Bonorable Tor A. Craven
county Auditor, 4LhLan coallt~
Waco, Toxar
Dear Sir:
rrolato receltlng
hether or not Arti-
ri1 ststutes or Taxar
to oherge a is8 ‘of SON
al in addition to the
, Vernon’8 Annotated Ciril Statute8, prorlde8,
“Clerk8 of tlm CountI Court 8hall reoalre
the Sollolling r888:
** l ot lntrrrogutorler,
l o o p ir r ero88-
lntrrro6atorirr and all other paper8 ot reoord
required to be ooplrd by him, inoladlng eertltl-
oatr oi 8ea1, where the oopf doe8 not lxoeed 800
rord8,tor laoh 100 word8 154. #hea the oopy ox-
orrdr 200 rordr, ior.eaoh additional 100 word8
ln 010088 0r eoo UOrd8, log l * l Eaoh oertiri-
.“.-._.^“.--^----..---..-- .- I --_.-- ..-..-., ^-....^- . . . --- .-------- --- ----
.-Oat@to any raot or faotr oontalned In the re-
., oordr of hlr ofiloa 4th O~rtiflCate and Beal,
when not otherwi8o provided for 80#* * *"
@enorally rpoakihg, it I8 well l8tabli8hed in thla State,
that 8tatUt.8 prerOribill6 tOO8 tOr pobllo OttiOOr8 -0 8triCtlr
oonetrurd# and honoo a right to ire8 ra1 not rert in inplioatlon.
(So0 the Oa808 of YoCalla va City ot Rookdalo, Fz469. W. 654;
Binford v. Robinron, Z44 9. W. 8OTi and Tex. Jur., Vol. 34, p.
It 18 8tated in Tore8 JWl8PrUdanOe, Volunm34, page 511:
‘A8 herrlnbetoro 8totrd, the oompm8ation
of pub110 officer8 18 tlxed by the Conrtltutlon
of Texa8. Any ottiorr may not claim or reaoh
any nonor without a law authorizing hir to do
8o, and olrerly fixing the amount to rhloh he
i8 ontitled.'
It will bo noted that thr foregoing rtatute (hrtiole 3930,
V. A. C. S) authorize8 a oounty olerk to raoeltr rlrteen cent8
tor eaoh one hundred word8 wherr t& oopy doe8 not exceed two
hundred word8 and ten oent for laoh additional on8 hundred word8
where the o o p y lxoeed8 two hundred word8 tor oopler of lnterroga-
torirr, OrO88-interrOgstb?i@8 and all other paper8 or raoordr
rrqulrrd to bo ooplod 0~ hy, inolnding e8rtlfieato and seal.
It 18 onr OpinlOn that that prOvi8iOn Oi the 8tatUte reading:
"raoh orrtifioatr to an7 fact or faotr oontained in tho reoordr
of hi8 ottloo, rlth oartlfioatr and 8ea1, when not othenviw provided
tor bo$ * ha8 no applioation whatrooror to tho quortion under oon-
siderat i on.
Theroioro, Jtrr OarOiull~ oonrldering ArtiOlO 3930, V. A.
c. S., it 18 our opinion that a oountt olork 18 not legally au-
thorlzod to charge a tea oi ility oent8 iOr a oortiflaate and 8eal
in iurnirhing a oortiflod OOp7 of a will On tile in hi8 offlco.
fourr 7ort truly