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konorcble C. S~EEO&, pabe ~2
Rrtlole 3~02, Vernon(s &luotot~ed eonas Civ-il Statutes,
J&3 In part IS follo::s:
“~k?mTz2 cn;- alstrict, county or’proclnzt
OffLcer gl;:?ll rcc~zlre the csrickes of c:opGtic:s,
acJ%i&at3 4-J” Qle~~~:o .in the pmiommoe of iii.C
ciueies he shall apply to the County Co:zxiosion-
CPS~ Court of his county for authority to apIxint
.suoh d+uties, assistants or clerks,. statln~ b-f
srrorn aagllcation the nu3ber needed, the posi-
tion to be filled a?d the amount to be paid.
Said apgllcstion shall be accoqsaiea by a stnte-
ment shonini; the probable receipts frcx! fees,
c~zmissiono end ccqxnantion to be collcotcd by
said office during tIna ffscal year alla ‘the prob-
able disbursosents nhlch shall include all aalar-
is% ana e5penscs of ssla office; ana seid court
shell~make its order a,uthorizing the appoint-
ment of such deputies, assl%tants and clerks ana
fix the oom2ensation to be paid them within the
. limitations herein presc’ribed and determine the
number to be apsolnted as inthe discretion of
said court may be proger; provided that in no
ease shall the Cormalssioners~ Court or any member.
thereof 8tteqt to influence the apfiointnent Of
.any person as deputy, assistant or Clark in any
office. tlgon the entry of such order tho officers
applyTn& for such assistants; de?utles or clerks
shall be authorized to appoint theril; provided
that said cox:ensation shall not enceod the
-ma;rimun aaoirot hercinsfter set out. The coqeh-
sation which may be alloeed to the deputies,
~assistnnts or clerks above named for their scr-
vices shall be a reasonable-one, not to exceed
tho following enounts :
. . . .
a2. In CountZoo hov1nz a population of tven-
Q-five thouoand and one (25,0.31) and not more
l2x.n thirty-seven thoxwx?, five htizdrw? (37,500)
hkLiilte~lts, first i?z;ris,'iant or chlcf depty' uot
to CSCCC~~ 57~0 ITr.oilse?la 13013.a~~ ($z,or)o) per ammj
OthcP easFstfXits, fhputies, Or Ol.cPkS not to OX-
I cssil Sovcnteen XG.ndrod .Doilo.rs ($l’[gO) per amu:a
1 e2cl-L. . . . n
'1. ,~ihc3 ahlary of',a stenogra&er for ii& Cnlzlty
2; The salcr-y of a clcx% for,tho Couz~ty .hage of
Zcndoreo~ County camotexceea $17OC,;OO?er zrn~m and trust .
Lo pala fmx2 the Of$'ficms Salaz-y Flt36 of the county.