Ron, WBI84. Tfdcer, Page 2
Hon. W. )a. Tucker, Page 3
Grand juries empanneled In the
DIstrlit'C&ts shall enquire Into misdemeanors,
and all Indictment therefor retiuned into the
Dlatrlcit Courts shall forthwith be certified to
the County Courts or other lnfeslor oourts, har-
ing lurisdititloo
to try then for trial;
(Also 8fbSeo. 27, Art1014 V of the Stat; l l"
Artlolea 419. 424, 421, 422 and 1014 vernon*s
Annotated Codd of Orl&l prooadu~ read as rd.l~~:
*Artlola 419. upon the riib43 or an indict-
Wnt In fh6~dlstlUt oollrtwhloh.ohargea an.offenae
wer whloh auoh oOrxt has no jurl~dlotlon;~he judge
Of suoh ooOFt &halL.make an okde~~tranafemlag,thi'
6ame ,to euoh lnfe~ior rixmt au auqharp jurls~a.liMon,.
id-Sting $~i &oh ordat.%haoayse tranef?rred and to
what oollrttraqsr~TriBd..”
*Artiolk &O: Oauee@ .pver wbloh ju.etioes Of
t‘i;speaoo .ha*~‘.~J~s~otion & !bi,.thru*&*d .*a’ .:, ‘.
a justlOez Oi4he peaor!at the 00u11fy+eat.,,,.or,.‘@
the -diclomtioa ot the $u&s., to a ju~tto6.Of e@~
preolnot~ln.~hSoh the aanio 4an‘be~lnost oouvenlentlg
tried, as maa appwr. b;Pmorandqm i.ndoreM g; ‘ik
@alid.Jurg on the ln~latmant or othenrisei
appear to the judge tbht tti, ~f6tiSei ~4~~~44n~OOlE- :
titted la any ,inootporatrd town or oStpi te oawe
ad,l be transfsrred to a fuatio4 lnx3atd town'or
o$~y,:li.~tliex%~beqnclShemin; a&any juEtio0 to
w&n &oh oati may be tnneferred &aZl hat4 dW%*-~
4iotlen to trj the vi"
‘Bon. W. Ed. Tuoker, Page 4
tared In the oourt In wNoh said aause is tried,
In the event of a oonvlction,*
*Article 42%. Any oaae so transferred shall
be entered on the doaket or the court to whlah It
$6 tr4nef4rr4d. All prOa thereon shall be ls-
cued and the defendant tried es lf the aaee had
originated In the aourt to which It was transterred.*
"Artlole 1014. rvhena orlmlnal action or
prooeedlng Is taken by appeel rrom one oourt to
another, or whenever the came 16 In any other way
trrm6f~rred.from oae oourt to another, ,lt shall.
be aO~CiQpaPiledby a oomplots~~bill or all~oost6
thit ba~e~aoonted thex65.n, oertlffed to and 6lgaeb
.by'thg proper offS$er oi th6"04uti'fXWn whloh +e
-6' $0 fomr(l*&;jl
Ywe very truly