Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Q w. OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS \ - AUSTIN honorable Char . F. Eempbill County Auditor Upton county Rankin, Tens Dear sirt fr+r letter of J opinion or tl¶l6 doper reada 6s f0110Vlt aab’Brldge Warrants were to be funded OLIHovem- ber 9, 19@. In acaordance with the oontpaot dated April 13, lg’ri? 8aid bonds uedpe to beep Interest at the sate of 4$ and vece to mature in a period 0r not over 8i.z yeaw* Fhia inten- tion referred to chspter 163 of the Aots of the ., n Honorable Chaa. F. Reaphill, page 2 Regular Seemion or the 47th Laglalature, Rouse Bill 153. Theme bonda Were never issued due to the fact that an injunotion lult vaa rmd in the Matrlot Court vhioh restrained the Comaala- alonere fr081 iaauing auuh bonda. It appears that quite a lar)le number of varranta which were to have been lnaluded in the funding deal vere issued Illegally. “I will appreoiate row opin.ion on the follovingt Is tha oontraat dated April 13 1940 (shie?~aa never advertised nor aubmlttei to competitive biddIng) legal @nd binding upon the Court. Nil1 the wuranta uUeh are outatmub l.ng, ::*a leegsl fidebtedner; of the Oountr if it la found that they wem llle&ally issued, and oould paplent on same be refused upOa praaenta- t1oR.” Apparently 700~PaiS@ the question as to the valid- ity of the oontraot under ooualderation beomae such eon- traot iraa not let by oorpetitive bids. We do not have be- fore ua the oontraot mentfioned in JOUP letter, therefore, Ve expreaa no opinion am to the validity of lueh eontraot, ex- oept that oontracts-of the nature involved in thla came in- volving sp ec ia l lkill and experience, are not wlthln the ooatemplat5.on of the statute am to oum titlve blda. (Gulf Bltalithio Company v. Iiueoea Gounty, 1Y S. Y. (2d) 305; Houston v. Potter, 91 9, Y. 3898 Hunter v. Uhlteaker, 203 8. W. 1096; Douglas v. Hyrlck, 159 5. N. 4223 Qlbaon v. Da~la, 236 9. Y. 202; Tsokett v. llddleton, 280 8.Y. g8gt Walboe v. Cormaiaaionepa~ court, 281 S. W. 593; loper v. Hall, 280 8. 21. 289; city 01’Houston v. Wooer, 89 S. Ii. 4260 &tlole 2368a, Vernon’s Annotated Civil dtatutea; Texas Jurisprudence, Volume 11, pags:.642.) It la stated in Texas Jurlapmdenoe, Volume 11, ,paee 6421 “The statute requiring th8t oontrfuxta shall be let by oompetitive bids la eonatrwd am apply- ing only to work rhleh la oompetltlve in its nature; It does not control the ooaaaiaaioneral Xonorable ahas. F. EemxkhllL page 3 court in contraoting for ler vlo ea requiring ape- oial aklll, abllit~, or teohnioal 1eamlng. Hw- ever, It ham been lntlrsted that a oontraot vlth arohitecte for plea and lervloea lu luperlntend- ing the ereotlon of a building is within the terma of the statute. . . .’ Zn view of the foregoing ~00~ are respeotfully ad- vised that It la our opinion that the above mentioned oon- tcaot is not invalid beoauae it vaa not let by competitive bids. In other vorda, 6ontraota involving apeuidl~4r.lll, ability, or teohnical learning are not within the contempla- tion OS t&a statute am to oompetltlve~blda. Fha iaot that the oontract under aonaideratlon vaa not let by ooaqmtitlve bids does not Invalidate it. lflth refermoe to your leo o nd Queatlon you axe advised that IS the outstanding warrantlasntlomd by you, were illegally issued, lu6h vumata are void md net a valid obligation agalrmt tlae oounty. Bowever, it la to be understood that we express no opinlcin 48 to the validity of lueh varranta ainae we have no inforratlon Whatsoever pew to auoh werranta. In aonneation with what ve have hereto ta’““f ore maid, ve foe1 it proper to state that we express no 0 lnion ae to the 118billty 0r the oofmtf to pay a rea- momg le valua for the aervlo~a~ goods 09 uroheadl.ae or whatever vam obtained bj the oounty by reason or maid mar- rants. In oonmatlaa with your leoond question and what ve have heretofore maid v6 dlreot four attentloa to our opin- ions Hoe. O-2880 and O-4558, aopiea of them opinlolu am lnolored herewith. Yours verr truly Aaaiatmt AH:db Rwloaurea