Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

., ‘rai OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN / 1 Dear sikt ./ ,- .. I i tartmyan&~un%y'attorney wa#,.fo .&&~'a# the mitt fttttotioa~@..tha~~ o?flosrr.the pprostwu- tion of ~OXlmlnal ealsw.* It la statedIn Taxas J~iqmudanoe,.Tol. 39, p. 9451~ in the absenoe oi pow@7 bi!.~r~lrly "Itvan oonferrd; trustseanay -ploy ..,,> Morn& ,. to ln8tiltutoa&J prowoute aotl.x!r In their behalfas a'oraeaearylnoldent6;ithelr.poaer to aontraot,to sue and to a&ago and to oontrolthe sohoolaffair8and inleirs88r. r,ibmdao they may pay auoh an attorneya rewfmab&s 0mapen~8810n Out or th0 epeotil~ .rln%snanoe fund in the saaagernent~and eon- trol of tha.tZuaQees.And it 16Aeld t&t theBo~W Irf~Eduo&loa of the oity,rhloh .haressrrmsd@tr.oL or its aohool.8 a8 an In- dopsndeatidiatrlet,may entploy M qEtor+y estharto .@mm+te or-defand:ti~CI LitlmtiOn, lnvolriagthe l&te*&ty of anp~ttie-orregu- IaClon &eWtbd by thW JZeOeBB~ fit!8h;he inain- tenancmof an efflolantsystemof sohoo.la Sor t&a say. 744 'gut hosteua ham 110pwur, eitherex- gawt6iador $.mplied, to employoounssland s~pendpublie fondr ot the dl#tri$$ln M aCtapt ta s*ouxe 0% &if*t lrglelatlon; ln- deed ,apihbontraetqam ordinarilyoontrary Se publl~.~pgl.$ayand are void.* ,It; &,tblmo,,thatAr$iele354, eupra, prorides that Dlerlot and opunty Attorneya sbalJ advlre and $lw opln- low to t&a nkrlow fmuntysob preoiwt offiaurs:$m@tlng $hulr QlilOlal'dUti68.Roworer, we do no8 think tlkt~this i: artiolh.aao~bs; oo~trusd sWiapoai~& upon ~a Dfa$l%ob or / It iO,tke o+IiOn of this ~dupartwhntthmt thwu la . &CIduty ~osSa~.ti~o~the~Cou+i%yAttorney: by lar .tii perfom the abotbment~~~d~h~io~~l~ OQllWO*ti0~ eleotlcpn wlihh,att to eon#olida$eii&apnidWiteelrot& dWtrlot8 and that~dald dlatriotor dl@t&olP mky legallysontraotwith the-County Attorneyto p&?@p suuh 8etitoesand pty.hi2t.a reaaanablr oompensatlon~hc3mfocout of tha'iq@*al apalutesianos t-d in tha muagmto!ltand OontrqlOf,ths frarrteese. that~thoforegoing fully,answere "Truatingg ymr lJiQulry*~w~ are YOorevery truly ATTORmrrr~L OPTXAS APPROVED 0. OPINION COMMn-rcs .YW--