Eonamblo ZLa XI Jaekaon
M8trlot Attorney
Snrrb 'County
BawteA, Tolla,
Dear 31~1 opialoA 150.04QO8
Rol 1s a UAit of the Tan* Defanrr
QluQ rrquind to obtain A bear
lio@AM iA OOAAWtiOA.With tb
nlo ot bou 8010 tbi sod for
th ella two at, nambue oi
ruoh unit’)
AAd AAAWOr fDUr btter
Vi.hare for at.tO!lttOA At
Au uat 19, 1045,..u!iersln-yousubmit for the OplAiOn 0r this-
dO~t?rt~OAt !hr followlrt~~uaation rAd raOtu&l rtete-mt, ntich.
-a quotll;
*a, t. S* %llry, Jr .,r h o lr r up 3ly lm
eeant ror one of the lo@lly organlaetl kto
Porrlue Owrd ualts, bolA& Cexpny b, Saoo~d
Wtallon, Tama ~afraa~ Oua'd, has ookod, at
th0 au;’ ration of thr oo.use~41~ ofiloer of
auob An
-ft, to tit, CaptdA Ld WonkoA, tht 1
autmit to .rOU the ?oLloriAU qUO0tiOAI
“‘Do88 rwb unit Of the DOr8A80 (AJard
nd a b&e? licr.16~fn OOAAOOtlOA tith the
hmdlln!: of boor for the 8010 um Of th6 mt-
bsrr of ruob mlt?'
(I undoratand that thir aeaM tb8 hsA4-
11~ or bscr 03 soolcilocoaAlo~r only, otter
&rlll perlob, otbr ItIOOAAOOtiOA with tbla
-,uertlonf undorrta.?drurtbu that the bru
will bo handled solely by Hoben oi thr rrnit
a4 will never be handled ali of the prrsiAr8
ocou;jlr4by the unit $,t the tima of ruoh
~4 t&t., or eourao, thrre will bo
A0 indiTihld rOtit Of mr kiod iA OOAASO-
tlOA wtth 8ho & fill- o flwh bear, 8~4 811
asmate on? aU.rbora thr lotual sost of
the rommodlty till (10into l tund for the
boorfit of th ontln wilt.)"
WCIalso hstr a lottsr tram Hr. Ta 8, Ballet; Jr.
Of !bWtOA, &tSb h@Wt l# l@u, 011 th. SM. qUSStiAA, iA
rhioh be Hate8 thet the 8.1. oi bow would be made through
the Post Exohange Ln tbs lwry ln IbWtOA, .kas.
'LhoTOAS Liquor COAST1 n4t (Pslul Cods, Article
$67, aSOtiOA 8) pHWi4W
"It 8hsll be Ual4dti ior SAY psrron to
msnufsotoro or b* for ths pdrporrsof sals,
or t8 iapert l*to thia &ate, or to dlstrl-
buts,.or roll w beor) or W~;s”thf?y
beor for She putpore o sale
State without Uvlag first obtalnsd l?pro-
rlatr 1180~s ns barala prorlds4, w&h
ftor~8r shall at dl tlm88 be dir~lfqed iA
l3Dm COAApiOUOUS jhOS Witti!I tbs ~liOSASQ&
~?lsOi 0r bualnera,"
Thor8 b@lw m #tRtutOq UO*atlOi:s to thle Emil-
aion oi ths TSAR Liquor Control Aot, 8 unft of the Tsxcr i%-
feme Oust-4 or a asabu or maabsrs of suoh unit, 8slll~ beer
to casbere of the unit tar #onrur.ptlea OE the j)ro-Anss,
br rr;~;lrrdto obtain 8 boor lloororsin comwotlon with suoh
salrr, rrg8rdl.88 Of the 8OA-DWfit OhUSQtU Of the tAM-
sotlonl anlos8 8uoh TSAS Dsfwso GunllaUAlt 18 inane,
UAdSl. th8 COMtitUti4A Of the UAitd %dSO, fXl%l stat4
r4E.:btiOA by virtue or being A drpsrt~0nt, a+:ar.o~ or ln-
*trumeatalltyof thr Frdrraf GmorMlnt, oractod to dlsohhrpe
tke roastltutlasal frmotlafu 0r gotsrwmit~ or unl888 time
18 aA lbraoa Of 0OA8tltUttOAAl sod 10 SbtiVO url.+dlctioa
or.the mrt of ths Steto ovsr the trrrp’
tory iIIwhloh the
8~10 of bear occmrh
SSOtiOA 01, IkbiOASi fkbf~88 bt Or JUAO 3, 1916,
es SWAbS6 and lpprorrd by t&r Pra*ibAt, Ootober 21, 1940,
proold. la ml.
l~%ovlbai, rutthor, that under such row-
lOtiOA8 n8 the Ssoratary 0r Sat cratpruorlbo
Cor I1881 l&AS aA traiBlA& the OrganltmtbA
ti BdAtSMA88 Of SU8h
atOt UIF
lita- fons8 othar
lrtlonal Owrd ls
B8F b8 pl'OVid#d by the lSW8 Of rwh 8kt8 $8
ruthorbs d~llo MF prtt of the Na-
mu4 0r the Bto*s scossrAr4 18 ln
rotiro PsdsmL 8omloa~ provld84 further,
the% auah f8rso8 shall mot bo oallrd, orcrrsd
or ia Roy IOLAAW 4rrfta4, OS awb, into thr
allltmy sor~loorsf the Unit.4dtntss~ . . .*
m8 ToAS ~rQAS0 (aA8
rd 8~8~~8 at the di#OrOtiOA
Of the 08vsrobr Of TOAS under the SUth~rlz8tlOA oonrorrod
UVO~ hh b tbr TSAS Wrasr Ounr(l act or lwl (~relcir sse~)
rtloh provI dm lo mr% ls iollovrr
-fmot1aa 1. bbA0V.r rat put or the
IIat1oInl CPU4 t+r this mite is in sotlre
Pohril aer~loo, the Oevunvr la heraby su-
bhOfi88d to Or&SAiZS aA4 Xi8iAtc.b within this
Itate b?lt@ #aoh jwrld, ondor 8-h r -
tlm# as th8 8aorotsv~of Tar of Ah8 Un Y tad
Statma may rosorlbs for dlsolpll~ ln tmln-
I=, such 83lltary lbroer u t* Covernor -7
5.m ASOSS8~
.Mabf'erQs8 %i$
8 ,":':~,t~~~'~':Ad~diSiiAOt
f rm the UsUo~l oP~.rdadd rbll be k.?om as
the TOAS ~fSA~# c4ard.
“* * , .
Vse. 1, Sathi- iA this Ast shsll be
oonrtrued as sathorlzia& suobtaers, or mu
put thoraoZ, to bm caild, Ordmtsd, Or ln
8~ IyILIur draft& se suoh, into theailltwy
l~rrlos or ths WI&~ Stata but no praoa
Shall.by ?MSOA Of hi8 .PdiSkNAt Or O-b-
#ion la urr lush forore be lxapted rraa ollll-
tar7 80r~i80 Wrr any kw 0r thS UnitedCtatsa~~
22~0 &A# DO~SASS Ouard hairy OreJAiXSd BA& orlet-
lag tier the statutes*bow qwtod, it oa.?nOtb* *lU@#d 88
a dep ut.wa t,
l~a nsy or lnatmmsAtsl~t~ of the twhml Gotan-
Q#At, #Mkd %# b~ashF&rrj# th8 OaA8itUtiOAd hAOti0AS of