Honorabla Y. C. smith
County Attorney
Boaqu* county
hridian, Texas
Upinion hubar O-5546
RaL Ho9 ohe Boa.rd oi Bohool
Trurteba or a Rural Ii:@%
%ahool Dlatwlab legally pa9
trRVeliQ$ BXQbZi8rO Of it8
supoointandent lmourred for
purpoaaa na~easary in the
eo na u
o or t
th e
lq hQOl?
te saknowled~;ttreceipt nf yaw lrrttffr in reply to our rsqueat for
furthor informtim, vnri hav~r m&tat&d you;a ln~uiry aa ea to uauke
the guortlon raad a8 follows:
“Y&y Ma Rasrd of dwo1 Yhateau of a Uur8Z. thigh Yahw1 Ulatrfot
lq*lly pay travel(i6-i~ sxyaams of its uuperlatmdent tnaurrsd for
purposea noaesaary in the aonduct of t&e #ohool?’
iieplying to the fomgo~ng, we yuot6 pcra#eph 2 OS Article 2827.
rkloh reada aa follcwaz
“Xmal mhool fmd8 fram diotr%ot taxes, tuition Isea of pup218
not entitled tat Me tu%tion and other loeel amwmm #my bo used
for the g u r p o a ealnuaerrted for Z%trcerand oouuty f'uadr and for
purobaalng appli4naos and auppliacr , for the Qayl@#nt es lnsuranoe
premiuma, janltorr a,nd other ompf~yefs, for buyIn& arhwl altea,
buying, buildi% and ropbirlng aud ~rentlng sob001 Heuser, and fer
other purposw neoasrary in tke oonduat of tha publio school8 to be
determined by the ,Foard oP ‘Wustew, the moomats and vouoharr for
uounty diatrieta to bs approved by the aounlp ruporintandant~ pro-
vided, that rhasr tha state avollable adoe fund in any olt~ OP
dlatriot is aufilclont to mscllnteln thv aohaolo thetwoS in any 960
for 4t Ieme lighght;month8 , Wad 10oVr 4 8WQb8, au#h Sua'ph8 My be
expanded for the ,purpoeaa wntioned heroin. Aeta 1905, p. 263;
hto 1919, p. 189."
Paws the rarogoing it will be swm that tha trwtoaa of 4 rural
high s&o01 diasrlot may pay the travelin& axpe.naea of it8
superintendent if the Board of Trustees of’ t&e dArtHot duternfnea
that aaae were Pncurrod for purpoaasl neoeaaar9 in she aoxkduoti of
Zta aahools.
Anrmvrod Soot. 22. lQ&l