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. . . .
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Eonorable E. Bayne ~~atterf'ield, Commisaloner
lWmib3n~s Pension Comu~Isslon
.Auatln, Texas
Dear Sir:
Your request
General or Texas reaas
mat date should Mr. a have been retirea and
what monthly benefit should he be granted undeF the
Honorable H. Bapne Satterfield, page 2
provisions 6243, Revised C~YII 8tatiutes
or Axtlele
or Texas? He and ‘hia da artmanti were ,pat+jipat-
ing members of the Dieab P lity and Retlrtient b&up
of this State operatin& mder the above Article.”
Se&Ion 6 or Artiale 62l,3e, Y. A. C. S., provldess
=On aud~arter the 1st day of April, A.D. 1939,
any person who has been duly appointed and enroiled
and who has attain@ the age or fifty-fire 55)
years and whb has served aotively ror a per od @fi:
twenty (20) year8 In some regularly organized riro
department in any olty or town Fn this State now
within or that may oome within the provisions. of
this Aot, In any rank, whether aa wholi paid,
paid or volunteer riremen shall be entl e led to rte ;
retired rrom euoh servloe or department and shall
be entitled to ba paid iran the Firemen’s Belier
and Betliament Fund or that oity or town, a month-’
ly pension equal to one-half of his average-monthly
salary not to exoeea d niaxlraum or One HundredsDol.-
lars ($100) per manthi Suah average monthly salary
to be based on the monthly average or his ealary
for the five (,6) ,year period preceding ~ths dat,e af
anah retlrementj pt&Wlded further, that ,#’ hQ# avex-
age monthly salary Is Fifty Dollars (#!%I)~ Qr bless
per month or It a roluntser firasan with ‘nc! .a@.aryj
he shall be entitled to 8 monthly pens&n or ri+
tireaent iillowanoe or 9kenty-rivelM.lar8 ($25).w
FXOQthe faotia stated in your letter. it ie the 0 ln-
Ion of this department, ,and ,you ara so advised,~ that ,4&a E4 Fe-
mau % question ahould.have bean retired en January 1, 194%
HO may QOW be ret&red at &ny time and is ontitled. ~$0 be Paid,
from ~the Firaaen*s ‘Belief and Retirement Fund a mOn?@ly p@aaiOa
equal to one-hall of ai& average monthly atiary nsrt PreWddfng
the date of I&I retirement but not to exoeed a msimum Qt )l@
$br :~sonth, ~5.8 average imithly salary ror,the pest'fliqi PeOrs
avlng been $200, hs~ la eitltled to be retired and to rewiye
a pen&on of #lDb par math. .i
Tocws very ~truly
cm DE0 4,19J4
Gerald C. Mann
OPlmOBT co-