Sbelbyi lE*tensi
rmphXtI#OUtOr A
N&loatien soot1
tlon, ?ebruaxy 21-
expenair be pal.43
Printing~Ftmdr a
be paid fYom the Malntenauoe, Travsl'aab Prlntlng
Fnadrr 0r khe zb3kmtrr orme.” :
Honorable Qeorge~R. SheppaM, Page 2
The othur ir rmm Dwn shulby, rddms*ed to the slxtu
~o$~trbr, dumorlblng the purpowr Qr th6 propored trip aa
“1 an 6aoloribg a lottur miii 8eo*t&y aspw
of thr, Bwrd of Rogenti in vhieh they ha*6 approved 8
trLp vhbh I have plaamd to make to se0 Fraaois~ao to
addrem the Adult Ndwmtlon metion or the Hational
ikltwatloaAawclrtZonr Febmaavy a-26, 8xpamer to bo
gei&'rraarthe Malabenoace,Travel end Prirrtlng mad of
tht~flB~~'80rme. I uadersteadthat in some 0~6s
thwe trlgr, uhn vouahers ~hsvo baen dray21 agrlnnt stat0
Fa&d~,have besn dlssllovad. I UI, thez9fore,vritiag
to got a zwllng on this mttor b&ore the trip In nude.
Th6 ~follovingare the faots vlth referenceto the matter:
% large portionor the Eztwiari ~rarvioo .ofthe
tmlvsrsityof 40x8s aomw uadez.ths clar8Ufaetionof
Adult Eduacrtloa, aad, in ordm that ve nay keep up.vith
the best dovalopnantsin the field of Adult Eduaatlon,~
and may be able to rendm? the most effootivs wrvioe 3.n
the war effort in th%s aoaaa&ilcm,it is Pot ealy de-
sirsblobut necewary thrt those 0r w rerpoasfblefor
thb pr0grmf ehs)cL w-a mtioslal oawing0 and 009 ~bst
is bulag dose 3.a other institutioan and la othm Gates.
I,regularly,hmm taught8 ooursein Adult Edusstiaa-in
the UaJniveraity hwe, and, ror thu last two yeam, I have
'held, End rar this year am pli3lwng to hold, a southveot
?@&CUUl t%llftW6Xl66.oPAdult IfdUC8btiQlhFhi8, Of COUFBO,
ahusaitater our keup2ng: up uith,thebest of the latest
thoughts,’la this field,
'ASI k member ot the Bmartm~t &f Adulb~Eduaation
of thenlfatloaal Eduaation Aash?lfitiqua, I 818rsked oa this
progrmi to~,vork out ror the oomld6ration 0r thd group
a plan iOr:i~JgrofeapiOnsl’Ad~lt
~ucatlOa #orkera Aaaooia-
tioa, a ,X&ion-wide,order. I think It pan easily be aald,
then, that this meetlag, part in it, ahou$dbe
regspdod as m impertontaad ersent+l psti or the work
that I am m%lledupon to do.”
Ia responseto our requestfor additionsl~~lafommtioa
regardingthe benefitsfrom the trip,IMan Shelbyhas vrlttea this
deprtuent ‘eafollovsr
HoaorableOeorgoFL Sheppard,Pagd 3
*I should1Ike to enlarge upen the v8lue to the
U&er8Ity of suoh 8 mestIngas I am propodng to ot-
Awstated in,theletter,I have beon takingthe
leed&ship l&the southvest,not only fop Texas but
even for Oklahomaand New Mexioo, In holding the tvo
3outhvestRegionalConSsreaoeeon Adult Educratlon. !Phe
third of those Conferanoo5 la to ba held next month
here at the University,Mwch.16, 17 wd 18. '?hiscon-
rerenoeIs at$endec%byr&pzurentativeoof InstftutMns
aud agenrrles In the states that are direotlyLutemeted
IA Adult eduoatlon vork. ~The PammatTeethers* Aaeooia-
tbn, the General Fedemrtionor Wuaenst Clubs, the W.P.A.,
t2mC.C.C. Program,the N.Y.A. Progrein, the oolleger
and universities that two engagedIn Adult Education,and
repneeseutetlves'oStha publio mhools in whIah Adult
bduoatPonptigremsare belng oarrIedon. This list Is
not exhaustive,but it vill give yeu eomo idee of the
people vho vould be banefi?ttedby the Conferenoe.
gTheprograrrthMyetr deals spaoIfI~l~vIththe
problem,~Mult Eduaetlon,. How to Get the Job Dono, and
ve vIll .oona#tmk mr attention largelyon problems fraa
the point ,0r .mw -0s the oosmua*ty ittselr, and in airwt
relst~to:thep~saatDefensopro;g‘*emin thebuLldIng
up or oammnlty mom$le In buhalr or the War~effort. The
y&in~I~ besag work9d out at thb time along thuu-
f ml very definitely that the as8ooiatlonI
til &aye vlth loadersfinthe ffeld In this RM.onrrlmeot-
Sag will be of verg-,great,beaefit
in,uorklagout otw om
jwobi9at4 here In thir strrte.~. In ra0t,~vlrile,v0 oan red
about hov 'theva&xu projeoto an bsiq owried,on, it is
next to Impooslble~to have any very d.eSiiiite ldo~ vlthout
talking to tho peopleswho are engaged 2n rimilw enter-
I thIuk the dtreetbemflt, therefore,to the
f6P6AW, and ag pslrtloipstionin the Conferenceprogram
in i%u FrsnoIsco I$ unquestionable.Wbirtevetr X may 30
Able to give, the ~o~Sorenor myself,vhloh I 88~~~9 you
wfll bo snmll,Is nothing oomparedwith the benefitsvhIoh
I, weelf, vi11 got Sor our ovn progmm heiaFs~~In Texas."
