OFFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~lo:icrable T. X. Trimble First keairrteat state Superintendent of Public Xnatruotion Au&in, Taxas i&r& oonteineaonsidereble oi;l yin&d~gr~ or produoti0h wi r08a tour non-rerident cmisbrm, woe 0r whom royaltlea. met ita the otatua 0r tan ot regarding the taxln8 or there roydltir8 o ba ooceidsrable oonSliotlng deolaioaa a law booke? uDoas real estate have to be assessed at the sanm peraentage 0r true market talue aa that~ 0r highlyapemle- tive oil propemtiea? -1s a well, brought into produotlon shoe. January 1, 1944, taxable Sor 1944 taxee? It 80, at what date during 1944 f8 it advisable to Oease aiBse8siOg new WdJU? * 677 &morable T. M. Thimble, page 2 Condensed, the qwstlon presented isr Whet is the status or mineral Interest lnsc&r as sabjeotlvlty tca ad +alomua taxes la oonctexrmdof property looatsd within Camon S&o01 Metriot Ho. 25, aaaexsd to the Urando City Independent School Dlstrlot?* That the arin4rrl int8PeSta play be severed Ram the surfaae oS land end siwwtltute taxable property in She hanar or the owner thtweor has long beul ths settled law of this State. Shettfold I* Hog&, 60 S. 19. (2d) 74X1 Tens Company~4 Deu&mrby, ;76 5. W. 717: Stevens Qwutty 0. Mld-Kenses 011 k &.a 00.. 254 . %. SOt and State v. Quintaaa Petroleum Co., 133 S. M. (ad) 112. from the last elted sass S6ats v. QalMaaa Petroloam d nsxel co., supxe,werind three oonmon interests oonsldered and the law ap llsd as ts t&air taxabllitr as sn interes$ in iand. They are as fo e swa: (1) The asual one-e1 hth rsgnlty (say be more or less, rsoordlngto eontxciot) resexve % by ths 1ossor3 (2~) The raea-efghth work1 interest (say bs lore or less, aseordiq to aontrast) pass&g T 0 the lessm; (3) 011 payments, lr presided for, paid out of the worklng lntwwt passing to ths lsssoe. Under ths express holding in thti rase by Jlrdge Smedby all of these oonstlt+ta M fnterelt ia land, subje60 to ad valorem taxes, I$elther ths OonsUtutlon, ths 8tatuta8,nor judlslal determinatl~ has atte ted to lay dm any inllsdble rules 6a to t& psrtinent tas9eors in the detemalnatlon of Vrue and full wmw ror parposes of taxation. Seatlon 1 or Artlole VIII or the Constitution of Texss 1s 1.n pert as lollow8r *Taxa$Ion shall. be equal end Unifornh All prwertg in this State, whethsr owned by natural penons or 6orpoxetlon8, other then mmi~lpal, shall be taxad in proportion to lta value whish shall be esoortelned as niay be Provided by law. . . .s Aftfcle vm, Ssotlon 20, mds in mt as r0110w88 Honorsble T. 'A.Trlslbla,peg* 3 . *No property or any kind In thls Stats shall ever be esseseed for ad valoram taxes at e greeter value than Its Sair cash market valua nor shall any Boar8 OS Xquallzetlon of any go~erment Or pa11tisal BUbddf’JiSiOil 05 taxing diS- trlot within tzilsState i'ixthe value of any propsrty Sor tax 4)~poses at mora Wea its iair ou& market value8 . . Art1010 2792a reads as r0u0iwt qo property &all Im assssaed rer taxss et a valuation greater then its fair sswket value and if there is no market value, &hen ns gmaber thea lte &ins%0 ?alUs.W Artlols 717bt 8. C. a., provldos la part as follsws: *SEaohseperek mroel of rsal pPoperfiy sball~~ 7aiusd at Its true and rull value In ‘honey, exoluain(g the vslue of orop4 growl* 0s ungathered lWrean. *In datsrniinin& the &us snd r\rll value 0r ma1 and personal property the assessor shnll sot adopt a lower or dlsrerent skmdard or value baNus* tks ease 1s to serve ha ~a~ beds or taxation, nor ahsll k adspt as a arit8rlan or ralus ths prloe for whloh suab $Popertp would as11 at auatlw OP a f'aroed sale or in the seyyate 4th all tko property in th%s aounty~ buf hs shall odlr~ #oh tmmt OT lot bp Itself, acd et suoh stunaad prlse as he bsllsveathe s&e to be Fairly worth in maey at the f&as mush assssmsnt is made. . . .* Arthle 7l49, RI C. S., 1s as folltvusr "The term, ‘true aa6 f%U. tsXus,* whemmer smU shall baghsld to axmn the ralr m&irk& value, in cash, at the pZeoe where tb property to whloh ths terra1s appyllsd &all be at the tiae of’ asse8ament,being the prloe whioh could bo obtained therefor at private 8ale, and net at loTOed or auction sels.w It 16 obe0m4d rmi en exenbetion 0r these oon*tiSu- tloml snd statutory provl~lon~~that the term %mrket vRlu@", *ON& market value", and *true and SrrLlvalue in aonef', 61'8used, and the rule is laid dowa in 40 T~I:~@~z. 150, that them tsZ'ms are held to be synonpm~us~ Lionarable 4. U. Triable, page 4 You are tharefore advised that all roal estate, or any intereat therein, is to be assease6 against the Owner or onnex8 a-te valuation n6t greater than its rair Oath aarket I>. vslue. It is imaterial whether tha fnterest la in the land, lnoluding both surfaae and mineral@, or in sithos the aurfaoe or ninerala. What is the Vair oash mark& valueg” of’ a prtlau- lar treat OS land or any prtfaulax latersat thsrsin at a &van time la always a QUs8tfon 6f taot to be diateralned from aL1 the faotr end airawtalloe8 pwbalalng thore$e. We trust that the tOregOlns la 8Uiifilent to s&e it dlmr that a mInera: lnt+rut in land, whether it be in tha ~nature of a royalty, oil payment or the working intersat, la rubjeot to ad wlorem tame by the owner. Taxer are an*eaaeU and paid upon the valw&tion aa Ot January 1 of ths year ror whlah the ea8eeeunent1s nmde if dozm br the Ooaata A8renser-Colleetor, 0,): aa at the date firs4 b the Board ef Trusteea of an la4ependeat who01 dUtrlO6, 12 the iI IStrict ameBae8 and eolleeta lte own &X08.