Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

TIE ATTORNEY GENERAL Dar Irr Opinion No. 4-5410 Rc: EffecUw date of bill LUcd In the office of riccretxry of Sbte wtthin tea days (Sua- daya excepted) from d&e prc- mati to Oowr~t. You bxve recently tcpuoskd the o?Moo of thie depertmcot u to whether our Opintoa No. O-5185 with cctarcace to the effective dxte of Houec Ml1 No. 52. Acta of the 46th Lepirlature, overruler our Oplnioa No, O-571 u to the effective date of Howe Bill NO. 170. iicb of the 44th Lcgweturr. Both billa. carried emergency clauaer with provlaioas that lucb btl&o lbould bechne lffecUve from md after pu~age. The rc- spcctlvc bth peered US two how86 wltb l two -th ir ds record vote. i Both ware fUod in the Office of the Secretrry of St&e without the Gcwer- nor’s +uture, and wli?dn tea dsyr (Sund#y excepted) from tbc time each bill ~8s presented to tha Oovcrnor. Under the circusnkace~ l outlined it w&s the holding ta Opinkx~ No. O-571 that & bill become lsw only after the cxpir~tion of tea days (Suadxye excepted) from the day it wu preeeated to the Gowrnor. ,B Opiaioa No. O-JlO5 lt wu held. under the same cir- camstuues, thst the bill became effective upon fte belug filed ia tbe Gfficc of tbr Secretary of State, when the bill wes so filed witbin ton *ya from tbo date It was presented to the Governor. R is ia the reepeet pointed out that there ie aa obvious coaflict between the two OpioiOlU. For the reuons skkd in our Opinione Nw. O-5310, O-532? and O-51$5, our C3+ioa No. O-571 le hereby expreuly overruled. rours wry truly. ATTORNEYGENRRALOP~EXAS BY: E. Q. Phrrr