Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN andHo. 17, uhiobyou quoteirr whatis nm &tiOl@ 7360 of the or the Pat IQlownas the mxa8 iona relate the reao&tirm alone to lmrber8, fan%the eralit rar thm yradouf~ly spent by as&&ant barbera. In or%ac for arg one to bar% obtd.ne% 'thebenefit ot those asotionr, it -a8 noeassary for hit to mace applUsation to the State Doud of norbar iZ%asdnors rritbla eixty %aya aftor t&3 grrosage Of soiii aot in 1833. .. 782 - SeotioA S'O? sad hot readsc •~17 per~0~a.m ~,~ufiedtoreoare l o er fifio a toof rogi8trrticmi as a ceglmtemtZ ami&aAt ?Ju%eP m(a) mo la at 108.t ilktOA and a half 7aars Qf e@%; ala g(b) who 16 6f goal morul eberaetar awl babits~ teirlporato aA% .: - 783 lt01ubo has graduated fPom a ioh of barboring~ppswvedb7theBoaM;and “@ I VbQ ho pame% 8 satisirotbryexam- AAationcmted by the Board to detetajnebi* fltAea0 to praatlae 011a registered aasietant barber.. saaflomXoa.1o,l1an1¶ la of aa%dAat~mlde ice tbo kid Of MtiOA Whiti -et be iilad dtb the Board Par aA t&On, an% the -I' and mOtbOQ of oonduatizgths OtXfU&StiOA, aad the condition under wbicb oertlfieatesahallbo gr+edI17tIieBoord~ /- ,, - .’ 4%;. c: ‘.‘.2.Q co:.;: : ST7EL C~) yi& . ..