Eimor6bl6 'LWtibla,
2’. LL
PiFat ASlUbhtlt StFltO~U~6ZTiPt6Uind~t
of Fubllo Inrtruotion
Auatia, Tam
Dsu Girr
943, to whioh ir
8ttWh4d 13 htt6X county l%p4rfoton-
4ult Q,i sohoolr 0 48864 to %etl*atw8ld
c. ann, Stttora aa ham bean roa6itad.
by W. Rmoh
a# folloamt
iu 10omc4d
The fflfttrlct ha.
958 F;nwaarat6d saholaatleafor tfioaohvol you
19G+bA. Th'bsrs era 261 pupil6 above the g?hBsr
tm&M In trhocartlaborry%&091 DIfltriOb.
Tbrr4 are, EherdOra, 697 arig;inally4BXIXi6T4t4d
raholaatlotwithin the (p?a&r alsrdfird to be
tola&!!tram%iniil$in the dietriot. Th~iS,or
0otiree,~nauiae~that there vi11 b6 aa tratlst42S
0th. 3.6 thorefote,be9mma obvi':-wthnt th4
~oholm& populeticmof the Cestlebary sehoQ1
Distrlot *nXl be in 6xaeaa of $00 Juslna th4
EOA. P. 2. Rl;rlbl4 pega 2
OOJ&A$ sohool yaar unison &ore am et leant 198
ptZFil0 olarilflsdwithk th6 &M!MS t4&U@ltin
the Coatloberry fjohool dlstrfat teazufcnroU out.
'IbeCaotlebarw Sohool Dlstrlot her Fsoeltod
istat 014 for t5s QxsosubK rite Poora or etQr0,
'TCoauoBill a0. 176 by leak,
et al., whioh la
acxwooAly rat4rrd uallutlon Lou er
to 08 tb6
Taxas ior #a Blsnalt~l1943-h , providoo in Artlelr
1, 806tiOA 3, tho iOllowiA#
'5tiotlo#l 3
8holl ba &ran ; prQ7lolQnr
or thirrAatnblah lo lowtad rithla tro aad oaw-hl#
(24) 0ue0 0f0m h a l0ho~i or tb0 lUU ro0h pal0m
oiaaoouat or the rocrdo olrd other rlool feimFoa,
it la rolresoanoblr and lm~aotleab th papilr
to ottend mator oohoa; prowldrd that this rooteio-
tioa oholl not apply to olowator~ oohool* ia 0 em-
~Aiia~toa -d/or mrfii hwt l0b 00 4i
:88r i08, ll0z to
w di6trlOt WhiOh St 60%6 r-r6TiOtl4 el6OtiAA h0
ootad to maove mch oond~tioa br aon6oll6otioa.
that the QaotlobbarrySotma Mut~lot
hoe o budgetuf nrd ior BaLary kid, trona tatbioo
al& anb Tultloa aftla8 thsrs tmna 8"In tho
o?o nilo
Aot, xc111tbs ttndrroo~~oii asaptlcm 0ontolaoU ln
Artlola 1, Ssotlo~3, oparata ts
OS 84t out abtm
ptrdt the Certlabomy CWmaa CWmel drtrhti to
reoolva State ald wulsr the torrar) of Bousr t31ll190.
176, Act oi the hat -;s&tat seaalon of the L&r-
loeuro svim wtou$h thti cllntrfat 500 iA 6X04OA of
500 O&iarl~ OAWOOtnt6d 4oh&?Wti0@ WitidA th4
pdao alsssliisdt:,b6 taught rbevllnin#$a the
43lotrlot arter t35n0rer0 out-, provided thoxo ace
no otbrr ua44 tiwm esntslnad in the bill thaw
a&pZim to tbPLIdiatriet other than the ond tmdszr
oaorec? abarterhloh :;o&ro la Artiole f, 3MtiZolr*3.
x o ep t1mtoQ.n
utin~so Ql0 3OI.I
fHo uoRe lll
176 pasad by the Le&slaturs In 1943, pertaintng to
state aid to rublfa oohools which eroeption is mQcrsoored
ln your latter 1~ only en exaeption % the first rart of
reld rretion whloh inhibits the Etrantlneof ml& to any
sohaol looetsd within Cwo end om&ali miles of another rohool
of the maso race atiQ1s not en exos tlon to bhst provision
of Section 1 of the eecaesot whteh fSaits aid tn thorns
having U-Ienumorntsd oobolaetlopoydatlon
of not 1%~ then twenty nor !aor4thaa fit4 hundred orl~fn~l
snumerated eoholeotlcsrlthln the grades olerriiiedto be
taught rmalninq- Ln tha dlstrlot eftrr transfers out.
Therefore,WE mauer the guaetion subdttad in
the above quoted letter In thr naQrtlr8.
,Youravo?y tru1t
E. 5% hrlae