SUb80OtiOn,(3) of the generalriders to House Bill lo.
272, Aats of the 47th Legielature,the approprIatIon bIll,fOrthe
educationalLastitutionaof bIgher IssrmIug,providesas Sollovar
BonorableGeorgeIi.Sbopp~rd,Page 8
“fnatitutlonal Reoelptr. XQ paqmrty belong-
to 6ny of the i.n8t1tutionahenln pPwid@d SOP, OP
any agenoy thereot,rhall be mold 0~ dlapoaebOS with-
out the aonseat‘bSits govern&agboard, fmd all pro-
ceeds ~‘PCOI
the salm of euch propmty, Sraa labor per-
Sormd, frcllsthe sale OS materiala,ooopa and muppllee,
Oth@P FeOeiDtB
i37he proceed8OS la3 reoeiptsand Suudn. In roooml-
aaae tith the nrovi~~ionr~of thie Aat. auoh amountmam
they shall de&iineoimsaryfor the.-i+ort, mititenance,
eratlonand improvameat:sof said instltutione.Au
to the eredlt Of lum Of ‘Mdi IrlrtL
tutlonal local ticis at said lastltuti-maor in the
State Treasuryat the end of any Skwal year we hereby
reappawprinted for the above-mentioned purposesfor
the suoo8edingyear.” WxF-- s-d) .~
Subseotion (6) of the generalridert oontstsathe Sol-
“* * * Ho tmvel%ng .exptmsee ahall be lneumed
by?baardme~ibe~s, head6 of .inatitution8,~
or by auy
CkDiOY@8 of 6n~ of the sohoolr. OP other anenaies
iikedhsreln, -hide oraztaldcVoSthe bounikrlecl of
the st8tb of Tsxa8, exaept for State busineae, and a0
tr6vel sban be pexs3mmed outaids the state cxospt
upon the advan~s~vrittcnaonsentof the rchool’aBoard
of RegentsOP directora. Tim term QnrA.ntcn6aoe~,smy
lnoludethe travelingexpeure.* +,*“(!&@a018 added)
~Tvo3,egislativepurposesare apparentfrom theseprovi- that the expenditureof inrtitutional reoeiptsaballbe
pHnmrlly uade~ the dlreotlonarndcontrolOS the governingboard of
the educationalinstitutions, th4.Boardof Regentaof the Uhmiver-
sity oS Texas IIIthe matter before us. The other that,notvithstand-
iag the lnvemtmentof control In the governing board, na tmweling
expense&all be allovsdexoept it be Sor ctatmbuainssm.
Honorable Oeorga B. 6heppard, ?aagS5
Xt affirmativelyapporrr that the Boa& of Regents of
the Unlverait;y has authorlaed the propored trip by Dwa Shelby
and he8 direatod..Qmpaymeat of hf8 tmvoling lpease froa the
a8medfIand8. By aooerrary lmplioatloa the Board of Regent8 ha8
sound th6t the oaiv~r8lt~ or Taxa8 vould be bwMrlted by the
trip sad that It 18 oao rhloh 8hould bo mdo for the bottomeat
OS a dlvirion of th, ln8tltutlon. See Folq ',55
s. w. (20) 8058 Opinion #a. O-1167 by thlr dapsrtwat.
TGD1v101oa of BxtoMl0a of tlw utlber8lty o? '%x68
,hambetoaem integral p8rt of tha laatltutional pro~um rinoe
1909. It hold8 momberahip in the Rational Bduaation A88oolatlon.
The vital servlae rendered by the dlVl8iOlaand It8 varlow bumaw
to tho unlver8ity,tuldto the people of Tex48, i8 vol1luKmI.
see oplnlon no. ..a-1047 by thu deqetmoat. A.s the head 0r thf.8
dlvlslon,Dean Shelby 18 &barged vlth it8 propem eperatlon and ma-
tinued dsve2opeaL Pawgre88tvolBlpP0vewnt and tirs1y arrvlo.8
result from nev pl6a8, mPethod8and programs. A &nwleflga of th6
expelrleaoe and re8\iltrof other eduoatlolul~lartltutioa8 is of
great lmpo~t6ace. Par8oPsl ooafmenaer and the intercb6ngs of
ideas areca8eatial. There advaatagor exist ¶.nmeeting8 8uah a8
the subjeat 0ne of th BlatlgnalHduoatlan h88oa¶.ation.
Thor0 a0aslcbratlolu, and 6a waluatloa of tha xmtterm
de8orlbed la the 1Qttem iMla Dean Shelby, damon8trete,Zn our
opinion, that the propoaed trip vou2d oolultituteatate bwiness
6ndtheexpen8er inoi~tthentoMybealloped~~Mvithin
tha liaitatloarothozwlwt premribed In Xowo Bill Ho.,272, Aot8
oi the k7thLeglrlatuse.
'xotlP8vePy tPuly
P.S.: We return herewith the enclosures accompanying your letter.