SonorableBerttord,h6dnlrtmtw, Pago 2
Wubuotlw 8 of Sutioa 15 of Art1010f of
the Tuar Liauor ControlAot ~~o+i(Loo
ia MH aI
8twr Pwmlt.
g*Paokago A okagostore
lgrrdtdlallldhoriso thr holrrtheroor
tol --
HonorableBert lord, MmlaLtra$oo, Pam )
ago storeo~ntwootlotlua& the VlolatloasZ
tklrpartioular uotloa nlatbg to l *alar t
a0. l l l
Tha Prtaa Uqrror aoatrolBoard or it6 laiatrtntor,
may, after notioe rab hearing oraooltJhe penitoi l pwmlttas
uaiurtha Tuar LiquorUotttroiAot ior dolatlon of any $TO-
Tlrloaor the Aui. SW Sabdlvidun 2 of Sootloxt 12 oi Artl-
el. 666, Ywnoa'a Anaotat.4 Poti 80&a.
Sootloo 12a of Aelolo 666, ‘I.rnoa’r AalwJtRt.4 Texas
PwW &do, lot8 out tlkrpreoedurefor oanoollatloa.
SIO aatloeioateo OS So&ion 11 of Artlol*666,
Y. A. P. 0.. wa,ooa8trud in tJu oaeo of !Sra4loy
tr Toxa8
LlqasrGo&xv1 Board,106 8+ W, (2)300. We quotehoa the
oourtfa 0pSsioz1au fol.low~t
"SuoaLoa12 0
110uu 18~110~ rrader
.A uholoealsdoslo~b 8plrltuour liq~ore18
rho make0uad wile to puroharero
0110 pa-08 or
quuMtlu fw the tupo~ a? trade oc ,bo xv-
The Uetlaoton
f between the *MO&~ 3
r3x* *!a aho 'xotull dwlor' dooanot d&4
apen the qsuatitrmlitOr l
tb, raw ot Raliloi. stat0 TM uomdrdoa 394
so. $60,561,239U~.~&hol&S that uio~Mloro?b&o& .
aal hag. br uaufeeturm 80 emra or ooaeanws, nd Irr
ruelo, bat ?br as0 0s ooa8uaptioa wore a08 %holomlo
aelM” dthaa a0 Alabama Sal00 44, nosldthst8is44 rho
brmlaaZ%or tuo.~fhavohedoom rwalavaltU.
A; polatod oat la your lottr? tho holderot 8
macage eton pudt authorize8 tke hof@x thoroof Wr
w0u 09 or mm~u3ca~0a prek8~s at rrtlll
to oouwer ?or of? pos12ers ooaauaptioa
la tmbrekea
puhagreaad wbxoloaueatria4x8
r .
xonorabloBert fwa, Aalslnhtrator, Pa@ 6
W* thbk the aoqpM.nt 6r aotiu quoted fn
lettar is d0r~0u~~. Thle netfu inak4d 0s arrirrut +ur
o&r&g thut Uho 84& ua8 aot rde 4* rotall to the ooneuw
lr fop 0rr-prdtt0 0onuwapUoa only more4 pleaða rti-
donor rhioh rot&l raieo l grls8 hole proeuaptloa that the
88lewar not 80 mado. 10 thinkthe ooaplalat und aotlr4
p. otEther cad epeoltioally and a??lrarrtl+oly ohargr
e, .
The oomplaist u(L notleo qwt@d Ir, pm
lottw wo
th3ak 14 eenemh4t utr$4gew te the dtmtioa
o? a oempldst
e h u g ia gl germonwith ualnmful poeerrdoa of liuhtea gal-
lom8o?rbseke~iaa~tqtite k 4 0eenW uwt la eo w& a -o .
buga th4 7 theparm8 ia dx7turltory
m&4-’ poeeeeee4 wJd*key ior Uo perpoe* at 68h tb
~~Vlh& kbothoomp<&e la th4tuhile thomatturple~Ued
af&ht oamfitutea dolatian o? law th do-not ablot*
1 a0n4
l? mar@4 robattab&o pruus@ gloser
m ti:OU# nUthe OpLnfOathatthe p?OO?4#??9~~
bsroro the lcledaietrator or Bow& sh0ul4 bo basei
vu16 60 laint. 1s the wapf*lnt bt not100iu rla- amedal-
4 dhfu& th8hthe bw00r 00~1480t em mi84,
L. we; thaxofora,hoLathat tha abow notioo aatlooa-
~iu4fiji8 hftw~ 4rrr0tb 48d that ~0 ~ui6 0~08 0s
oaaosl&~Sloa w be based thenoar
I? a’vulid ump&iat aad aotloe is drawa we thlak
kita proof aan)lonmI Sa pur 1Mtat woald be aaple to ewtria
a, saao*Uation. The ddnlrtntw 18 the trlor or t&e ?aotel