Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ueharono c4mrtaeeS.8koneom8trui~ tU8 seatiou al the Gtmutituticm 10 the reqwta tan&a oonsl4errrtion here, hut LassupremaCourt of thoUzdted8tatea husoartmaal Boa- t&on 7 of *rtiole I of the Caxutitution OF the United Statso, uhlot~prwidea,~All hlllu forr8laixbgrevonue sbmlloriglnatc 111the blouseof Hcpreuaa~tiveu.g Wbe oonetructlcm cr this lititatlon is proctioally well settJe2 by tlie unl.Porm nation of Co~@ouo. Acoording I.V that oonetruotlum it bsu btmm collfin4d to bills to lw7 taxesin &he t&riot s4mi4 of &he rord. 02x1 hu not bean tudorcitood to extaad tc; hills Per eth* par- poeen, which inoldentally create rwexmo. l l l*. Obviously, .L bill Which doeo aOt False -tfcMl rw4mm but whioh ruduooe or abollshee an aristlng t&s@ c.an not be a bill -for ratsiry: rw4nue.* rhea doparttnent held in 1nion wo. O4oill"tbt E &mate Bill use not a bill for rpis%4c rwonuo rhese ito mole ;md 0al.y purpcea 188 to tlai4nd M not l=drlIl~ rmepuo, lmdor- tuily; LO ara;ipt cortYinln*trunents from tbe taxlwiedby the orfginnl uat. We,hand you hererltb a oopy of that qdn- Loll.