HonorableBert ?ord, Adainibtntor
Ton8 Liquor OoatrolBoard
Dear sirt
ated ordinance
OrrOot t0 be
quostlngthe opln-
ion or thle drp queattoareads a6
aoa, Judge or BOtor
that aa opinionbe
e Comla*lonerE'
egal power to eetablish
of beer la hanaoay with
ti.ag the 8~ Orr00t t0
aOupall.or th8 city 0r Oderaa,
ds, it is the deelre 0r tba corn--³
t to O#babl~~ 'O~~@VIhow8 rOT
la area8 or the oounty sftuatod
ootsldo of lneorponted alty llalts, in the event
tha oity or Qdessa by ordinaneoestabll8herolos-
lug hours within the 9ity,*
ApUole 667-10, Vsraoa'aAnnotatedPea Oodo pro-
*(a) It 8hall br aalawfulror anl person ta
sell beer 0, orrer mm9 for sale between the houn
HonorableBert Ford, Poe0 2
of 12:OO e*olookmldnl&hB and 7100 a. a of any
day or frontand after 12100 o'olookd6nlght Sat-
urday until 7:oO a. me Uoadey0r th8 follalng
week provided,however, that any holdrr of a
Rotai 1 Dealer'sLiomoo or a %%ao and 3eer Flo-
tallo+~o Permit oholl,upon ahowi* to th8 8ati8-
feation of tho Qounty Judge that ha lo o-aged
also lu the sale of fwd and sthu oammdltloo
ior httmanoonorrmptloa, and that the sale ot bsr-
00 Sor uhloh a lloenoe lo roqairod does not
% ouoh prohlbltod hottro noraolly ln the
oouroo of any 080 waok*o t& omoakat~ l.u dollars
sad oulato 4a mm0 ~%hooUs oal6. vuue of sood
and othor oomaodltloo'for humon oonoumptlonsold
by oaoh lleonsee during auoh houro bo entitled
withoutbeing roqoirodto pay en7 #ee theroror,
to a oupplemmdary lloono*outherlalng hlia to
oU1 ouah bereraageo during anr hour or anf'day.
Sa%d lopplomentaryliaenoeshall bo on a rom
furofehedby the Board or Administratorand upan
being loouod shall bo attaohodto and beoom a
part of b,aolo lloonoo of the holder,and oaoh
oupploaoiitary lloonoo shall lxplro with tho.li-
UMOO d whloh It lo a part/ providedfu~theo,
that tho Board or Its reprwea8a8lve6~moyat say
tiotonke inquiryinto the buoi6886 of rnloh lW1d.r;
a nd uo lo It
o oo a nb le
hi8 88lo0 ot alooheliobevorageo ore not ~06~IIog
la mlue tho 8aI.r offioq4 and othor oonunodf0ior
for huaan oonou&Wn durin( ths hours. rotorrod
to in this psorioioa, the.Boordor Adnialotnter
io lathorlsedafter aotloo and hearlagCe i8+@
an ordor revoking oaoh lopplmoatary 110~80, aad
the helber or a llooaosoo reveked oha?.l not be’
eatit te l onpple~~e~ta~ lk+onu tot six (6)
0wh0 th0narter.
‘It, lo provided that during the porlad oi
thirty (301 days titer the
otreatltedate of this
Aoa as 60 oil par&as aothorloedto lU1 beor at
lntall OK& durlI&i a porlod of thirty (30) bays
orkr hia.loouaaaethorosr’~a0 00 say aew lieaaeo
or peni autltorlrlag r00h ralo (but not as to
any renomel)it ehgl be preoumedthat tho pfa-
oipal &uolnoao ot tho llooasso or pemlttee lo
not tho ~a$?, or aloohollobsvorogeo;end duri;mC:
Iiaaorob& 3ort Ford, Pago S
luoh porlcd of tim 00 aplnot OnJ prtioulor li-
000000 or pmittO0 th0 r00triotionr0r this ho-
tioa and Seotian 2 o? thfo Art1010 &all not apply.
'(b) ft shall b ualawful for any rooa to
mok0 ~0al0 0rb0.r onyvhoro in this 8r ate on
the aor of.‘- ~ne~O1 r leotion 0 goaarol
la o r l
olootloahold in this Sr at. botueea tho hours of
7100 a. me sad 8r00 . P. of the day; provided,
horover, that the hoPQr of a Nonufooturerr’o I&-
oonoo or 8 Dlotrlbutor’o Lloonoe ry ask. dellv-
erloo at rholomlo during ouch hours to tho bono
rid0 hold8z8 or lden8eo Or p o x wits to le~.2 hoer,
but oh811 not moko any l8loo or doliveries to any
other porooa.”
Artlolo 667~lo&, Vernoa’o Aanototod Puul Code,
C~Pdo la part 00 follovor
.. . . .
'All oitloo and towno are horoby
oothorl#od to regulhe the sale of boar uithin the
aorpor0te limits oi au* oltleo and t0im0 b;r ohaster
awndmont or ordlaanoa ori4 EST thereby preoorlbo
the opening oad olooing hours for lu8h oalooj ouah
oitioo and tom0 ouy olos doolgnrte oertaln soneo
ia the rooidontialseation or ?oatlon.o of sold
oitleo and tovao v&r0 rush re&ations r0.r open-
lag-d olooinghouro for the oale o fbeer lh4ll
be oboorted or vhero ouah uloo my be prohibited.”
It lo toll ootobliohod in this Wats that the OOEI-
ml**lonor*' oowt hove only erroh @over and authority as lo
expressly ooaforrod br the O@aNtitutlos and tha lam of thlo
go: bz, the pover’and outho8lty ~~oeooarlly implied there-
The Leglolature or Gonotltutloa &a not o&erred
upon the ocmloolormro~ owto any povos to fir the opening
and olooing rimlo rar the orlo of boor. Theroiore, tie
avower the a r eve stated quootloor in tho aeg6tlre.
Vary truly yoouro