252 .
80 eonour ln onr opinion that tha 06unt~ lo liable
to tlw pemonoa~ oohooI turd for the lorr lruklned on thee*
boadoi ma Uaabk portloa OS ha-t. 0, 600. 6 0-C thr aon-
ltltutAo n 1 8e ea r M d’tlno a b lg u o uo To
-!i . q.uote fr o m th lo lw-
tion the follmlng1 %aid lodo, and the rooeedotherwr,
uhon #old, olmll bo h.Ld @f laU ooontloo 8fone lo a truot
for t&o benef'itof publio oohoelo thorebtoald procwdo to
ba lav*o;kd in bola of the unltrd Meter, tho state of TJuo
or oountlerln oaf6 otate, OF in rush otboc ooovrltieo, and
u nderluoh reotrletlenoao my be preootlbd by 1-j acrdthe
oomtieo owl be n~ponoiple for til lnroOtnsntr.a
Artlola W, Revlrad Cipil Statuko of Texao, reodo
a0 follouo:
“%o hwtmt nr r l J
*ll or dl6poreor 8x4 len&I
gnntml to it Tor eduoation&
yo~o;a~ bo prooldad b
oi --tiJ# Md proorrda of any
bona or lnwrparnted oltlu M4 LtAo, and
~POO laheolo therein, only .
to w we4 nn4 lp o n4 d
r r m\a r llp .
0la enin th e
c ueo r o o uua ocount
h e ,lt nl.,
(r . et l! .,
0ur k 8, IbS 8a T..am; OLted by youa ok g08 t&
lar In the felloubg l.nngwgoa
‘(6) deotioa 6, A& 7,’& the oonotitt+
tion, 00 iu u rpprpoabk, ymvi6wt 'Axa
lnnd.8 &rutotoro or herenfta gmnbd to the
o evir oountiao
nl o fth iolta $ fo
o rlduo ntlo a -
el purpooe0, are of r-S the pmport7 of raid
wUdleOr rUp8tlW,Jo w Uhioh %hey mire
-to& ~4 tltlo thooeto lo vooted ia oai4
eount1ro uk no
d l4 ler opeo o o eo o ofo
r ua
n itn-
tlo no h Jlever ba lvallbbk rg*lnot tb title
aaid wuntko alalu u a truot r0r tu benefLt
0rpubu0 00h0a0 t;brrdttj 0adp~0000bt0 b0
lnvooted la bon40 ei* the vialted8tak0, t2m
Uta ko fTo x u , er oountleoin o nld ltnto, o r
inr ueh o fb r or wwltl.eo nndo a b ol, wh rmstrle-
@ er a 0 k4 qlnlt# na dtho lounty
tzzxKz b a aia @nilinYootmMto; th o
lahrrot ta o no nnd o th+r r eTo a oue x l$ w
onp t
p r ~lml, o h llk lvnllnb l~ la d.9 y g llg
o fthio lootLon o fua oConotltutlon a & b
ernirO0t,, it m t0 W) th0t tb0 ror30mt20w
oourt of tie oount7,in maIcingan Lnvo8tam-h
of the proooedo%horolnopoolfled,uust sot
ln a judiohl or Quo.01Ju4udal oapoitf. The
wunty for uh+h that 8ot l&do tho pro6wdo
u ui TWO t&l&* mid tbo inrootabrrtthere-
of lntha loourlt&o rmmIiIl tha GanAUtutlan
or oUmrul80~ u Iry be pr&arlbed by law, IWO-
eoou lxvolno aa uweloo of +&pwat ala
dfaora3 ona T&mooutatleo@loo, br the l
temo o f th e Oowtltutlon, uo
bupowlb Tztr .
all lnvortaonta.'Am rllogod,aad ao ohomn in
the oourt~0fladingr,t!aa &oolonero~ wurt
SrantLu totlxm approprirtvdto fibagenonl
~00.0r 000mdw CO-to lp00iti0d 0~ 0r th0
II. hare boon unable to find caSO8 holdlrq:to the
oontr en4 theroforo~advloo you that
Yn our opinoonReyua
"i l li8bla to the pe zmmoat lohool fund of the county for
c o unty
tbo loro luoWn.6 by tint fund on the City of E8otlandbonda.