tlonomble iioy toventhol, Chairman
Livestock San.Itory COmr;iiesiOn
2002 W. T. Vaggoner BuiMing
Fort Yorth, Texas
Dear AU. Lovcntiml:
Pour lettbg of J ts for an opin-
thor the appropria-
tion to the on by If. B. 286, 46th
Legislature, o chase tick era&i.-
cation and dip urchase spray pu,IIps
and hose, tol3ti WI in test&n!: tip-
ping molution5, pmnts OS such arti-
onal Dictionary, 2d M., de-
rt as follows$
or the parts, goods,
\. st?qek or the l+ko, or w(lich anythiry is com-
' yef,or r;;n3e; pi3 raw material .*
'.,, 0 (4+).~~Th&pp3ratu8 cr inplenents neccs-
s3Fy'q.e thq,3Loing of anything; afi, writing
You advise that spray pumps and Wise ore necessary
for t&e purpose OP applying dip solution to sick ;md crippled
livestock, baby Calves, :vork stock and horses and cattle of
extremly id@ value, den it is ixiqwacticrrble, or clemeil un-
irise CG put CIiC%i through t&e Vat. Te6tfng gtigets and mater-
ials 31-c obviciusl~- necessary tl: ic the LDOrk.
Iionorable Boy toventhal - page 2
xou %lso 8dVhe that for 6 number of ymrS you
have purch%sed suoh things from your appropriation for
Qdip mterial* , :m.I such purchases hnve not been question-
ed by the CO~~ptroUer. Xou state tliat ciurinq the mame
period Sroigbt un such Item baas been paid from tba same
ayproprlation ,
POur question is ax&wered in the %SSirmbtive.
The word l nubtiwialo, as lndlcatti above, may esibr%ee the
iwlmeuts or apparatus necessary to do a ptarticulor thing.
Dep%rtniental construction has attributed to it this mean-
ing in cuunbction uith the %pproprlations to your Depart-
tieat from t&w? to time for *Up iader161g, and since the
ph~%sc is bbv-lously susceptible of such constructlon, we
reC;ard oursslver; 0s bound thereby*
With regnrd to tho iteDI of freight, you are ad-
vieed that such x&%ybe ~b%r&@ t0 the Qdip ri@teri%ls’ %p-
i>ropriation, sinae it Is an expenditure neee6eory to ef-
Sect t&e purchase or ecquuisition 0S the mster.l.als riientdon-
. .
it, vi. Rb~rOhila