‘o- 6144
&onorablo R. E. Joaes
ccunty AttoPney
Polk county
~vin@iori, Texas
plicablllty of tvo
othm, Article 197 of the
stabllshtis the venue in the
a the charge sgainst the occused
P the statute dealmE; vlth delingusnt
C by, Section 7-A of the dot (Yectiou
1, V.A.C.S., supre):
Bquoreble B. H. J0n.., pe&e 3
CICiP.) lupra, is a venue emtut. oalr. ~P&,CO~~ of the ~,
courty~ flret lndlqlag one Sor Ohe thelt etqulr6~ jurledic-
tlo&, cud en accused, ~eeertlag hie .?ight to be tl’lsd ln tbt
coutkty, deprives the sowte of other aountlei Oa jurledlo-
EiOt3. PaWee VS. st8t8, 54 4~x. cr.~ 15. ,597, 98 s. u. 861.
hut it bee been regeated,ly held thet proceeblage
wider Artlale 2338-i, V&non*8 Atuaoteted ClvLl Statutes, are
civil in nature. It ha. beau meld:
,‘, “T& deliequenoy pmeeedlag of Pour-bill
(~eferrlng tombhe Aat nov uadmr oonmi&oratios}
1.. not I.0 uly ‘eenea a orlmlnel proe~e4Jutloa --’
lt 18 l civil prouedure. . . .” (opltion 20.
0966, AttorneJ @eaeral, Hmreh ” 19438 0p1nl00
Ho. O-5786, Ibid, JIWU’J 28# 19( 48 Oplaion .w.
0-S’I79, Ibid, Aueurt la, ItiS).
Aiy Spp8l SF08 the letlw Of the trial oourf llee,
aot to the Court of Cririaal Appeele, but to the
We heve come to the coeclueloa thet there 1. no
queetlon but thet hctlolr -A OS Artlale 23%-l, lupra, glvee
exclue.lve venue to either 1 1) the county of ectuel reeldewe
OS the ohlld; or (2) the couaty uhereln th eloqe ~conetlsutlng
said ohlld e dellequent ohlld Yore ooUt8ed; thet the venue
statute in theft 6aree generellr (Art1018 197, C.C.P., eupmi)
is llmltad to eririnal woeeoutlone; t&t l juvenile delia-
quawy eeee 18 8 olvll mweeedlqa end not 8 orldnal moeecu-
We 8180 ere of the oplaion that l Oeuee 0S ectlon
arlaee wheu the theft 18 comltted a#ul llnce there 18 but one
act on the pert of the child brlugtng the aaee within the de-
linquency p@oaeedlnge land t& t lct oacure vheu the property
.le taken, by virtue of geetlon 7-A. eu$re, Phe case of the
dtate leeklng to intervene In behalf of it8 erring ward 18
properly prought only (1) in the county of the juvmlle*e
actual reeldewe, or (2) In the coimty. where the child orl-
giyllp takei the property rlth the Icbterrt to deprive the true
ovner of the value thereof.
Eoaorebbls R. R. Jones, pap 4
We do not imply thct GVOCIi.n a juvauilo delin-
quency CWS; the VGEUC quest$on nLg!lt not be valved. &Yom
redin& your lettar WJ c0nc.h.h au& ualver to hmv,? beea
probable la the ca+&mti3ned by you.
Yours very truly
I -