Dur 3lr:
th etr ia ld th l8Owe th elo ur tr o wa that th @ fiuntirr
wa r n
entiuo 4 to l jud 8 for damp8 L the mm of
UA to a pumnut uutl48 oajolua& Md notra&al.m<.
4ofon4mto fro5 fwthor .a84 or o~ratiio8 whir aho mm or
th9 "bOt ~Or#hipfti -6 sOhm0A GM& Idga, kXdMt Free
Tbr rworal rodeo in u&l& l oorporat1o.n oray be
dIsrolvo6 are sot tort& In Art&ale 1387, Vernoate Panoteted
CIvIl. statutu. rori8lon of thlo otatuto prorl4ro in
OfrOot that 0 00 be aioOoLtul br aotion on the
part of the stoe f
ldst* ind OdIlIg in thr rroorlbed Qaaner
that the eotporotlon all be btb.OlVd fo ! lamed 0~ tho is-
ouanoe of a oortitloato OS 4iasolotiooQ thr Seorataryof
state. npp~roatlyt&la uao the prooodurofol1om.dby the
8eOoAd Oor~Or~tdM wmtb(E to be the firrt Oor&wration
uhon tha applio&ioa for dlooolutlonwe0 fll*U an4 the ou-
tiri0Ot0 0r 4lsoolotioll wm i08ll.4 Dt wlr Searetaryof state.
Thi ittornbr Eonoral ir d%rooteU by tbo OonrtLtu-
U&o o;so;. u4loLalrorrukrro ahenoror 6 maffloleat oawe
i&b9 oaibooonstltutIoaal protioiontie Attorney
Genrni is ohbrrgd 6th the 4uty of prove&
oorporatlon tram lnnirhc my powor not aat3 orlw
w Pate
br law.
As to thlr olraw, it ho8 bun ho14 that the ‘Attorm~ Csmral
i8 rldther tQune aor ontitbU to tdh.ilOtiOD to eajoin e WC-
pontlon froa oroeedlng it0 lega powers where privaterkbto
alono am lnrolvo4~ but, vbero o forfeitareOS it8 abarterhao
beon laoture4 b the oorpoohtb It oanaot be ad@ thc.tthe
State has no ineeroat In the cubjeotmetter of lItZ@tIon with-
Ir.the generalrPle that a w?ty must have an interestin a
euit. The funatlonof 1notItutIngpmoeetlltqs ror forfelwre
Is tested in tho AttO?noy. CenOril UOW~ X16 rsght or duty
in this ooaaeorion lo sz#lualro;and thrrotow statutoawhloh
uo p~pOrt@a to aonfrr the pwer on other8 h.s?ebeen held to
be, Artiolr Iv, So&ion 221
State v. F a mttrLao mlto .,Co mm, 17 &“Jf:r 60; TO% 8-n
ro1uI# at, pa40 la).
A0 w umMwaa6 pu requbrt you dsrirr our opln-
ion On th. qMBtiOIt, VbethU tb8 !ieoratn~ Of Stat0 has the
heal right to l8aool tbo oortliloate of Umolatlon hereto-
fo r e
8s~M ensdaa th esh a r ter
o fth8 loaoa~ 00rp0rOti0n.
awklag publicoiilLIlln and gararmnntal
llmfnf8tr8tlvoboards pasroa8 only mah parera aa *zw lxpma8-
ly aoaivrredv~On thee br law 'ot slroemaxllylmpllodfmxi the
powmrs b mnrarmd. Tbry aannot le.@l$ Qvrfon8aotr not eu-
thorltsabq axlstl4ln, It ir stat04 in Toma Jurlspudonoo,
ndu@Je )cI Fuce 44%
-tOtUt pZ’88Oribo
vhioh end 1-t the 0x8?-
0180 Of OiflOill autf U8 8trfaUy omotru@din rr
spoat or tko pOWOr ocaforre& aad t&l8mllaer ot
th o lrlx sr o b ema mo b wo n uo not tc br a -
larged by oon&uotl& aftu a lo f$t
i at uou d2.l b0 ifb0x-d%
rota 0r orfloua conatru8d
In fUOr Of ti@lt@,(i3ppOt.t
iOr vhibh 18 0hb.d
to be roti in ruoh rota. sp80iri0,dlrrs and ai-
reOt grOXit8 Or l!A%tatiOa8 Of pOwU hi ti8 COIL&%-
tutlon ue not
coatrollwlor annulled b# gubsml
prwl6lon8 foond in 0th~ part8 of U.a organ10 law.
hd -M ta0 60mituti0n a0firu0 th8 p0mn 0f
aa OfflOU, b 18 oanflned b tho
eimn#rdod, VU8
th elxpr088 Beationof maoh povwi~ oseatfros
8a t¶
th0 0xLm~~00 or 0thw.
