Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS' AUSTIN Eonora~e L. P. smallin Asr3atarh8 OcmntyAuditor e&i8r~oounty S&20, Texas out. ot the otnulty, edbre and by whom ssor ~appdnted? aboveQw4tIon mill rifff6 Jri W6 818Oted COUnty County and served for the year the latter part of 1942. w66 t oppoai,bionfor,a 66oond term. ,.. but.before the general efeo- and entered Govern- 11a6 !i'eE(Llt, 8 ap&bOilld hi6 6UO@686oT~ b&Or6 leeviqg, and refusea to tssigm without the a66ur- an08 that his oholoo ~666ire the ,aWfntmeat. !fh%sa66uranoo has not been given and hi6 apgointee 1s aotiiag 5.nthat oapaoitiy, "The cOEld66iOll8C3 (%xmt asked ms to get pOW Opifk~Wla8 t0 the 18igdlity Of tili66&UWiJltlaemt, 485 486 %b68&lO8 oilbW%lW66 Of th8 stat0 Or Of the United statme,6hal.lnot tarrestaZ'8bddellO8 on00 Obtaind, 80 as to doprlte any one of the right O? 6uffP6438,Or Of beIn$ OhOtOd Or appointed to any ~t~~~~r the exoeptiona oontaI&ed In thie Goa- 6~8tlon 4, Artbl.8 16, of th8 State Oonatitotlon pZOTid86i *All ol+ll offlOer8 ahall reside dthfn the 6ttlt8fand a df6tI'iOtOr 08UUty OfflOOr within th8iT di8triOt#of OOUtktiO6,Md 6hhallkeep their offion at 6uoh plao86 a8.w be repaired by law; and-fa%luro to ooqly dth tL s oondltion &all raoate.'thooffloo so hold." With IF8forbWe to Seotion 14, Art1010 16 of the %6t8~&%l6tItilti6u, it IS 6tat8d in th0 0680 Of Bafingor et aI* Vi'.Jtank@,,299. w. 2fqt :. ". . . phi6 prO~16fQll Of th0 0066~tUtiOll, in 110~'fEe as itsrelatsa to the phO8 of roi?&leno8of th6 88VOZR1 Otat8, eli6tdOt, f3ild OOWlty OffiO6l.6, ir rdlr-enaotl i tl9n t9 put it n og the oonatltution Is oxpresa in d8olariDg t Wwty Offloer6 shall roeId within their adonti86. m6 prcoTi6iOn.ovideBtlJQOfi66that th8 66uuty mentiawd irrthe oounty inrhioh the ottIo6r M 618@t6d& %%6~ ?O~OWS the d86&W6tiOn, in of- feet that the f6ilUre to 60 rOSid8 in eaid 00tWy ehali raeate the Offi08s The oonetittrtionIs ox- pm68 upon thI6 point. It deol6are6,in 8ff8Ot, thnt ramare to rith it6 term with rofor- @We t0 rOaid8IiO8W btiag about a taaanoy in th8 Off$OO. If (1l1OffiO8r remof from thb OOollIlty, aad estabXi6hor a ro6idenoo elemhore, this Is a feet that, by roamu of the ~pmvialon of the oonsti- tution quoted oaoates tho offioe to whloh he wa6 8186t6d and $0 nhi6h he ha6 qu6lIfIod. If th6 mawal exists, and it I8 pannanent In oharaotor, the oonatltutlon deolaras that a vaoanoy oooura. ff.,68 a faot, a vaoanoy has ooourred, rr00r what- aver oauee It may arlae, the oommIsaIoners~ court f t 487 ftwth8rWtW Of the pU?&iO tatO?96t. The 6w8t6. ‘eiolwi’ ,wta+hovQ not the mthwlty to fudlo~ detamlne a rl&t (pfone to an ofiiua, or to re- now a legally qurziiI6d offSoar from hiu offloo, lbr the $wi86iatton in.bhir matt6r Uor,wltUn th6 MmaBivt, ob(psblMe6 air th6 al*triot oourt~ me owwur 4 thh 0880 that sets up the Judg- nent of W oonmias~onep3~ oabrt drolsrbg that tJ& apprll66 had vaoatodhisi.offioo preeohtsno yaltd gr'legal dofon6o, 66 that oagrt had no juri6- diotion ta adfudloato thle,q,mzsstfon,esoept In $0 far a6 it rPa,yh%W b88Il WOOEWJPY t0 60 iat this faot in ardor for the oowt to aatlefyItself that a o~oimstanoa~ had,arisen the@ authorI68d or re- &red it to appoint 88 offloor to an offfoe they were reqpsred to fill, If a vaoaaoy in faot oxldstod. But the anmar.inavemiag the faotthat the ap- WlQO @d ZWOV84 iron the OOUUty Of hy8tt0, and had,thinby vaostodhis amoe, and tint the court, upbo that fast had~leg@lyamoInted th8 t%PPOllad m-et; and bt he had duly quallfled as auoh ap of&e* ~pro00ntOd00 ieaue Of faot, If true, ‘hi ehro Pii w d h6V8 a?&hoZ'iadlthe OOPrt to ap&ht m to the,offioe, and ah&oh would author168 him &J r&bdmaud hold it oga46t th8 olaIa6 OS am8llee. The a&t&n of tb6 66~66iOm3@8’ ooUrt In appoint- the @p-mat la t0 be detrraain6d by tha thsn 8xi6b aad if thy .OhOwthat the app8l188 hod y rWWV8d fmm the wwty, then a va68IIOy m&t8d,~ 6nd tlm oourt had authority to fill it by a8 appointabnt of Ehlfagor. The amber in this ro6peot pr668nted an f6SUS or faot, and the Ql66tIon to be d~~xq&n& ?rOm th868 tWWUi%Ut%fa, had the appalls* raro*edf~atho~aetmty? If al8 ll66 txul, a teoeaoy &IIthe offloe rosultod by virtue of %h8 ShOtbn Of the OOIiIBkihItiOn dfaoU66e6, and it bsoamo tlm duty of the.00ami68:01~~m' oourt to fU1 the vaoanoyl~The quortton of vaeanoy,in the iUab$ $6 6&e Of ?Wt U Wt!808 under thie provi.. d9n.Of t!k'69n6~dfon~ 66d, if +hi6 ib~@%6 66 a faot, appdJ.86~ Rank& shorn no tight t4 the 0ff206, *.+" ~th8r9ieaWWUkoJt inthe oiiiticb CormtJAt ttw fhmd66hn%m~ Courtia.authorIzod and It is ltr ~ZC 2, appolat 8 8Uooe8eOF to suoh ofiloe, Hovi%ver,thi quetitfonof VlroeaOr,@ thhome&n, is 008,of faot, as adsas mdor Bs~tlon 4, Artiole 16, of the CtitItutIon. YOW6~V~t~ ' &i.4?hYO& APPROV-XE~Y 20, 19% Ardexl~~ A66i6tut