Honorable Dan FJ. Jaakson
Distriot Attorney
Houston, Texas
Attention: Mr. Conred J. Landrarn
Dear Sir:
Your letter
opinion of thib depart
the County Clerk .ie ,ag
trensorlpt 02 gi1a:+%3ip
in part aia tollowtir : .'
don riq: the -@harp
the zmwaollhty.
ta fo .be'pald to
is srieated.
hat the alerk oi.the~ oXd oounty
tethe new oouuty both a traxi-
soript or 'ths,ptiaeedings~ in the 018 00&q *to-
gether with 'h&l the original papers in th& .6aiae.l
Under Art. 4294 the ~removal is not etisotive nntil
the rlllq is ampleted in the new oount and th8
clerk 0r the new oounty riies his oetiir f~ orte ,to
that efleot in the old oounty. Art. 4295 provides
Honorable Iran W. Jaokson, Page 2
that when the-removal is effected the new oauaty
shall prooeed lu the ease *as if it had been orlg-
lnally oommeneed in the said oourt; but It shall
not be neoessarg tb record any of the papers in
the case that have been recorded in the oourt from
whiah the same &as been removed.’ It is to be
noted that the statute requires a seoond filing
in the new oountg but not a second recording I
the new county.’ This distinction is importantnbe-
oanae Art. 3930, Chap; 2, Title 61, V. a. s. A.
governing .offlolal ,tees Of the County clerk pro-
rides both a riling fee an8 a reaord?ng fee as
WtFUing .eaeh paper . . . . . . . . # 905
Reoordlng of papers required
to be recorded by them in re-
lation t.o estates 0r~,deeedents
or wards for eaoh 100 words . . .I0
Filing ea,oh paper exoept sub-
poenas. .::;‘:~‘~.~~
i . . ,. . . ~. ; . . . .05
Iloaketlng~ eaoh ,appllcatlon,
eomplalnt, ljetltlon or pro-
oeedlngto’be 8harged but
.; ~~~~onoe.. ~;‘:i’k i . i . 7 .’ . . . 30
EGE certirieate to any faot
or raotseontalned In the reo-
ords or his of.fioe with oerti-
f lcate seals when,,not otherwise
provided ~ior; ‘. : .~ . . . . . . . . .5q
Reoord&ig ,of, Rapera required
or’ law to be re-
corded not otherw$se,, rovided
for, -~inoludlng aertif s aate and
seal, ror eaoh IO0 words. . . . . .IO’ .
aArt. 3930 taken alone will require the aharging
or a rilln 1&e for ,:eaoh eri lnal paper which has-
been Ad from’ thebtp to the new eouui
. to. Rut It does not require the charging of a reoord-
iixg fee ior any of the eriglhal papers whleh are~re-~
quired by law to be reoorded beoause these original
papers are not requfred to be reoorded a beaoi&d time.
It Is plain that’ the ~statute did net eonelder, ,the
transerlpt asa substitute ior the oifginal pa ers
and this~fndloates that the riling or the orig f nal
.papers In the DSWaotity is an essentisl .element of
the- removal prooeedinga.
%inoe the stat& is mandatory 5.n this Poz&and
,that the oxi&ml papers ;be u in the'newoo&tty
an4 .that,tho al&c of the naw oorraty aertlfy:thl.&
faot I hamof the Opinion that the county olerk is
req&& to oharp a riling ree ror eaoh original
paper filed in the county. Only IR thle way ma
the new aounty,be paid ror the serviae of the man-
tj o1erk.U , one of the indispsnsabla of-
fioial sertioes~ required by removal proceed-.
This nlll,xiot~work a hardship ~011the estate %a m@,
oases 'bsoauss In most oases the remoral~is et the
eleotlon of thd.gti&dlan or some other person uhoae
aonoenienoe niU,be better aerved bf removing thd
ease to~tha:nea:oounty. In other woPds~;~.tihe~rem~
al Is: not ror'the..Qonvanienoe.oi the adatlnlatratlre
'machinery or the St,ate':oti' adunty. : :
' I(. . .,. 0.