Honorable .GliffordB. Jome, President
Texae TeahnologLoal Collc+g
Lubbock, Texas
three hours
hrve tea
nts with S semeeter
. i(iu.tarcy
-ma 6 howa 3.32 t30~0=-
et~to have w@led them-
rn&lve#. Rnd in view of the.
ethn haa irtsen.conoearing:
the alGmlatlve for riatate
teaaherls aertlfioate, it will be appreciated
if you will kindly advise $hether:or not under
e3cIetlnglaw the alteraatlve ptivielon is ac-
aeptable fop a etate teaaher's certificate,"
%o person hereafter shall be ~oerfiMed to teach
3.nthe pubuo aallooleof tilestate OS Texas until
he has aeoured ore&it ,for the course In both Fsd-
eraI,and State Oonafltutloncot: the wade of in-
struction uponwh%ch hf4is applyi% f.0~ti.xc~tl-
fiaaim, that is either 0r tho subcolle@ or c.?t:re
oollego work? or in lieu t!mreoS sLml1 itive;xnsac;
an examination set by thn Stnte Superintendent or
F'ublloInatruotlozaon the Conatltutlona OS the
United States and Texa8; provided, that any person
who has to his credit iz any standard college or
UniVtrrSityOf %Zt3S a5 SIU& (LS II%% (6) hour8 of
sloerloanQoverrmbnt deemed Do have mt
tha-requirmente of thla Seatlon. Wovided i'u-
ther, that aftor September 1. lB37. no atuclmt
hours of atid crsdit:in f3ovemmeut and
at lqsast;
three (8) hoUra of omdlt In a ocnxraoin
Hllltary Soienoe aa provfded in an approved senior
R.O.T.C. Wt. As amended Aets 1937, 45th Leg.,
p. 422, ah. 2Mk 800; 11 Aots 1939, 46th Lee.,
p, 264, ufa+ 1. (Bnphaeis rddsd).
It ~~11held in Opinion No. 0-2612-A tixattne under-
scored :pax%oS the above quoted prorlsi.onie unooastltutlonal
of the fn8ufYioleno~ of the oaption of Youse iUll 291,
Aots 1957, 48U.1 Leg., R. S., oha 244, pe 488. A aopy of suah
opinion la enclosed herewith Sor your oonsideratlon.
Seotlon 4 was amended onoe more by House Xl1 &17,
Acts 1939, R. S., oh. 14, p. 2fM, whloh bill addeclWe pro-
vision ti which you am Interested. Such provis'ccll 13 thet
part of the queted article wb%oh appears after the underscored
part. It was held 5.nOpir,ion::a.0-%612-A that as the oaption
of the1939 bat was atlent am to the undemeored part of Article
2&3s$icl,the same uas Mt iualuded. tiequote tb following from
OpMon No, o-%5l%-A:
"Coneequently, in is cxz oylnlon btr:&
resp&tfully advised tnmt the only vel.Sd~provi-
sione fn Article 26630-1, Vernon'8 Anmtated
Glvil Statutea. relative to the veqtirezaentof
oozaplet&onof.~ouxses in governmen
guisite~to.b~dunt~oon,fron a State
oolierreor univecs~ are those contained lu .pIec-
tion 2 or the Arti&. 2hl.sseation requires that
all State tax-antpportedcolle@ss and InetlIxtioas
give uo:Wses of instr;lotfonin American i.ov~rtZse*
with spoaial emphasis upim the Canstltutivn of ta0
Ur-itodStatus and of %zias for at least t&m (3)
ftit7-tiiuuteperiods par week for z-13~
les3 tnan
twelve oonaeautlve weeks, or its equivalent. Ho
;~;g~~dua;; frcaaany Staai taxypported
vets y ah0 ha6 net passea a:8atfs-
..faatem exemfuat&oa in suck aellege or~univansity
~:upenawh eoW?ae or.iu some other.aolleqe or uaf-
veraitJ.* (~~hesle added 1.
.Pau v&net&e &at.-.OpLloa IPo.G28l2-A ia oeneerned
w%th the pmitkquieitee to graduation-iros,a Stata tax4uppoHed
00~16~0 or unlverrlty. ~~thouttouohini on the queatlonwhethm
or ~aot.tho1939 Act effectfvely incorporates into our statutes
the part thereof relating to 3 hours of Militsry 3oienoe, it is
our opFnlon that said part would apply only to graduatieu pre-
roqtisitoe and net to the issuance of CaacfLersroertlfiaatee.
In the fire% plmoe, thu provision LB plaaed in the pro-
via0 olauoe relat3.q to gmdxxition requirenonts. In the second
glaae, the emergenay clause of tim 1939 Act rends, in part, as
HG?lOraijle ClfffOrd E,. Jones, pac;e G4
"The fact tnat wny students who ham already
88 now CeqnZred creatoe rw emertjency45% 9 'I.
(Enphaais auppliod).
In line wfth tha fuzdamntal ml6 of statutory con-
struatlon that provisos and exceptlow are 8trictly construed
and because re think t.kLatthe le~lslative'intent Isclear, it
is our opinion that the part of Artlole f2663b-1,a?-&& reeds,
nor &all have wntpletad at least thme (3) ho.uraof eaid
sredlt in Oovernment and at least ttaree(3) hours of oredit
in a oourm in lilitary Science as provided in an approved
senior R.O.T.C. tit", even if valid, muld have nc applica-
tion to that part of Article z?0*35b-1relating to lsauance of
teaohers~ osrtifioates,
In OpWon #o..O~Sl.8-A 1t -8 held tiat the only valid
provlslans i.zi
Art%+ 3663b-3,relatiw to tte requiremant Of the
wmplet;iim al?GovelxQ5Ein
t oour8ea as a premqtisit4 to graduation
frm a State tax-uuppoz?%ed oollega or university are those con-
ta%ned In Seetim.%8. You areaow adviasd that :credft in R.3.T.C.
ELI.&- Science may-not be aubatituted for oredit In Anwrlcan
Govoa%uae&tAnder that part of ltrtLale%?863b-1ralatlng~to the
pa?arequl8Mes~to the oertUioation of toache~e~which reads: npro-
viaed,thet~apy pa3laa.e has to hi8 credit 3.nrrnyatondara col-
legwor urziVer8it~.of~$taxm aa xuoh'arr85x (6) hour6 of'~erioan
Go~eamm8n$ shell be demed to have met the reqtirements of this