. ....
;! )
Honomable J. c. kwdy
county nudltor, Mlchita County
aichita Falls, Texas
Deer Sir:
Your opinion requerr
March 20, 1944, reeUr as iol
8alarler of
the oiiiclal co
wore $2,700.00
Artlcla 8327
lohita County were
at $3,000.00 per
the baeie of $2,700.00 through the
nuary 1, 1944, this was oalled to
the Commissioners*Court, at which
elonera' Court, by order properly
ad, a8 hod been the praatice in the
ieat of uny increase or dacreasa in salariee,ralaed
the aalarlee of euoh reporters iropl$2,700.00 to
$3,000.00 per pnnum, elYaatfvaee.of JanUtiry1, 1944.
The enlary of $2,700.00 wae paid the Reporter8 for the
yeur 1943, ease being peld semi-monthlyand aoaepted
Without oomplaintor proteet.
"Yo,uropinion on the fol1ordng~111 be greatly
IiOaOrabloJ. C. Oowdy, page 2
EoRorableJ. 0. Oowdy, pa@ a
~konorablo J. C. Ooudy, pege 4
to o~~p0nrtloa for tranmrlpt r.08 a8 pr0hied.r0r by hr.
Ioar GoaeImlOne?8~tkolut,
th0+OforO, Wa8~rithO0h authority
to rain UM 8alari88 iror #t,900 80 $3,000. ft8 0rd.r 80
DlWibine Ua8 void. ,- O'?OF--nt8 inVOlTa 8hfStib
-m: oeuuty0rri0idO 0xOO.rlf
:~,gleooM8y~~‘rlght te or the
a(H8ert the lnTalldlty
or&-by. .* tromthm oeuntyra8 tb ralary th&g
JweTlllo u,
l UM th 8 a uo untlxoood tb o la wf\rOOl.
P YPf#-
8ioW Or 8hO bMa8WoP. %e &ttW, in aOO8pting 8uOh.
WOtUt8, if in OX0088 Or hi8 hk*tp1 r808, 00&t&d 3tO8PO-',.
O@iVO-.m$.bOlWiit rmbOX th0 TOid OSd8f. %O WO d 8tiu.
k beW&d 80 ~~iabtrr80.th0OOM8Y iOr WY -8 0~0081 btr
rt0kI00~. .anU 0O0ld wt d0f0at their rooOv0 Under
ah080 OirOW8tMOO8 8h0 aOO89tMO8 Or 1088 8hM W08
ontitled be ought 1108a8 l ~r a tto0r
? &r to proollide
hiitiroa.aCtomnod8 @manding the balano0 to which he
+ + 8 The ooantyowed hia ab-
balano0 OU~D&~ (wPba818 -8)
Vho prori8ion*.or the 8tatUtO autbarIsina(
to fir the 8alaryat any 8~5 nob
la88 than a oertain msas, andaotmnethanao~
maorebli 5. C..Qowdy, page 5
war8 at 8hOir di8ore8loo
S iwthoX~ar8uW 8ha.t#X%X 80 JM&ary 1, 1944, 8he
baa been ropoxlyrlxd
lb b,700. We
@ourt ther&rtar, sna
an order r0rt he pa-8 or
ai (8,9m ~PX MBUB and ‘0~8
=; tt@- .8~&ll8 II=
-0 valid and legal. llot
haTw b8M.OhW@ by dia wdox ox~oxden or raid. Dlotrlot
Jud~8, the* hwe rinoo“31.’
t lx bop8+n
” boon in toroe ankerr6ot.
baot lwolvo~ la thlr 09lnlon,we
While tb aa8ter
8.riO~.qPMtfon 8& WUtitUt$OM~it~ Of th0 PPOV181OB8 Or the
&88 paXmph 0r *ial& 8884O-,;mumk : a8 uoll a8 that part Of
it8 rir88 paxa&rap&*ioh XOd8;ed rblio*r¶
-+ * + or ia 8he 418Oretioaor the c0ml8-
8hwr8 Cwrt,: 0~8 oi the Jwy Bwsd of raid #tunty."
~n~idp 0r 8M rw0m~~w anmer8 aroneoe88err80
tb8 pu08tion8fqmitted+
maoreble 3. 0. Qeldy, page 6 4 339