. . .,,
-1 will thank you to advioc ma the oar-
reot en6ww to mka to this lettor.r
& ami lntonsedthat et a regular meeti& the
Board of Hq.ents of the 3tate Tesohero Collq~r cdoptad the
following reoolu.tlon:
"1:3OLVZD, That due to ths Snot that (I)
the kc Houston Stots Toacbors Oollefle.leen-
gased ln*Luakilq piane ror t!w oontlnul¶tlon 41
a Ylold Liahoolin Puebla, LIeriao;(2) the
Southwest Texas State Teaohors College ia plan-
n&q to open a Field Sahool.in Guadslejrra,
M0x100;thin lnlmmr; (3) the Gil Ross state
Teaohers Collec,4ia planning &,,qmn a Flold
.SOhol.ln Chihua@ua,Xexiao,,.his s-r) end
(4) all thr Texas State Tee&htIB OoUe1ge8 are
dfrfiatly InteroptedIn t$b emhan@ of rbu-
Board of Rqentcr OS ths Texas :;tatoTeeohera
Colle~s and the President8 OS these lwtltu-
tlon8 ahall hold. 8 meet- dnrlng the Xastsr .~ ._ .-
bolldays, 1944, at Ylotorl+,~tiexlao,~or lonn '_- .
muiteble pleas in UIaxiooto confer ulth the -.
0irbiids of the Teaohm- Trrinlng xn*tltutloAi
of MexIoo relative to the problem@ irrdloeted.?. ~
WI em also lnfommd:thet plans ma now la pro&rosa
for the opening of a Field Yohool by,the north Tsxxw 8tate
Taaobera College at Xorella, WX~OO~ aml.by.the 8tOpllcln:F. '
Austin Stato Tssehetr Qollego~af~Bin.Luis Poto81, ~Ybxfoe.~The
operationof those FLeld sehoola hra been delrarfbeb.by Mr.
Xarmon~Lowmn, Presldont or the Sm Houston State Taaohorr
colle$#J,88 f011ows:
"The oolls~o studonts intweeted in the
'fieldsob001 ro&ter ond pay the fee8 on our
CeapUa prior t0 pObIF to IIbex~Oo jwt (18 OUr
regular students aetrioulste. our lastruotor8
aooocPpsny thorn to Idexlcor The ?dexloan'oftlolals
. .
Hon. 000. H. Sheppard - page 3
furnish ua clasarooma frea of charge. Thla
auazmrwe pleu to off4r Cpanish itcnguace,
Mexican nusfo, IXM Latin Americen history
tba otudents raoelve ragultlr oollaqb
kidit juat aa In the 0896 bf resident St&-
-dents. . .6tlrlnstitutiona00nduot fheb.
.~ohoalslndapendentlyof the Y!exiogncol-,
lot?-* 96 ara~grentad the 'freeuse of theI+
raoilltiaa. The propoood trip 1s to 0rranp.e
gor the free uw 02'these L&exlo&nfrroilitles ~
end LLnferinto dlaoossjons relative to l$v-
ltqqaartera for atudonto ahd the like . . .* .
Art. 2649 (6) v.b.Cs., pr.ovidcain port'~a'~fdilors~
*& boord sha$l'emet eacbpar iu'Aust&, ; :
on .#s firat Xonday in May, os'$s so?n thqma-
after as.prsotloab;le,far the Granaeetlonof - , ...;-
bualnasa pcrtair;lugto tbe affaira of tha
St&a normal eohools,~end at such ot.bertimes:~ .
..and~plaoes58 n.mjorit# of th6 membera of. ..'.< $:
the board deem neoersary for ths Walter6 of
SOid 00118&a. . ."
