‘IO hsrr Joilr opinion rqlo8t
1943, whloh naar a8 r0u0mt
that the pass or gear readr
for IIS@ muld
or do*r it makr
d Aot ml&O8 it laurul
AImtin, and *area8
law8 in eonflirt,
Uaroh and Aprill. Although uw havo pabliol
oxpnroo~ our opinion that thla notlon or H ouao
MU lW8 lr not in oollflirt with HORW Bill 38,
IlonmnDlo ~1111~ t. Twkr - he. 8
4 8th
k lla turand
o,that, tlktoiolr, lt 1s
unlwtu P 4uln8 uoathr of hbrur7,
tin Ytuoh
11 to take blrok ?~a##,whlto bmr or
from said lakoi or to flsh for 8-0
r*1t101al lmror, we sbal lp p r r o l~to
84riu 18 roforuo* to tht a qrrstlon,
a86 auure yeu thet as soon ss rwh ldvlulr
uulw4 thrt wo sbsll lblUo by 8 doe!rlonr
~00 say han rsaobod la rrfonqocr "I Q this ?I*ttbr.*
It a@t bo ssrortcd rlth SW. iorer th8t A. Dr
lOBb, Se u SU~OII, 45th &$islatufe deals 81th spsolrir
an6 put Paalu ash, ~hcrus
R. 1. 86, d**uhr 9ession, .48th
Leglslatsrc, la Its mtnro, thus uklag
1s geaenl appIl-
uble the rule 18lU down In tlowsrs v. !‘soos Rirsr R. CO.,
4~1606 by t~hr 3qprow Court ol Tore8 am? r*pwtd ln lb6
8. il. (Ild) MO, wbon it is sttstd atbat’
the aaetiaut
et w not laW8atio*ll
a g m wr alaldew opo ate 88 a npud
of l p utlr ula r u 8 lolrl law, by lap Ifort 1em, en6 this
is trus althwmgb bot g laws rtlatb to tha sn8e subfeot
aattu ...hated la lnatbor vmy~,the psrtlool6r wit
1s oonstrued ~8 tba noeptlon to the germs1 l&w.”
ISowwer, the instant aas. 18 (Ilstiagulshaalr,
tar IS. B, Se, Ragale riutiloa, 48th Legislaturir is ia-
:pzlo .owor all the lsn opsa the sob let rlh rhioh
. This is irrJdlst*ly spp~tcat ! ram a rrsdiac(
OS the b&U SD it deiiaea en4 ro latu all thlnga ooa-
ormod with flshl8gIn Laketr vrl and LakeAustin an6
Vhsrs It is lpprront that a rtrtut8 18
lntondq4 to ubnso s1 the lsw
wltb whhh it dssls, it ra
iulrt4 to the n8a aable. , Wador thir ml., s
8tM tO th t lWUS t&O 8UbjOOt MW? ai ~O=W
law and is widently iat*sded 88 a lhstltuto for
it rlthosgh ssntsinivq ss sxpmss usmb to that
ar) met o ustw u l cc ml oi the tormmr lrr to
the o&d tlmt lta prowPdons 8re ravlsodrd
its rida frbsbll aevu~e. A*oordln~l., park of
Xoaoohtle r11mD t. Twkmr - tsge 8
tb olrl&al *et th brnt mitt0 4 the 8~
lO~slrtloa l0 to be ooulhmd 8s lnallb4r IS
th e letor art lr rlcarl? l~trdO4 to prowtlbr tbo
OlIll rulw rhleb SbmU urn, 1t ropools th
prior strtrtr, rltRoo& r he tr ome not r*pmateo
I& aword 81th thla rtatomust 8ra ?lrrt.Xat oaal
flak v. Loo Comity Cotton 011 hapsay, tT4 6. X. 189 tax.
Coa. Ap .) ubem the aut ritibs ore ool.lrteds Uw& t4 :
UIwrlbr gouaty, 186 3, 8. Sd 88l.rfilxmed
(tILeI e&al Luo ** city of PI1 a8, 181 z. 'f*
r r it 0r lror r6iuo4; Oo8mcrrl~l Credit Corp8a~ v. aor-
i0btb tme0td4 CO~P~~F, 18s s. c. (rsa) m4, -it 0r
orror r@Iuso4.
T h elr4laal ru Ii ot statutory oon5truOtloa 18
to gitr ditat to thr 1s~ datlto latent if it 0aB be
ssorrtalned. rd I 0r 14entl0rl rank 18 thet
Aaothor the
lr~lsldurr lat6ndedto a ‘r o o80~
t 0 p ur p M L~B laaotl~ b