:.. : ,.~
” -.,:. :,‘.
88tlOl& Of thr, Oft108 in
l 0-a 0f aounty Aitt0rn0y.
:.:..>: lw Da r a itt~ th e b u a tl
l-to the aomai8aliorr4?8'
8rn8 of aountt Attorna~ to
y bat lt did not lIt.w tha
88 Wid tbt8. *II ~4-4 in thi8..COMt
~W88 *a884 th.
h8W bald
8Oa8titUtiOUd’ bt r.88011 Of tha f880
ii88 Of COcUtr AttO?naJ W&8 8 8OA8titU- ..
fn -18 OOUEty m. COUlLtf AttotJlO~
ha l
81lNBy8 ::k&E.d tha (LUth8 Of Di8triOt lad
COUAtJ AttOrllOy, DX’O86OtltiAc, 811 OriOltA8l 08808 iA
the Dlatriot, tbtlllty
utd all tuatioa of the Feroe
COWt8. MtChr tbr pOOOp18 +Otcrd 8&8ill8t th. fe8
8y8tU thr 0OI8Eh@iOll~r8 a0-t 8Ot%h* 88&8?1*8 Of
the offlciil84a th18 -8ouaty oa4sr Art. 3912 0, sao.
13, end thi8 OffiOa 18 A~~Op@TAtiA~ UAdOr ttd.8
"Cnder Art. 331 of Civil Gtatutsn an
ilOOiOt~At W-6 a~FOlUtd, 8tlld OrtiUlO prOVidiA& tMUOA~
other thlnge that “at do80 ~111 they shrll hold ofrioam
.!OIlTeplcr Cerllrrls,pqe 2
XaMk,y. tho o#slat.At to hold under the ~111 of
- the FdAOl~R~, the i?OU4tyAttOrAOy. Al80 In
this oonneotion I cite JOU Art. 326 q. Seo. 4
:,and 6 sad hrt, 3902 of the Qlrll Std4lt~8. fa
LhS 8DpOiAtilUJAtthe t!OUnty httOTA6r 6&/W &tin- Dlatrlot AttOrn.~ m@de 8ppliO8tiOA to the
~llm1881OA6?8 hart 8Ottllla Ollt,ttle prOD0S.d
888i8tcmt8 A- Wid 88hTy aA tha hl?t p88.4
au order 00Afb8iA&! tha 8gpOiAt8rAt 00. the lp-
gQUX6TIOM~ CM the Couuty Attorney &/or
CSiosnd DirWiet AttOTA*l WdU tkW 8bOt0 8tAtO-
l8ntof f8Ota, by hi8 0~6 D8?8OA61 8OthA. althoat
then 8M8UAt Or 8pp?OVti Of th 0OMi881Oll~Tl &U?t
OS UQ OthOr Ofii8i81, did86 8tI 8d8t8At 8d
06~80 t&a p8pXtAt Of hi8 88x8~7 8tOppd?'
Ia your 18tt8?
ot fuw 16,.1944,
~talnln; to the
MttQ8 IlrAtfOAsd iA IUIF lOtt8F Of JAA8 15, YOA 8tst8;
'ThU O?i&Bd 8DDli6atiCA aAd WdU Of 8p-
DOiAtEIIt do.8 IlOt 8d OUt U&J dOiiAnit8 trrll f02
tha dUr8tbll O? the 8~pOiat6lMt, the t.l'a ob
ofrloa for thr prloolpel ~66 for l9C3 8ml 1944
lltd tb 8pJJOiatlE8AtOi the 866i8t6At U68 A8dr OA
J8tlw lat. 1943..
mtlf8aIl COMtr 18 Ma Of the OOUAtl88 OO.SJKUiA&f
ths 86th TUdiOi81 Di8tdOt Of rU88 8nd 88id X?OUt# dO88
AOt hVa 8 Dl8trl8t AttOlmq. a4 &OMt, JittoTtlS~ Of kUf=A
COWttr puf~trpr the dutiu O? Dl8t?lOt mad ikW&y AttOTaq 88
ltatsd lJlyour 1.ett.r. It ~i8'8DwT.t i?OA th6 laAt8 8td8d
in YOUr lettar aad t&O 8t8tAt88 8DJd188b1r thUOt0 tbt th.
6OA8tltUtiOA81 off108 Oi COUfltf AttOrAry Wld tha COUAtr At&Pm81
16 tha Off186 8nd tha OffiOUl8AtiOA8d irr rOtU in&~ 6Ad 88
abow 8t@t&, 88id aOU$lt~dOa ,OOt h8VO 8 Dl8trlot AttOrA8f, AOr
doe8 it h-6 (L Qioinal Dirt&et Attornuy.
~fiUfpUn dO?Mtt&8
8 p0 8tbQ Oi )s 308, 8OOOrdiAg
to the 19A,O?aIerd wA8U6. Art. r Jib 8A4 JJlb-i VarnOn'8
Anaotatadcivil btAtUt.8, p@rkitA!; to th8 8 pOilI&XUIt Of aO@i8t-
0A88 t0 OOu Ot~ lttOFAy8 pa?iO?Uirig thu 6Ut f U Oi dl8triOt 8t-
Cornoy8. lt till br not8d th8t the8a 8t8tUt68 ,6S6 AOt 8pp1106-
bh to Xau?mM CoUaty 88 tha popUlstiCA Of 8uoh OOUAty dOea A*
brlnc it nl'thln the b~6Oko~rontiond in th6 fOrU&Oing 6t6tUt68.
