Pailroad CormPir8ion 0r T8xa8
Au8tin, I'-8
801 P0w8r 0r
pewar of th8 F84ml Cktrraeat
to th8 polio8 powor of th* Btat8.
9. That thl8 aoatraat 18 within the war pow8r or tha
Railroad Coml88las Baa8 1.
a Uph@idb~~ th0 right Or like ait8d stat88 t0
take over us4 00atrol the rallroml8 in tis, or war to thr
lxalu8len or roe right8 0r tlu 8kt88 timrein, yr. chbf
Ju8tia8 khit8 in Port&l% P8Otii8 Railroad kmaaf v8
Worth Daltota,MO b. 8. 1.50,~14:
"The oompl8te an6 ua~Irld86 rhraoter oftb
WU &MWU Of th. unit& 8$at88 18 Mt di8pclhbk8. .. .
vb 8lWRtUy priaeipA8 that, u&or th8
Oonatltation,the luthorI8y oi tha 6ovoremnt Of
the utit8d stat.8 18 p-at Wb8a lUtd a8 80
rrrbJ8at8aanaUniag which it ha8 tbr powu to
oontrel, ir indi8gutabh. T&i* boi.4 t-8, tt
r88ult8 W* elthoug au%horitr to raw&to rlthln
l &V8B 8&hOFO Ul OX%8t %a both th. UBIkd f%at88
Ma &B th. 8Wt.8, whur Ch8 tomr a&,18 into
play ooartItutlomlanfhuitt uithiamob &Oll8l’d
8phEO tb me88~9 8ifO8b Of 6Ow 80 18, th&
t0 th. ortOn Oht My 0Onili.t UiH8 fh8 Iate
WWU 18 mtd, 81llO8 in Oa8. O? OOntliOt ti.ld
which i8 pUMOUtlf XMfO8r8adu -l%tZO18 that whloh
18 8PbOrbincrtO.*
The juwu8 of rm4re88 otor iatrartat8 a8nu80
ua p lumr ~ r h a l todora ta8kaa8atalltf or ~tlorml
&M&Z-80 i8 illTOlV.6.
III ~88in@ Upon th8 8- QUO88iOS the W@W Tork
cOUt% Or Agp8d; &i%bliO @U~i88 C8d88iOX f8 I~w %9rk
cant?8l RMAro . . a&* 8aIal
‘TBi8 Mti@II (iBtM8taS8 t8t8 iiS- by l
iohral agenor) wa8 not &i8tlrir6 by anl or.tlm ordlnarl
M3.88 Of i8W. 18 MI2 b0 8U88afnd Mb&J e8 th8
lXUOl88 Cprth@ WU p@WU8
0f 8h8 &it& 8tata8. A&
th888 Q8WU8 lIdtO& by th8.
aF8 nOLOt Or8IMry rtie8.
T h e ylt~ not bound04 by rp8olXIa grut or authority.
The are not anlike what, ?a %ha &tar, w or11 the
pal i oe power, bat th. polio@ &ioWr Pai8.d to th8 Bi#h-
l8t bOge8. Thor are 8uah pwerr U a?9 l88eatbtiti
pr089rV8 th Wry 1if8 Oi fh8 MtiOS it8df. *ha8
r8QUi8it8 t0 thi8 end tha libarty Ot th8 OItI88a, th,
pretutioa or pritat8 propuby, tha po80*-tlr ri6ht8
Or tb* 8btO8, BMt 811 yiO16 to XIUO88ity."
The rI&F of *ha fo48ral gor**urnt to taraM the
p~aoe-tbaa polioo pow&8 Of tb 8U6* %8 8h8W %8 oh*88 8a888
~ph01QInglit8 lWhority to pseTOat 8al8 Of intoXiOaatS8 11qUOr8
i) w8L1 397, 20 UL 8. tt. #&.)
gw, a. e8lDa
"saatloa l861.
i!iiWhW*% &oretwy 02 War, to take ge8888-
Ulimr t0 YOUr rfZ8t qUO8tiOU 18 ttut the
Xailroad CO~ai88iOn doss not hme jurlm6lotlon Qver thI8
mart 0r traa8portat10nn.
ho to your aroonb que8tion ~8 to wbther or Pot the
Ar8y mny engap e oomoa curler to oprrato t:i88@tlUOk8, w8
toe1 t&at hation 13bi5,Title 10 U. A. C. A., in providing
th8t *tlH traaqmrtrtlon of troop, 8unition8 05 wu, ogulp-
maat, NUtuy proparty, and atorao thmoughout the Un1t.d
Stat.8 8hdl be M68r the lmdI&to lontra~ ad 8UporVi8iOn
of the Soor8tuy or liar, and ruoh auat8 8s he rr appoint*
8ufflolontly authorlrea thr Vmr 5epartaant to appoint w
agut it d@riO W&U t& hot8 8tlbdttd h JOUr 1att.r.
- - ./
DtlVfdy. &8bh '