Baa, D. 0, W%er, page 2
“‘It te the qda%aa of thlo DqmrtmenC,
that the Departmentot Publio
Sitfetymay not issue a oertitloa~eof title
on a motor.v%hio3*'uppon'afflQail.8
at re
possessionwithoutanting on said oertifi-
oate OS title the first lien of the ven*r
OS the tires,radio,or other a%%esaary
which ie attachadto the motor vehlala
unleesth*~applloant for the new oe*lfi-
ISateOS tit10who io ths pur%h%s%ret the
.f%reoloeur%ealr rodu%esevldenoebefore
youx Daprtment tiet suah that lion tigainst
suoh eutoboblleaoaesmr7 has b%%n satisfied.*
YEHouselW.1 4.07,Aate OS the 46th Legislature,1939,
kmmn aa the Certlfioateof Title Law, beam% aifea-
Uve O&ober 1, 1939. After that d&e end prl%rtto
M.&y3, 19& the efrmive datd 0s ~0~~0 m3.g 205,
A$ts OS the 47thLeglslature,whloham%nd%dXouaa
R#.U 407 Oranpthousandsof first liens .an~aoaeeaarl%e
Worn reoordadas sa%h Osrthe oifloi%l rsemds of the
laaaed or oarriedIerwaM on all rr-iaaucrd titles
Mteu,onae having Been reaordod.
hen-beeninterpretedbrthis DaparWt ~toAeaB
that.froaand,%%ffe%tivedat% %f Ea&8%
Bill 205 ilret l&ma on tirer,radiqs,h%atem
or aher automobileaooeaaorlea may notibd re%ard%d
with this D%ptu'Ut6nt.
a@ SW& QOLt thQ &itl% Of ent
metor rsbiole.but that U%ns on t&tie,h%at%raand
other autmae&e aoisesisoxbsl~ayk reload UP-
Hem. D. 0. Qew, pagO 3