Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . 413 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLERS mrom4rr GENCRAL ~enorabl~ Bowlen Bond county AttorneJ Flwsatone countl Teque , TsxaI DeBI'Mr. BOnd: Tour request for an opinisr from fOY 10101 "On July 9, 1948, Joloo Terry, ages 10 and 18, re reside in Llne*tone Count glory of t.heEoathern Pa0 Fortham, In Freeat on the same night glarlos in Merl were apprehea stone Cormtyr 3th day of JuYft quemt ohlld, and dl.s- em by oormnitting the 01 to Individuals b Cimestone omed that the judgment of the whiob I bare not been furnished, of these boys until tbe7 beerat 21 lotlon barn been taken against *Ilo the boya In Freertome County- s8eatlon 8, Art. S338-1, Ternon's Annotated Statuterr l m amatded, providea ln Parts .. 4i4 *%a JmGUletlon ohalY hare boa obtained by the oeurt in tbo 0080 et aa7 Oblldr sob ahlld da11 ooatiaoe under the jurlsdiotlenof the ooart until be kooaao twaaty-On. tP1) yoara of ame tm- 100s fIiaoRargedprior tboreto; a~* aentlaued jur- idlotion ahall,borovor# la no mmamerzju&Sy lr aonetltuto a bar to anbuquaat 1p $dd loa preeadlags a#@art mob ehlld uador the prmla- ien0 Of thle AOt.' -6eotiea 6 et Art. ta36-1, of sold Aot pto- video ia part: ,'X'beJu~a~lla Wart havia jprladl~~iauai a ahlld - Wandertbo ease to the Jaren1l.a Court ~, of the Comlr is whlab the ahlld la p@aOntlt reaid- lag, and shall wad traaroript of reaordm at the Judge of the etlirrWart, ablah aball be tiled la tha otfloe et the olerk o? -oh oeautg. sYaestlon: Aiter the ld~udlaatlon of a ehf,ld to be a delinquent ohlld lm tba Juvallo dour* in one County, oomittlng tbo ohild tpfll he baoom~e 21 Tears of age, doea tbe Juralle Court of laatber ootmty loqulr0 Juriullatlonof a6b abild upon a petition tiled aubmequant to tbe ldjudieatloa in tRo former ammty, baud on ?eYanlOas aoh oommlt- ted la the latter aotmty prior to tbr ldjadiertloa in the former oount~?' It la the opimlen of this dopartamat your qtteatloa d10u1d be atimered In tbe aegafite. ..~, 6aotloa 6 Artlole &3-1 Rerlaod Cl+11 Statute0 (Ver- non's Innotated Btatuten), whiob you quote4 ampbati~ll~ rates that ab~a juriadlatlon ahallbare bosm obtaiaed by the oourt ln the oac~eof an7 ohlld, .nuob oblld shall oontinue under the jur- fapit?en of the sourt mfil he bowmOs tmnty-one years o? lge# . It till ba oboewad this juriadiotienwbloh abidea for the time dated lo over tba m, rot tba partieufar ot?anse or eat with tiiob the ahild la oharged. It 1s a roll-settled prln- oiple of law in thlo stata, tRat whare a OOurt of aampatait Jurlm- dlotlon first loqulrea jurladiotloaof tbe abject wafter, it baa exotusire firlsdlotlaa thereof to tbe and of the proocadiag* cferefand ‘1. Ward, ZSII 8. T. 1063. 41: gmorable Borlom bond - page a Our oaaolodea la ompel1ed by tbe aubjoot or pur- pa ltatod la the tltlo to Benate BIYY Ho. 44, the Aot in qoew *ioar am tollorei ,Aa Mt. the purpose of wbloh la to *bongo the mUled tar baadllag delinquent Mldrea from the preeont awlrlaal proaeduro to gmrttlanrhlp in ardor to aooura tar eaal~ ohlld Oortag wltb- In tJmAot aeb onret ~ldmoo aad OOatrOl as +I11 sarvo the oblld a woltareand bomt lator- eat ot tbe Stat01 l l lm. Tbo latter portleaof seotloa6, aothorialng aubae- or addltlonalprooeodlngm a@aat qutlent mob oblld la not at 811 lnomalatent with tbe aonatruotlon we hate @tan, but ir mbordinata tboreto. and auob mabsequent or ldd.ltlonalprooosd- hga dmald bo lnatitidod in the oourt baring OXOhIdTe jurls- dlotlon# or. I? such 8ddlflOnOl prooeadlagshould be lnatituted in another eoQIIrtr it 8ould bo rOSJOTod upon propor plea ot end- ing ault to the oowt bariag tlrat leq ulr ed jurlsdlotlon.PClore- War7 truly pure OS-MD