m5. Jallle O'xsal
County Auditor
carnon county
3+ulhandle, T'ei+%
l%ar :~adaill:
Your latter
'ioh of ti& ~epktment
c fee& of the
t&y. ySOO.VV per
ha Comalissloncirs
he County Judge
ollthly nt 815V.vv
and all tha fees
turn in to~the County sny 9xc688,
feea uhould' be more than the.
Carson Count.y~ha.8a ~opulatlon of 6,563 inhabItant
aocording to the 1940 ~%3aral~Cantua. l'he aounty officials
br sa'd countg~ are oompen86ted on b) ftPe basis.
~?Zrar. -til.3.10 O*#eel, page 2
SW33, Vernon.8 hrinotcted CIVIL S.atutas,
reads In pnrt as followr:
n?xcopt ac ot>crwlee provided la tt‘.fe:ct,
the annual foes th?t o?sy be z+A.rrIcsdby precinct,
county and dietrfct offloere metitlonsd in tk:i:i
Article shall bs as tollowe: .
*County Clerk, County httorney, i;lstrlct clerk, 7% :
Colleotor, Tax .r.baeenor,or the lmessor and Col-
Iectof Taxa5, Twenty-four Eundmd ($2400.00) 301- .
.1ar6 each; JlWtiCe Of the t’e6Ge all6 G'OESti;tl~,
Tweloi Hundred ($1200.00) DolJare eaoh.
R *
. . . .
mtlole 3891, Feinon's Llrlotatad-Civil stitutss~~~
‘&ovidea in part .a8 follow5:
“Faoaah. .&athld ~ChsptdPshaii
tiid 'thi .r8qit.Ofhl6. Off&~
amoPrrt all*d"‘h~,'.-&ir $fA#r
&- ..@.&.
viaiooe of~rrtiole ?iE@J,~~together~5th the-Sal-.
ai-let.or .bieaasis.tauts and deputiee, and atitlior-
.ized expense under ~rtiulo 5899' an6 the~tiount
.&caasary to oover 00&s of gren&a~on ofhat&fer
swety bond xay be SE ulrsd .bbyiaw. If the pur-
.retitrees of ri-~oh.drr P 08 eoll~eufsd 1.h any year be
more than the antount nwdud to pay the euzounts
above speoirled; .aame shall be deemed erects Isea,
aad shall bs dli?~passd. of in the aanner hexshatter
*In,&unties aontalnlng twenty-ilvs thouaiand
(25,000) ox less inhabitants, VI&riot aad CinIMy .s..
officers wed herein aEal1 rotala one-third of 2.
suoh.exoaks rsss until ~1200 one-thbl, tog&he;
with tb,amounta speoifisd in Artiole S&S,. ae%zun'$a
to Thrq Thousand ~ol.larr (gZ,VOV). Freolnot of+..,'
rhr6 shalLretain one-t?~ird until euoh one-third;
tith the amount gprolfl.ed in artleh 3BBS,.
amounta to lqurtean Xundred Sol&z-e (.$14OC). ’
e. . . .“’
Exrr.Willie O'Neel* paga 3
I. ..-.
Article 3896, Vexnon's Annotated Clvll F.tetutes,
r&at8 a~ ~013 O& :
"Ibe Comlselonere* Court Is bereby aebsrrwl
iron allowlng aompeneatlon for sr-0rffci0 service8
to cainty officials when the coicpsnsation en2 ex-
cess fees which they are allowed tc rata13 shall
reach the nsxlmmprovlded for in this ohayrter.
In cases were the cmpensation an& exoess fess
whloh the officers am retqln shall not .* .
reach the'matium prorlaoa for in this chapter
the Cammia~lonkrs~ Court .uhall allcw.conpeas&on.
for ax-oiilolo se.svloes w&an, la their Judgewe,
dtieh oomgeri5ation 2s ziecasaafy, provided, suoh
compensation for.ex-officio .servloes allowed &all
not 2ncreare the crompencation of the official be-
~yowl the iaazlsiamof osmpeasatlon ana.ero,ess rpes.
allowed t.a bezetidqed by him under th%s ohepter. "
~roridad,~howevir,:~he 8%~officio hersin.authorlred
shall be allowed ~only aft&r 80 opportunity for a
pubZi0 he&r%ng,end oiily upon.the aff& vote
, ,.at.
'cMIs;*:. three..'~wharq
.... ,..
,.. ....~9Ct~fa.
;;... :.; ,~~aslo.4erp,~. ....: ,.~.
~, ,.
.. ” ..
Under iirtiole'$88S 'and Artlole J891,.sp@a,.the
niathum 0ompensatloa end the exoe8a feaa ali0wfta to be re-
tained by the County Judge of Carbon.C&mty 1s $3,000.00
per mr. Fnen the bxr+i3nsatlop
and 8x0888 f5ea.allowedby'
these statutea do not exoeed th~,aaxinu?.ncom.+matloa and :
4x044s feds proYlded,therefnP then by virtue .of :irtlcl&t.S895,
aupra, the Ccraaiaslo.nera*Carvt- Is authorized to alloweon+
pmsatioo for,ex-orri~io ssrvioa8 in any amoimt,’providei%.the
oosi@nsation r0r a-0fri0i0 sbrvicea together with the compen-
sation sad excess. r0as tdibw~a by the foreRolne ststutee do
not exceed the a~xlmum of ~3~OOO.C0. In other'worde, ia com-
pllanoe witA httl~Le'XS5, qupxa, the Comtlssioners* Court
is authorized to~ellow any amount as compenoatlon for ex-
orflclo services when suoh mount sbslf not.l?.cieaes the .com- '.
pensntloa of the off&cial beyofid the mximtm 0: aompensati.on
end excess fess a$loiweS to be retelnad by the offiobr under
t.heloregoln~ statutes. (m3 'JecrtloalT2, ?~xae~ Jurisprudenoe~?
Vol. 34 m&r the title of mblic Gffioars and the 0~8s Of
irnderson County v. %o;rklns, 187 2. F. 1019);
Tt 38 noted Wet. you stat8 in your letter that the
rss6 0r the county aubee amount to epproil~tltely .$300.00 per
year and thst the' Gommlsslo~ers~ Court has allow& the amount
of $150.CG as ooirpenurtion for sx-offlclo servloes per month
or :1.,800.00 per year. i%ler the fects otateQ the fma snd
coxpensatlon for ex-orfiolo services reoslved by tbe county
Judge are wfthln the marlsma amount thrt oan be legally re-
tsltied by.hlm. Therefore you nre rcopactrully aavi8ed that
the Coucty judge oan legally retain his compe~wtlog for er-
.d$:olo earvims SUB above laeatlonet nnz? the fees'r~~oelvetlby
iirt~e of. b.38 0rriO0. 23 otksr words the County ;iud~c oan
retalp.all reap reoe+reC by hilil t?y drtue of hia 3ftSce and
3he 31.8GG,M) oommieation for ex-cffloio services. vrovide6
the ~ibkpensatlon?or .6x-offlalo'servloes &s&her 6lkh the
cof>enaetior end lxcssd fess allowed by lem do not exkea the
n&xlmum Of $3,C!GO,OOper yaar.~ i