YOU Stota tb6t M oadotent ~68 lp p OiJJtd u a dOtar t. 331v.h.c .
i!Orl.Toglor Carlifdc, rmga 3
‘I?liS stetuta prorldtmr
-0Ounty attOrAay8 by OoMsnt Of the Corn-
6118810~~8’ Court, 8hm il haw parer to appoint in
Writi OAa Or IUWO b8818t6At8, AOt t0 8XOad t&U,
fOr their rO8D~OtlW OOUAti*8 who 8tA.11 h8Ve the
86me pamf8, 8uthO?it and QU8liflOatlOAn 8u t&air
prinolpd, at rho86 wi n they 8hdl hold Ofiloe.
Before QnterIAe upon the dUtia8 Of their OffiO68,
they 8hall eaoh t8kr tha offlol~l oath, whioh
8h&l ba MdOr8.d UDOA ahal? 8J?~OiAtMAt, vhIAh
08th and 8ppOiAtrUXt 8b1.l bo rooordsd 8Ad d@DO8itd
iI the OOUAty 01Uk'8 OtfiO8.*
It 18 our OpiniOO t&t when 8 COUlItY AttOrAOf 8~.
@At8 Ul 888i8t8At, b. aU8t d0 80 AAda th6 prOVl8lAA8 Of
hst. 8upru, and Art. 3%2, ~arAOA'8 hnnotatud Civil
St6tUt68. &8t4d another ml, tiUl a OOUD%J OttOMO 80.
point8 M 886i8t8AtB both d tba fOT4 Oin<IOia8 TIs% 331
and Art. 3902) auntb8 0oa8iQad UI~ OOA8trU86 9ogeth.r. UA-
dar the8t 6t6tUt88, th@ 888i8t6At i6 AppOIAtti by the OC6lAty
attorny, with the ocm8ont a~4 8ppror63 of the Comi88I~nar8~
tour t,
Censrilly 8pr6kh&!, l dep u ty or aui8tsnt. whose
tam 18 AOt fixed by hW, Mb IdI0 18 AOt OppOiAtd iOr Ulr
partioular tlms, WJ be raaora4 at will by tha offlou ap-
pointin& him, tiers them I8 no law r*strloting or impeIrlAg
his WthOrity t0 d0 80.
Tha 088a or mlndley et al, V8. Mlorry, 246 6. w.,
681, OUA8truu vaTfO~8 8t8tUte8 8pplIe8blO t0 tha lp p OiIIta OAt
Of a d8pUty pUblI0 rraigh8?, UILOAg Other thlAg8p hOld8, iA @ifOOt,
that 8IAOe thr ~AU ~0~1608 f0~ A0 p8?%1OUl8T dUratiOA Of th8
turn af a drpoty poblio weigher, 8A 8ppOintILWt Or a d6pUtr 18
fCW l tUll ~8XtM8iV@ With bh. t6Atu8 Of Offi Of the WdgbU
who 8ppOhtad him, ~11088 hh8 8ppOintWAt,18 rqroked or other-
till. AUllifid.
The 8686 of lfoepor ve. &mart, 66 9. 1. 26 612,
oonstrulng Art. 2700, in commotion with the other hrtlolrs
Cited IA 8d4 SW@, ho148 IA lr fa Ot1
-That the oountg mpsrlntondant, not the county
8ohool trustsem, la rsatd wlth the poor to eleot hi8
anointant, frm which It rOlbU8 thnt ha nlons hso the
rlrht to alooborga her..
Neither Art. 331 nor Art. 3902, Vernon's Annotated
civil Statutea, protide for aa7 partloular duration of tha
term 0r aaalaknt attormq.
oounty Howavar, cm the armtrary,
Art. 331, lupra, lxpreaaly providaa that usaaalaknt oountt
attorney &all hare the aam pwara, authority md puallflaa-
tlma as their prlnclpal, at whoa sill thay ahall hold offloo.
xa riar of the rorego* wttharitioa,it ia our
oplaia tbet tha eo ua l ttoraq OUI by hia om paraonnl aotlon,
v~It&out tha eonsent or lp rota1 of tha Uomsiaaioa~ra Court or
I any othar orf1oia1, la6aL Py dioabr a9 lr r la ta aootmty
t attorny.
It ?(I Our hIrth8r O&liOJl, tb8t it 8*8888Wf~ fCbUW8 th8t Up&
the ai88ii8d or ai80brt60of an lsslatant eaaaty attorney,hla
ooxipenaetlon would be ltopprd, 8s 8 a&tar of law.
fitlola 326 q., Yamon~a Aaaotata6 Ulrll St8tutaa.
~aatlonsa in your letter wm bald lnvali4 b7 tha Suprmm Court
in the aana xvf HI11 Couaty VI). Shap@ard,February 23, 19U.
Toura tar7 tm4,