Bonorazle J. M. Wlllla1118
county Auditor
Tarrant County
Fort Yorth, Texas
Dear sir;
Your request for 0 reasived and
carefully aonal&re& by this qUOt8 fl’Oa YOUr
request am follawr:
'b$b.&d.i~~ department8 in County or Dia-
triot tS$loes 11 reoeive not lerr t&ala @,5CO.-
00 per
"&me the la8t part of first plr8&raph Ist
the maximus amount of salaries of department
Subdivlrrion (h) of Section 19 of Article 3912e,
Vernon’s annotated Texa8 Civil Statutes, applicable to OOUD
ties hcuiw a population lu BXGBIIII of 1~0,000 inhabitant8
Honorable J. IL WillMtas, page 2
eccordlng to the last preceding Federal Census, and applicable
ta Tarrant County, Texas, reads 13 p8rt aa follcva:
“(h) Whenever any diatriot or county offi-
oer, or prec&zt officer when such offioer ia
compensated on a salary baala, vlth the oxoeption
of district attomeya and crMna1 dlatrlct at-
torneya, ahall require the lsrvloea of deputlea,
aaslrtanta, and employee8 in the performance of
hla dutiaa he ahall apply to the Coaaalsalsnera~
Court for authority to appoint auah deputlea,
aaalatanta, and smployeea, atatlng by SYO~Aappl.i-
OatltX the number needed, the pO8ltlOA t0 be
filled, the duties to be performed, and the amount
Such application ahall be aocompanied
i; ?a%iient ahowing the probable receipts from
Saea, o~mm.taaiona, MCI compenaatlon to be col-
lected by said office during the flacal year and
the probable dlaburrementa vhloh ah811 lnolude
all salaries and expense8 of lald office; and said
oourt &all make its order authorlrlng the appoint-
awt of auoh deputlea, aaafatanta, and clerks
and fix the COUQI8AtitfOAto be paid them within
the llmitatlona herein preacrlbed and determine
the number to be appointed as in the dlacretlon
of said aourt may be proper3 proolded that In
AO case shall the Commiaaionaral Court or any
aWUber.thereOf attempt t0 bflM~Oe the appOlAt-
arent of 8ny person aa deputy, aaalat(Ult, or clerk
In any office. Upon the entry of auoh order the
officer8 applying for auoh d8pUtie8, aaalatanta,
and employees rrhnll be auchorirod to appoint thsmi
provided that said compensation ah811 not exceed
the maximumamount heswlnafter ret out. The maxi-
mumcompensation vhlch may be allowed to the depu-
ties, aasiatanta, or clerk8 above named for their
asrvioes shall be aa Solloua:
Virst Baelet8At or Chief Deputy not to exceed
Three Thousand Six Hundred ($3,6CO.O0) Dollara per
annumj one a8siataAt or deputy AOt t0 exceed %'hree
Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollara per annum; other as-
alatents, deputies, and eatployeea AOL to sxased