-I$ ir lpgrllfvvll settl~t,
lob maror a or or hposor
o r b o a r do a r rp”la uith it br
tr to do euoh thla@ as am
cum into eireot the p5uu
grantedor tlwaUt~ iapowd. Thus paver to ilooar-
tab work or to l oaonglimha oortalnresult vhioh
OEUtnOt OthCTWi8ebs 8OOOApii8heb, iA the CLU-
tborltyto eiqloysuch eg8txti a8 oar be roaewablp
nooo8sary to aoooc~pllshthe work or purpose wool-
iha, end b 0438&e thULiCW 6W3h WthOf timr,aB
ia mamaably neaowarr.*
I vlth rsfuanoo to t&o butioa, paaoraand llabiU-
t&O8 0t RUbliO
oiff O(tf‘8 d80 808 Ruling C88. tar, VOblAO 22,
page J&s aad Corpus rUri8, Voltmo 46, gage 1014. Fe uoto
STQA Corpus f~~-l~pntdb~i~~, Yoluan b6, pag8 103) a8 fo9lowec
"In th8 ab8mOO of 8tatntOTyauthority,M
0fri00r a 8tatutoly duty rhioh dw*
In p8rrollalag
Roa6nUo Nlllarl J. Lavaon, Page 9
DOt imoll0 fb0 Wudao Of diSO~ttoB la withoat
tbr Rower of 8wn6wat sad rhea tba &t&gmcat or
u80?0uOE Of M UBOU ii TO Off&O@ h&8 bOWi 001~
W1uwol8e4ln thr perfarmm~ of a 0pe0if10
the HtpsrfWmdls bWoa4 hb rwl8wor
1, although t&o otetuk ooaforthg autherlty
npraaU -or hla dotoxstiPI,Uaa Uaelutlom
80 e&offMl d00lB10na of pall0 0~fbma uo xl-
* 8m -f? 8~00.~8~ trW0T.r OfflOO? W
amilisy or chMg* th8 U8&8 or prdoa or motto48
laorlr adopted rhoa mzoh aodlfleatlon or ohmgo
8 glml
p” l poapeotlre, aad not a ratrtmouTa,
.In Tiav o? the S0ragola.g lt la oa? opinion tbnt the
8aara of Sk60 ha8 a0 lognl t or athorit ,",zzl
“il flcata ei U88olu8ioa
8iw wrt l oharfor o f h
ft Ls atat& in Tom18
_ --
.Y -Qiii&Mat u oanorllation oi the &ouKuIt LB
in eoM88uoa with tbo foregol& va, to Qok$
oat tht ue two not toti my 8tateto lthorf tb8 mme-
‘tuy of St&o to lanool t eutlflom~ of ofirqw6-.
la.0 of has Ulm SMO .-a obtainad-W.tot&rthrough fraud or
ethuwlab ror the ama rowon, it w be al60 ~atated that
t&6 8o~rotka7of 8tate ha8 no aPthori?# b 6anO.l th8 -?.
%om8thodrat R~OOdtUOMd tba (yroosdBWjWnwhioh B Obl%U
of a pri+rt8 oor 8tiW w bo oan0dl.d @r8 Sot Olrt $a the
OttltfLt.8 r 18 b th0 UEO.
The me~ir or m&hod of prooedureby OlhiOhthe first
aorporatlon lwr8torom moRtioned186~hare its oharterreln-
stated i8 to be determined by the oorporatian and 18 a Eat-
ter whloh this depart&eatha8 no legal BUthodty to P@8S upon.
Bonh’abl8 ~llllmm J, Iawacm, Pags 6
:. .
Ardoll allllasu