS841do
not pupport to mllere aemboro of tha ailltP fra the pap
neat of poll tmu; nktbm thooo Artlaleomw81~ exoqt
mllitiama fra rtiooof the poll tax drloh
and luvo untouahmd tr
IIy the 5cuMtitut1oa. au.8
l ole4r dlotlnction
r o vl.deo
Plobed therein and the lxemp-
tiono irar tb pall box diomo8.d in ~tsr Oplrrion lo. o-5T79.
Hononble Amld Smith, Page 4
Both irtiole.58Souid Artiola 5841 *anun 8 olmr nooganitioa
UK! lff%mtiOa Of th hat thrh rilit%OReA digible thonuador
are to k a*oeoo#u fer tbot portion or t?M poll tax q0h.h
lwbd m the Comtitutim, md thw that there ltet~ko lf-
root a mduatlea rather tlma a8kucrrptloa. Coasoquoritl~,
rllltiomutlll.@blo under thooo Artloloo m.ut
poll tax of oaa dollar kfore their poll tu 1
d~ooho~,o.nd, wdor $hoprovlob~~ of &la 5onotitutioa~d
of Artiole 3004, q uo tedluplrr,ouch poped wt k mde k-
fore P.bPuaFy lrt and a. naolpt tholwor D~OUIkd ta th@
rlrotioa&Iqp or o th u u lolo0aouat.dias IIndoP tblr Artsale,
beforr,ooahalii~ aso ontlt&od to rote.
We& k q th is o fArtioleo
exp&nofloa o f th alffo o to
!5e45uv3g4lup4.m thel?ighttarot4 boo4wopalPl*tkr lOaB-
or the poll tat rad ltitle thm to vote, prov%dedtha Irq\rin-
neat0 of the Artlolerwe oaqplbd vlth.
with n0w0t to tb rii Of 0 list or 8nitl&men
w tbir ‘.0-w OfflOU, We Ui"g i.0 OUP ~ildor, b.~ O-3053,
noted ~tlmt tbo wrtlfluto of the owWad4g
orflur requbod Jnr r%fatvau to tin RlLlt8rJ
dU$UiOO d.i~Ohu'&Vd dUx’iA& th, OOlMdm TOOC JWO-
z J&yy
lot ~dpwhip tbo tu lo be-
**** OumuAt you@. In othu uom¶o,
dloehu ot 8lllta dutlu duH.zag the oUe.ndar
ywrl !& 8~rv~Oasz lu~olo rora partfalu-
uption fraa the p&X tox aooeood OS of Joau-
ary 1, 1941, not 40 & brie for 8 limitedemmp-
tlm rm tbt pou tu VOODOOS 40 or JOAUB~J
1, 1940. 'IbisI4 88do @foe? bt tbut poleionor
APti fja4lvhlohr~too tJut*uohponoM
'stillnot k *roooo~ for UrJ poll tax.8 eat-
ova*, other UWI the ll tu or ow hllar DS’O-
l0~mdw th 0 Oo r utitttiao for th e logwrt or
th. DUb r iOlOh OOl~ fOS the -Zlt YUFJ l . l ’
vhoa mad In ooawotlon with tht portion‘i’o-
quidng the oortlfloat. w the 0mAd
au to ho ium10bd ~~WOS Jam= f
1 0t the ournnt par, to owtlf7 q
duties dvriae UW ‘Pm@- f#r**
Batmnble &mold Slith, Prge 5
2. Bun 8oorhwA