Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

TaE A’I[TORNEY GENERAL OFTEZYAS AusTIN.X'EXMJ Your latter or qrii 1, 19.943, nQu*otlJlgth. opw ion or allO 6rporWnt on tliell!nmoototod iylsot?en rood* ia port 00 Pollo6rr "Oc Jewcry 1, 1923, thhoUotriot Clark af fir w.lo oeunty dali*orodto the a1otriot Olark- llaot thr ou8 a? #X)4.Ul, uhioh npmowtO6 lah 6000 t%ooI noolr*d et a t*x 0010. Thor* to no notationiIIthe raoards ~LOto what pertioular ocsua tt~lomount of ~0nrrgaovms. The Clerk of thio Oountg haa writ- Ci8triot ton the Calptrollr8r stat* upon wtuol oooaoiono requoatlagponrloaloato gitr ttiioamor to t& Stoto, b utin th olh o ne~o f tto iaformtlon th a t allo aloniyOOECOrr0b *aa partleulor0000, ho ho0 tollea to looopt tho aa-9 ‘2 oci tnollnedto klietr t&at u&or hrtiolo 7328, Polloe4Civil 9totut60 as T8xo0, the %a$. T!roooriru ohouldlooopt this iwm~a 'II YOU f-1 test I ohoult!ills nub under the-PofJhMi tar In beh0l.f of tho :-:totoof Texme, p&05* abrloa aa ood I uill proesedrooordia&. *. . . .* et1e1. 7328, nev1o.4Olvll Z?tatuteo, plwmlo in part1 Vh* proper porooaoU Lz3oludlry all raoor(L U..ea holdrro, lh8u k ad. pottie dofoadent in suoh ouit,ood ohall be ouvod dth proooiu~JM othsr prooeo&lryo bad thor*in 00 prwided by low in Ordinw$ forooloouro*tit* la the dlotriot oaurto of thfo 3tatoi and In laoo of iorooloouro on ardor of oale lh8ll loouo and the l& lol& thorou~u 00 in othu oareo OS rorooloouro~ktt it the ddondaat es Bio ottunoy ohall,at any tint8 bdoro the sol*,tile with the efflooria