Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ‘IO hsrr Joilr opinion rqlo8t 1943, whloh naar a8 r0u0mt that the pass or gear readr for IIS@ muld or do*r it makr d Aot ml&O8 it laurul AImtin, and *area8 law8 in eonflirt, Uaroh and Aprill. Although uw havo pabliol oxpnroo~ our opinion that thla notlon or H ouao MU lW8 lr not in oollflirt with HORW Bill 38, IlonmnDlo ~1111~ t. Twkr - he. 8 4 8th k lla turand o,that, tlktoiolr, lt 1s unlwtu P 4uln8 uoathr of hbrur7, tin Ytuoh 11 to take blrok ?~a##,whlto bmr or from said lakoi or to flsh for 8-0 r*1t101al lmror, we sbal lp p r r o l~to t0ur 84riu 18 roforuo* to tht a qrrstlon, a86 auure yeu thet as soon ss rwh ldvlulr uulw4 thrt wo sbsll lblUo by 8 doe!rlonr ~00 say han rsaobod la rrfonqocr "I Q this ?I*ttbr.* It a@t bo ssrortcd rlth SW. iorer th8t A. Dr lOBb, Se u SU~OII, 45th &$islatufe deals 81th spsolrir an6 put Paalu ash, ~hcrus R. 1. 86, d**uhr 9ession, .48th Leglslatsrc, la Its mtnro, thus uklag 1s geaenl appIl- uble the rule 18lU down In tlowsrs v. !‘soos Rirsr R. CO., 4~1606 by t~hr 3qprow Court ol Tore8 am? r*pwtd ln lb6 8. il. (Ild) MO, wbon it is sttstd atbat’ the aaetiaut et w not laW8atio*ll a g m wr alaldew opo ate 88 a npud of l p utlr ula r u 8 lolrl law, by lap Ifort 1em, en6 this is trus althwmgb bot g laws rtlatb to tha sn8e subfeot aattu ...hated la lnatbor vmy~,the psrtlool6r wit 1s oonstrued ~8 tba noeptlon to the germs1 l&w.” ISowwer, the instant aas. 18 (Ilstiagulshaalr, tar IS. B, Se, Ragale riutiloa, 48th Legislaturir is ia- :pzlo .owor all the lsn opsa the sob let rlh rhioh . This is irrJdlst*ly spp~tcat ! ram a rrsdiac( OS the b&U SD it deiiaea en4 ro latu all thlnga ooa- ormod with flshl8gIn Laketr vrl and LakeAustin an6 Vhsrs It is lpprront that a rtrtut8 18 lntondq4 to ubnso s1 the lsw wltb whhh it dssls, it ra iulrt4 to the n8a aable. , Wador thir ml., s 8tM tO th t lWUS t&O 8UbjOOt MW? ai ~O=W law and is widently iat*sded 88 a lhstltuto for it rlthosgh ssntsinivq ss sxpmss usmb to that ar) met o ustw u l cc ml oi the tormmr lrr to the o&d tlmt lta prowPdons 8re ravlsodrd its rida frbsbll aevu~e. A*oordln~l., park of Xoaoohtle r11mD t. Twkmr - tsge 8 tb olrl&al *et th brnt mitt0 4 the 8~ trorr lO~slrtloa l0 to be ooulhmd 8s lnallb4r IS th e letor art lr rlcarl? l~trdO4 to prowtlbr tbo OlIll rulw rhleb SbmU urn, 1t ropools th prior strtrtr, rltRoo& r he tr ome not r*pmateo I& aword 81th thla rtatomust 8ra ?lrrt.Xat oaal flak v. Loo Comity Cotton 011 hapsay, tT4 6. X. 189 tax. Coa. Ap .) ubem the aut ritibs ore ool.lrteds Uw& t4 : UIwrlbr gouaty, 186 3, 8. Sd 88l.rfilxmed (tILeI e&al Luo ** city of PI1 a8, 181 z. 'f* r r it 0r lror r6iuo4; Oo8mcrrl~l Credit Corp8a~ v. aor- i0btb tme0td4 CO~P~~F, 18s s. c. (rsa) m4, -it 0r orror r@Iuso4. T h elr4laal ru Ii ot statutory oon5truOtloa 18 to gitr ditat to thr 1s~ datlto latent if it 0aB be ssorrtalned. rd I 0r 14entl0rl rank 18 thet Aaothor the lr~lsldurr lat6ndedto a ‘r o o80~ t 0 p ur p M L~B laaotl~ b rtr