~~Ifthe ~oetln~:ln Xoxioo were to be a *boaQmaa'meat-
ix&P of the ty&e aooered by the above Artfale, se~ser%Oaaly
doubt whether ouah meatlug oould la&ally be?'held,,sinoe alause?
auoh as "and et auoh &her t&as and plaoes aa a'meJor$t~'iir
the board shall doam neoesaLtrynhavo generally bean limlt& aa
If they read *'atsuch other pleoq ~ithlu the 2tate.* Bee
bw.wlou~h VS. soott, lee xd c. 865, 109 3. '3. 788. Xowavar,
it appears that the proposed *moktf.ng is net in fsct a bual-
neaa aeetlng of the type oonte;lplate+
in Artiole Z647 (6), but
ratner that it la in the nature of a.joint oonferanoe batweon
the board and the presidents on tha ona hbnd and the Mexioan
offiaiala on the other. The taot that tha presidents era ti-
eluded &IIthis *metln@ atrengthaos our belief that the &ather-
In(: is not a buaiueoo aeetiu[! of tbo board of the type m&we-
hended by Artlols Eat9 (6).
Gubseotio~ (6) of the Ocnoral Provialona of the Ed-
ucational kppro riatlon Bill, 8. B. 33, dote of the 48th Legis-
, P49, prooidee in part 618r0ii0ns:
lature, R. S.,
. .
I!on.Ceo. IL Shes.?;:rd
- j~a@ 4
*. . . frotraveling cxponese shall,,be
12ourred by board members, heeds or lnetitu-
tlons, or by any employee of any of the schools,
or other s~enoles named herein, lnelde or out- :
side of the bounderlea oi ths Potatoof Texas,
orocpt'for 3tste busiinesa. . . im
The lcglslatureaof Texas have never undertaken‘to
define w8tnte buslnese" as that term hoe been employed in oon-
torte elmllar tc the% above. In peneral the government of the
verlcufieduoatlonal lnstltutloneha&been entrusted to~the re-
speotlre boarda of recents, end t6 suoh boards have been del-
eeated brood and oomprehanslre p&era. It IS manifest,that tihe
boards are in a superlar positloh tc know anb undoretenb,a&
to aooompllsh,the auooessfulmsna~ment and govemumnt oi.their
lni4t.1tut10nfJ. The presumption i8 ~1~~9s in favor of,the re.s6an-
ableness and le<y of that rhloh they do. As viesseSd.by the
CommUoion cf Aqcals ln the ease oi Folqy ~6. Benedlot, 56
S. X. (26) 805, the oourte will not lnteriere therewltb ln.the
abaenoe of ISclear fthcwiap. that they hove aoted arbltrsrll9or
have abused the authority rested In them." Thi8 department har
always ooneidered Itself rostralkied, aa are the courts,.$aover-
turnin& the deliborate and'conslderedact8 OS tbo8e entro8ted
with, and peoullsrly equip ed for, the rdminlrtrotlon~ot~the
.varlow State oduoatlonal% stltut~cns. In our oplnlon100.
O-1196 we atstedr -' .
W*3tatela burlness*, a8 relater to the au- .,
thority of 6 depsrtmont to inour traroline.ox-
pcnsas to be paid by the 3tats, seems to embody
at l908t tbs r0ii0ag elements:
"1. A reasonable,oubstantlal,and dlreat
rela;lon between the business to be transaoted
on the tslp and the aoaompliahmantof tkm funo-
tlons of ~ovurnment entrusted tc the partloular
"i?. A rea6ouable, rub,atantial,and dfreot
relationshipbetween the methcd by uhloh the
partlaular business ti intended to aooompllah
the funo tlon of ~otsrnmont entruetod to *the
; .
dapstment , !x~il
tho poicaraFranted the de-
~~rtmnt by 1~2 for t&a sooompliahmt?nt 4f
such sunotlo.u3* ~,....I., .._.
. ,,.,’
! : ; .-
*Of o&e, a* between trctwo airtrimiiii;‘.i
there rauetnecessarily be dome tone of doubt, .,,I,..
