Haoorable Ben F. Thorpe
county httorney
sourry county
Snyder, Texar
Dear Sirt
on the above matter
has bsen oareiul te from said request
a8 followsir
statement of
uly eleoted Public
of scurry county,
ch &ded Decemiber 31,
Holmes wae elected Pub110 Weigher
1 of Sourry County, Texas, f Or
&January.l, 1943, whlah term
ember 31, 1944, and has duly qualified
aking oath and slaking bond as rrqulred
vhs pt30ple 0r m3of.tiot Ho. 1, of Sourrr
County hate never abolished the 0iSic6 of Bblic
%eigher in the manner provided by Art. 5686,
Vernon’e’Ann. St.
-. .,
2 754
Honorable Ben F. lM?pe pago 2
“Snyder ie the only towa In Prroinot No. 1,
“-yoi Scurry Coaoty and it doss not handle e eufiiclent
quentity of any o? the oomoditiee itsmiaed in Art.
5681, Vernonfs Aaa. St. to authorize Covexmr to
appoint Pablio 3eighers.
Tt. L. Terry la manager df a narehouee, looatsd
in Preainot No. 1, of Sourry, aaid uaxehoaee being
privately owmd, where oommodities, aspeoially oottoa,
is rarehoused by the general pabllo and a fee ahargad
%ti. L. Terry 1% stt6mptiag to qaaliry as a
l Publio ‘#sigher* undtlr Art. 5704 Vernon’s
Arm. St., snd he &as pre%ehted hia bond to the Coa-
miasionere~ Court of Sourzy ‘County ior lt,a approval,
not-with~standing the, faot. that %aid Artiole prt.vides
among other things, that~;-*I%plaosa where thera %re
no publio weighera appointed or eleoted, any persoa who
rhall weigh cotton, eta,, for co~ion shall be
required before waighlng suoh produoe to enter a bond* +
In the case of Precinot IIt+ 1, ot Soarry C&mty there I
16 an eleoted and qualliisd mblio ui8lghsr. for said
Vor yoti arai&anar 1 oall, atteation to the
holding ot The Amarillo Court of 31~11 Appeals In
the oese of Uartin et al., vs Boy, 234 5. ‘X. 698,
in whloh it held ‘that my person had the right
to parsue the oooupation of weigher for the pabllo
and that the bond reqalredd sash weigher is the
band provided for in Art. 7834 Can. T%xa% Statatrs
1920. (Art. 5704, Revised Cioil Statute8 oi 1925.’
Vndsr the above holding i.t alearly appears
that any one might enter into the bualnese enterprise
oi’weigher for pablio hire by making e good and
eaffioient bond, regardless of thefaot that there
1s a duly eleoted Public Veigher, Ualy quelirled,
for the %ame Frealnot, and it would be the duty Of
the Coamiaeionere* Uourt of said County to approve
the bond or suah person ii the aeme were round to be
surfiaient under the law.”
Honorable 3tan P. Thorpe P’s4 3
; =
This 3epaztzaant hw wrlttan seoaral opZnlon8 relstfra
to tits rleht of .m lr,dirfdusl to qu3lif7 aa I waf;l.l’,lsr ior
t&e wbllc under .'irticlc 5704 7. A. C. i’. , ~~or.Ie 8ooh
op&mt bring O-51 and C-43, aopii?a of a:::c!i.are hrrrawltlt
It was fald fn s&Z opinions that angFps?son zg
qualify as d wsi:.ha: for the TJSlia f2- ilL;c? atder mid
hrtiale 5704,. end uslgh for the fublio ior oozpmeat1z.n
irres;ectloa as rhatiter or sot thare ad regularly elaatkd
or appobtsd publlo wi~,b~ts ia t3s &se pcal;lcC. It
is tw opinion, thararore, t::nt the Cocmisslomrs* Court
of Sourry County 1s authorlzsd to npyrova &ho bend of
z l L. Terry a3 publfo =el&)raz’ of rrrsclnat I:o. 1 of rraurry
Cost&y Texas, ander tha fiats ytxtad by pou and aa
aathorh in raid Qtiols 5794, seld bend bein other-
u?ea m.fficiant.
m23tiw thst thin eaticfaatorily 3OlHQW6 your 13-