Honorable R. Il. Ulnahip, Jr., 8uperintePdent 3
Oatearlllo St*te Who01 t6E Bow
aatowzlle, ax88 \
( \,:
Dear MS: opiniorr lso:-04 ‘i
au: InteBpret8tlon or the laot
paragraph sf.?ectaux l3,
hnato Bill Hdz 44,‘~-Aotr
./‘ofthe 4dth &gi&Uture,
/ IIplar 8eSSlon. A’
x0rp mum r0l?Okd’&&~~~lr, thb bm~b0~0 08p-
ttoued tnatter haa been reo6lvod b,j.ulLs dmpprwasnt. lie quoto
from your lettcrr u rollomr ‘\ v, ,*’
452 “’
Bmorable R. R. WSxmbip, Jr., page 2
- .
. . ..
‘If no jury 1s Qaandod, tha Judge ebell~ro-
teed Tit21 the hemur& When the prooeedlIlg La ulth
a jury, the Yerdict shall 3t8to Vhether the jUYtile
ia a ~ddinqurnt mldc vmaan the maning 0r this
Aot, and ir theJudge or jury tad8 that th6 Qhlld
1a dellaquu& or othet’ulse Uitlztn th. ~OYlaiOM
or thla Act, the oourt nay by order &ul~ entered pro-
0m a8 r0u0vn:
*” . . . .
“(2) Commit the ohlld to a slritable publio in-
stitutlon or agenay, or to a aultabla privets lnstl-
tutlcia or 8gfana~authorized to on&e Ioz ohlldrena
or to place then in euitablo famllp htamb or parez&t-
al hCiWSfor a!&1Pdstmte p?Niod Or tine, ZiOt
age 0r tventy-cnu3 (21) x0erwi
a. . . .
iUh&rer the oourk ah@ll wmxalt a ohlld to
any .inrtitutlon or sgenoy, it &mll tr4mamlt vlth
th0 order 0r caanitmeat, a wm8ary 0r It0 worma-
tua oc~~~orning8uoh ahad and &iv8 at the order or
oomltnmnt the birth date of the ohlld.or attach’
therato..a aertiiled copy of the birth certltloate.”
Seotlon 3 of raid Senate Bill 44, rem28 in part aa
r0u&3 I
. . . 2hetem’delin~usatcbfld’mea1~any
haala person wmr the age of ton (LO) years and
wer the afg00r 0ighmn (ia) yeaa aad ~la;rtoal
por’eonover the 8 e 0r ten (10) yaarr aud under tho
age of seventeen t 17) yaarsx
“(a) vho violate8 any p lfni or thi8 state
0r the grade or relonyj
“(b) or vho vrolatea any lxnaal lau of this
state or the wade o< mlsdmaeenor where the pualah-
ment pzmcrlbed f’or suoh osfenae maybe by confsne-
sent in jail;
ficnorable R. PI. Wuhip, Jr., W. 3
“(0) or who habitually violates any m 1.~
OSthis wxt0 0r th0 grad0 or iabdeaeanor
th0 puaiw0a pcesoribed r0r 8wh 0rr0n.0is by
pea-m f- -41
‘(d) OPuho bebltuelly vlolat.8 any penal or-
dinance or a poluiaal subdivlrlan 0s this atate)
*(o) ar tmo habitually violataa a ccspclsory
mhcfol attmr\snnelav ai t&is statej
* e(r) al- vho habltmlly 80 deport. bAneeli 88
to 4ure or endanger the norala or heaUh of him-
“(6) or vho babltually asscclater with vlolou3
und6rth0t0m3orth0 a
delinquent boy i8. fmmitte~ 30 a,
hs 8hau be 0~0~ th0 8g0 or ten (10) yearr and unaer me a66
3r sev0ntoen (17) yeara.
Paragreph(2),ReotQxLl3, prcvlder thatadellIiWe&t
child ~axxb0 acamltted to a publio lzxatituticn ior aa lndeter-
nirute period of time, not eztendta& beyond the time tbe cblld
3hall reach the age of tusnty-ome (21) yearem
St It aandatcry that the btith date of the boy be
glve~ ln the conmltment or a oertlrled copy or the blsth certl-
rloate attached thereto in order ror tbe 3upeclntendontto bo
in a poeltlon to deterane whether or not the boy le ellgfble
for admleeion to ‘said lnstltutlcn. Further it 1s Xmoosrcrry that
the 3uperintendent reeeloe the above LllfbFEIotioLLin order t0
deteraine vhen the boy reaohea twenty-one (21) years of am,
00 tbet he say release him rropl the lnetltutlaa.
In adciltkn to the above, 3ecticn li plainly provldea
that the date of blrthehallbe inaluded inthe wXmlt.InexatOr
a certified copy or the birth certirluato attached thereto, end
ft is very obvious that the CtitmeAt le not comp~eto end in
complienco vlth oup StatUtea u&L886the birth dat0 1. contetned
$;z:; or 8 oertlfled copy Of the birth oert+ficeto attaabed
2cwrabla R. H. Wlnahip, Jr., pego 4
Invleu of the ffsef~o%ug,lt2m the 0pinionoftM.a
depsrtmn~ that the Sqm’inturciarrt ahall refuse to reoeive 8
boyOolaattedtot&a~tesvl.lle stat. sohoolfaFBoy8vh8nt&e
ocormittlag oourt rclll8 to eve, %a the order of ooml~t,
tha birth date of the child or attaoh thereto a certlticd oopy
of tbo birth oertlfioate.
Although it ia amdatmy on the oourtto trpnsnlt
with thaorder or oaslpltawaat
a mumary of f,nhrrmtlou ooncma-
Ing the ok&l& 8uch iaforaatloa3.8 not a prt ai the 0omltaQeut~
‘. It 1a thawrare our opinion that li the oon88Ltment
omplias vith the twms of QUIPatatutsa inoladillR tha date of
bf&th or 8 certified 0013~of birth asrt:tioate, t&e ;Jupe~ls~Gznd-
ent rwl receive the boy, au13t&e above desoribab lnform6tlon
can be rsoelved at B ltbter date.
Very truly youra
BY $Le. a-4 $7 ’
s. C. Dwrlr, Jr.
23, 1943