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.’ AUSTIN . .
. .
Eonorobla Gooqc.H, Shti$~iC
Coqtroll6r of Public Aocounts
Rustlfi, Texsti 7;
: *
DEW sir: : Ojjinjon co. O-
. -. _/ : .* .
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: ‘.
. i I .Your 1s .a! 0
‘7-x Jar
._.. .
3%. Cwx3~ng3' 16ttC2, rarE?:Yea to in your
.oo~icp,tion, atdxs that 1:: Bumin Connty a nubcr
of children living,:w1thi.n the Ststb or Texes sze out
dff froia.thc ad:ools in t61o Stn.te.by.the' p6d 2iVw
on3 thd thoro.nro.no croasi.n~.8on:the liver. ot‘a
.point thrtt ~411 enable then.to etten3 sohool in 8
9~6~236~3h~~31~a~~t7i~t.Aftlclo 2699a V.A.C.S. Provides:
.. .,
. .. ., _
. _’
'%iy &la whd ~oulfi be enntitl3d to atteila
pubig0 BO;ICOI
0~ .311yaimice tbt mG On
tha b02a& O~.Louisin,ln, i;‘mlsss~ Okl3bor;3
sna X6w z6xico 31~7.-do xay fina lt mor6.
oonv6nietit to ;tEena tk r?Ublic echo01 in:
a..aistiict or a cOucty 03,da st:dc CO+
tigllous to-s3i.a arotriot in T&X33, my hGV6
the.Stnte and Coudy pm cagitn appor?Son-
ncnt of the AvailaXc school FuM pei&to
scia aistriot in snid State and nsj hsve
aaaltional.tuitlon, if necessary; paid by
thk dis%rict of his xcsl~eaco on sugh tc;rxs
afjmy be agree& upon b6tw6ezthe. trustees-
oftthe reo'eivfng aistkict end the trtistees ..:.:
or the district or residence o? such child i,.;:
aubj,eot to t&o approve1 OP tho Cosznty Super-
lntenaent an.? the Comty Boerd.oP Trustees ..
of ,the T-as distr$ot ma comty; p20yiasa;:
th~at.the restrictions tif tho Texas. Statutes .-: .
sksll apply..to .the amount pati ror.high .: ,-~ : .
soh~ol'tuitIon. Aots.1931, 42na Lq.; p. 192,.
ch.. 113 1~1.” 1. . 1, -I--. :‘.
..Ai.wi &ilerstfma-%hi$ i.ucuirJ;. you &k rtist ., .... .’
Mwthti; ~umler Arti& 2699a ths Con$.roller Is .diredtea
to'*issue warrants age.lhst the avai.L~bl$.schobl fund my-
able%0 &.ohool~districts or so$ool ill;stitutkom loosted .~.
outsId- of the State or.Texns, ena .lr the $rtlcle.s~.
provides Khethcr.it.1~ vblia tiaor oo~stitdtional'~l5dta~
ti&g. As 'de rt%ed~Artiole 2699a; sarpa, it.does not pro-~
,Via6’riOI!the issuance.by the Coqtroller Of warrants . '.
'agaiu,qtthe'Avallablo Sshool Pwa payable to-eohool
alstrigis oiltjsiao of th6 State or Texas 37%2&h are
stt~aea by 6hiiaren'~iho h3ve trsnsferrea tidex thb proi
visloae of thati-stat,ut& The ststcte noroly provides
a methQ&ror the trensrer'or suoh students and- authkizes.
the pciymht O$ the atlou& Of their pal! CG~ appO&?tlo4?
nent to the receiving district, aithout speoif'ylqg the.
?roceaure~for making such pay&,-. -t alla speOirio3lly without
amding that the Coqtrollcr shall ?ake p*yn&t to'tiie ,
reocitin=. echool.
. : .
. .,
- ‘..
. ‘.~‘.<
. .
Ho@.&ble Georie LI;’She&& r’n$ 3 :
i&e cmiptrollck i0 authorizsa to is&2 .
~rrsnts .in distributioti of the Ststa Av&lsblo Sohool
Fmas ,&yable ‘only to those comity or n&o01 distrS.ct
depositories which. have qualified a8 such 840&e:the
13;:~ 0r ttiii6 sw6. Attic% 2663, I?. c. 6. 1925;
orticlse 2758 et EC*, , V. .L C. S. ‘&Wrad.s pQ9bl8
to school orgnnfzstims out&de of the Stute clesrly
81~ unauthorisefi in tkc lisht, or those statutes; sna,
*. as tkey:ware d.esi~ncd to protect the public schoo$
funds 0r t.his 3t9te fro3 lo3 f .OT ~~~3utimriz5a slrpcaaitur;t:,
it should not be ~resuma that tte l.e@slrtme intended
. to change .or alter their provisims in the enactzazlt of
statutes nob expressly purporting to do so, unlos.s .thst
intention Is expr~s@ cle$rly.
You &e. therekor’e &la& that Iri OUT‘opini&;
the Comptroller Is not .autkorized ti.aer Artidle 2@ja, .
supra, to aran warivmts iu aif3tr~~uti0~ : 0r the’,stet e
Avaflnble So&o01 PuaUs payable to or in. favor. of stihobl
&&dots locste.a.yi+out the botiam'iec,of !he +t&e.of
Twits,. . ,_ . :.
. . .: .- : . -; I
.:. . ._