Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I I’ AUSTIN fleoaable WI A. Davis Stat0 &*gbtr*r Stat4 Board of 3Ualth Awtln, 2um bar slra iionQrable ii. A. rnVL8, pEgI2 2 ^ C Lionarab k’. A. Davis, paec 3 is.aAy, v1tb the rdopU0n doares at th4 Court ma sadh~alad~aluigemeyba opened on.Q uponorder OS a .Courb of ~30~4.. Upon reolotptof BQW of eanul- nientof crdapfioa;*o6ld R4 Lstrar oi Vftal btatlrticr -31 rc8tors tha origina$ napw al tha ah&Ad rpd ?.he Aolwl QP hi.8neturol prrent8 or pzwlt to t&a rcacmi of birth OS euch ahild. Pravldwl furSher that e4optIon rarbauacler sr28tlng 18u pior to tize p8r98g4 of W8 Aot, wey be Ngf8t4F44 *it& the Bwoau OS VAtal Statiotlos uperasvor~ appli68tm4 of sither adaptlvo parent or guardlea of the aQepW3 ouM, shou th4 Aam on4 eddr-48894 OS the aatula parantai ff knmm, or of the ahibId' next k&n, She Qate of bLrth aa4 the noptQOS ruab ahiLd before ud a ttalt%qtimr, r the nma8 an4 ad4romses of foeter goats, to@hdmX’ Wi+& proof Of adopt;lC#, either bT cartLI;ed copy c# the reatml of the aStidwit OS aQoptiori,or the Court or&r OS auoptlon.’ 'phfo58 the only prevtsror~ot our Mv permlttlag a roglstretton suah 810the on@ aolrt@apUtsd by the oertlfiaats eubaltte4. TtaWwly cont45plaScr a legal 44aptio~, anblays doVn apeaitio awquirswsnt;s whzoh Pwt be fulSil&d prior to the regZetration. '&a certifti64t,o rubritted doe8 not SuUiU thaw r4wlrom6rst8, It L8 not a aertifisd oupy of an osiw of sdop- tiOA, &OF 18 it 0 SVOl-A8ppli6asiOA at 4~thrr adO<~VOm4At or guar