*here the Judmnt of,the.dsppsr.ta~t’be~aa;’ ::>: " _:
uqdar-thenenotionab::thoir"oiiloUl-o$bhr) ? ; ..-:
beoorio.tbironl~iprrotlosblr.or~~rlon’~b~~~~ 1
%hloh ths guastlan:wbether the’State*sbuti-
QesrsIs lnvol~ed.Jn the prwtiaular trip ;ik6y .~ , ,-i;;r.
be deter&md.+j 1'i:--. : :Lo..' ',-
AOtln$ on these prinolp1e~~%&! dspertment has ruled
that thdhead of a otete oduoati.eniX %itZti&lon:‘iv’aU
,busiaess rhile aitwdi.ng a’mestlngqti Atlanki’r~.Oo~gis;‘bS”‘th4.
SoWixwn’Ao~o2~tlon of Qolle~es~an48soaadrrf,‘Eohaolis~(‘bp~ion
Ko. &2084), ttct tihohead of a State sohool OS enp.inooripgnao
on StatoVa business wh$.lsattend&g:,& meting .&IKew YO?k Oity
dl tb herlo6n Zoofoty of Mochanlaal Enogtneera(Opinionlao.
C=4fS7), that tha had of the husbandry departaunt of e L$+tts
.~ohoclerason :;ti:?.e*s
bualncss ahlle atten&a 2x1Td~onti,
Canada, an Inter-&erioan ounfareno!,for the d+iry industq
(Opinionno. c-4755), that a professor of adf.xhsl husbandry’in
a date school wan on State's buslneae wh21e ettending the
Merioan kopal Livestock Show (Cpinian 100.O-1195), and *iat a
professor in the .:teteUniversity ivason Sta‘tWa business while
ottending in Pnn Fmnoleoo a n~ca+~~ of.ths Adult fduoatlon
.:ootlonOP.-319 W!:tlonalYduOr?.tloujrs~oclation.(Opinlon.!TW-; 1
O-4337). I
The prgoned~oonferenoe lo for. the purposes of dls-
ousslnp,tho problem OS the exohrn~e of students wfth lLex200
.ana OS the ~stabl2stmmntand cont2nuauae of EurxnerNield Schools-
art. m3E4 (e)-eptcffl~allyeuthor2zea thz ~ovsrnk~~ boerde oi
tho various sducsticnal 2nstitutlonsto exempt oortnin students,
fro3 ot&r mtiont: af the ;:mricm oontinunta trim the pay-
xnnt of tuition ffizs. T& F,Cr;snoy clause of this leplslGt2on
-(:ots19cJ, 47th j.::~., p. 3? ch. 9
I!..s., (2) express08 a
ls~islatfvsbelici'tkst "by +mi&q $h;:ifm2l2t2eaOt the
; .
am. cco. 11. r;!ia;..:4xd - p3~0 6
&UCC~~GII~ InstitutlJnS of thfitCOWltry tt ZtUdantS
0: oiikr mtJcnS, e mutual respx3t on6 understen@?npof th9
wople of tlir oountrg a@ of the other natione of the oon-
tlnmt liillke fostered." nt80r0r ae the proposed oon-
fer.~ncerobtcs to a di:;&xuion of WI exchenm of students
tinfeel that it oloorly is state business.
Jn vicn of the broad wi-8 posmmsed by,the lkard
cf !lo~ente
ova the ourrlol;laof tim &ete feaohoi‘sCollegea
end t&i 1atituCewith wkloh the oourtrchew intnrpretedthese
poxnrs, we arc unable to soy that travollng exgensos inour:-ed
ln oonneotionalth the establishingOIpmein~ain$n& &-the
sumor Field :iohoolaare not lnourre&I~~conmotion @tl?..
SiBto business. y.
7- ~. .”
you ardij?sE#peotrul3J
?ierrontsamy bo is+ed In jxyxmht of traveling:expensea in-
ourrcd in oomeotloa with the aonterenos lbote tllsouessd.
mustIn& thtbtthe r0+0w answer% your inquiry,
33 are
Yours iory.truly
OF '2j;L.S
By T /*i
It. Dean ?loorheed