Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

557 OFFICE QF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS #rTORNEY GENERAL Bonorable 9. I!. CountT Auditor 1or c;ounty A 3 lemo, Texar D8ar sir: he of youx letter oi this departamnt: 18 and Company 6 that R party or reoor4 In th8 J rhatl pay the re- orb f& tide. n apparfdntoonflict iq the Stat- of the oourt in the above “r . . .‘) 55s i?oaorables..li.plller',pa@ e The applloablspart of Artlole S9Sf2,Revised Qlvll statutes, alaa ret forth in your lettar, ia in the.followlng laneuager a . l . . No oounty olerk shall be oompelled to file or reoord any i.nstrumnt of writing per- mlttsd or required by law to b0 reoordod until the paent or tender of paym65t or all 10gal fe88 tot suoh ffling or reoor&lag bar b0.n m&o. Notihg JbenLn shall be held to lnoldo paper8 ar~lnatrument8 ffled or moomlwl Ln aultc pscdl~ in the oounty oourt." Thla departmat, in an o loion n54pr9d in 1931 ad again in 1939 held that it 1s the Puty oi the oounty olerk to ohargo and oolleot th0 logal few in f'ullbofora rooomllng $+ rtrum6ntsleft nith the olerk f0r that purp000. A oopy ai tho .lattor opiplon, b0Icy O-93@, approved Doeomber lS, 1939, and oltittg tbs rormer oplnioa Ie h0&th onolomod. s6otloa s of AXtid.9 SQl.8e.VorElon'Lmaetated Qlvll atatutas, oq2rmaa~~srkes it tb duty ot all ofri06ra to ehar60 aml oolloot +n the faanmr authorleed by law all feoa ad4 om- ~LmaIonr whioh are peralttod by law ~MIbe asseaebd nnd oollsot- o&tor all Oifioial aenlco per~ommd by .t&om, .?helanguagclwed. by the.oourt 15 the ~aso oltod in your letter do00 not oonfllot dth tho duty Lslpoaodby law qpon tho oountr offiolalr. In t&p oame the deed la puemtlon wan rii04 with ard6E6*Qta by the Qlimk for 3FWJoraation. 9?h0 aour-d that the purohassr ra(r oharwd with notim of Its oriatenos by.reaum OS 'tho?lli~, aotwlthrtandlngthe fall- um of the olerk to enter It upon th0 deed reoorde of the 00unty. It might readily bs aurmia0d that the party slalaing title a0 lM00~nt pumhaesr of th0 lslldthere iarolred was at- taoking the validSty of th0 d-6 on the ground 'that tb re- COrdbIg fee had not beer paid. ~b0 court was apparently die- poalng of th1.acontentionby the language sot forth in your letter a0 above stated, having in mind doubtlrrse~rtlal0 6632 whlah providea that when suah lmtrglaent is delivered to the Clerk of the proper aounty to be reoorded same shall take 0f- teat and be valid aa to all subsequcmt purohecsersfor a valu- able aonslderatfon without notioo. 559 Undor~tha profialoao of Art1010 6596, Rerlmd Clril gtatuteo or Toxaa, ltery 15etnam5t authoritod to bo roqwdod is conaldawd as reoorded frofithe time it warndopoaltob for rtloofl. AnmweriIq yous question it is t!!eopinion of thlo department that there is 50 duty impocod upon the oounty olork to aooopt a5d IUe a5 lnstzqmt authorlzod to bo rUe& 15 tho county olork*8 offloo UYO whew6 eamm is aoaompanlad by pay- nmt or t45dor of payment OS the proper statutory foot author- lsod to be Obarged theroior. Yourr!rory tmly