Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

50 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. ceo. II. ahappard cmp8rellu a rnbllr Ao*oancr Auaut, ruar Deer Sl?f . . - 51 Ron. 060. il.sh*ppumi, p8go 2 lub j*o ot, r lmQf*o to , th e lr o mp tio o r~ oO,o o O., 48p r o Tido 4 inth e 8tr tuto .quortloa 181 Dow the ltatato hare the Tour luao lpplioatioauadu l~on8lealfart*, oroopt tkat tho beao- ii010ry18 not the wife, but 8 tn1r4 puson. X0 proooedto aww6r your fn~uiryupon tha aoswep- tiw tht thoro is no quortion OS insurable intorest hvo~tod. In Bl*rkrra lt 8l. t. mea, lupre tIioomut v88 not 081104 opw to m** urwtly n tho quorhm propound04by yo~u,but a la r o fuLna Un& o f th*s" l lOH w4 tha noooa adraw b the oa\pt for tho oo*oluoloayorehodloads ub to the lnovito ilo loaolor~oa.$h& Ub ?ul* uouU bo tha saao it l ~114 to tlio lou hots eltborseQ tbo boabZloluy was l th d wt th o wit. ot ta b 6o o o do nt l Poorthe wko of .l%~w:&oto that porttonof Art1010~7117,aeondsdia 1939, hero un4or oon- riauat~oa, whioh 10 80 r0uff8t ?. . . ineludingpm arty I)ao*inb uador * so**r*l @ o wuOfl&7@J&tf8Wt o x @jl?8 SOUby tho boodeat by till, laoldla the p~o43a6doof llfo in*uranoo~to #m lrtmt of the amountrsooirabl*by the rxe$@to? or ldtinl*trator ns &murweo-rusdor pollal EiBdt0 the us (&O,OOC) or tho mount noelr*blo by all other knotisluloo 08 laopreaoo cmdrr poltolo8takoa out by the I*soctent upn hi8 om lif*.” (28pheots ours) Iwtioe Bbarp, la thr owo of Bluktm* l% al. V. hwon, s~pru, statsd a8 fellcnrrt *It is ronAlly sun thhrt thr rerding ot tko to&r*1 otatato urd t&o run&mat of the Stat0 rt*t*to k arti- oally ldontiosl. boron bbr 1939 uondrrmt of ArtP018 7117, *upr*, tbe F*Aorrl strtuto &ad bws 0oa8trr#rd by the Unit+4 States Suproam Court la Lea8 v. Coai8oionor 0r fnt0s38a mww, 304 v. 8. 264, 22 t. 24, 1331. fa th&t W80 the 8U r#lnecourt Bf the vntto4 me%** h4 besore it l o a so la vo lt L the wao rwts w lwo involvo&. ski preporty right0 of tha putlea wuo govunod by the lama of tho state ot ~robia(to~, x&ore the oamawlty preporty la w ww, w4 io , in io r o o .T h h rlowt hold in that laoo thrt oaly ono~h*lfof the p?ewmd* of l polioy iO8ti rrtsr tho mrri*go on CBS doowed~o llfr, th* rite bolag tho solo benotleiary,*ad all pron%uuar, hrtiw booa pal6 mm ooarnuaityfuads, till be ooaputoa lor tizrr IS * part I .-. .. .-._ 52 I its b810ia~ lelol~ 8)0a Sk* wrbly ot the t8dan1 ut itstii, a n&tk oo o utwla ,p a a 883 . lt tk olp i8b a l 53 '%air.thw 4ea1wo4byth08O)Nmo Ooart Ott&* Vnitod StqtwtbAt tuo of ~oo*lwt’* whuop?mduue uwrwm p-?wwd8 80x pupwu. Or to oxymm It ia uothu my, tha oourt bol4 that ootritkota84~ tho who10 p?omItm I hats ken pald ritk zt tmds, that yortlon ot the ro 6li m 80 paid be&a&a WI is's &li ot tk d not oHmto u luwmnao Vokw out by the cLeoo&o8t=, *a6 o h e ubl4 o lrelrll.4. In the owe Of Do L4pQo1. ca!ns*8iomr, ll> t. (34) u, uirly f?e~ th eloualty @reyorty rteto of latisiru, the uu?t )rl(l,psgo 91: wtato taxa on the p r o p ero ty r w l-ity property. x* llthor 11~00,It tlro PY hum booa M4 ou% et laualty funds, the rite IF paid on koltottbo oostottho Iarwuoo an4tb. dwodoat A&o puI4 tlu other bat.* we th lnh tb rSUY loaolorio~ma lx~~s.4 b the l~oo of mt*to et ahoua Uoody, Moouod, et ol. ve Oeadooloaor, trm our stats, ~sod m by tho Boor4 ot Tax A#pwtr. X* bri&, tire Mud ot Tax Appuls ~eOlar04 thot the pomrt%o8 ot the pruooda 4 tor b yp r r iwo , r h e thtr u w lo p u a to O? lml ty talP 8,lhul& ba Qlro IUISPTI et the muat ot lnwu- WI@ to b* lnrluA.4ln the #t*to of hoti** for OOtatO 88X parpr.8. . I? . .%