Honorable Jaak ?. Hemphill
Oounty Auditor
Upton county
BsWn, Taxa
Dear sir:
of thxd.-
ad8 in part an
inion on eaoh of
Ronorable Jaak F. Ilemphill, pego 2
Honorebls Jack F. Hemphill, page 3
Under Brticl66 3883 end 3891,Vornon*s Aunoteted
Ci+iil Stabutoe, t ho 6mx26uunccqpsnrat;ion end the 6X0668 tebs
%llowed to bs retelnsd by the county judge, county aad Uis-
tslct o&irke, ecu&y attorn%y, aherirr, end ta~,e%a6saor-
collector 16 $3000.00 each ~por year. The county offlalel.6
Of mid OOUnty.em n01 cOmpaB6et~d on an RIUZURl6alarjr bea$a.
The tinimum @elary,-ef fall. raid county offioiels, sxooptin&j
the auditor and the county oomml66ionors cannot br less then
the total sum earned by ~6ach 66 oompsn~satlon by oftlcor
in hia aeid otflciel capeoitg for the fieoel year 1935. Tho
meximnrnsalary of seld Ofrid oannot be more then tho
mexianuuallowed oech of said offioials undar law6 ati8t‘ing
An&gist24, 1935, except that 6uch mexlmum may be inoree%ed
one prr oent for .eaah $llOOO,O~O.OO ~veluetion or fraotional
* part ther6oi, An exoaa6 of #l0,000(~00.00 .veluetlon ovdr an4
above ths ~ximum amount allowed saoh ofiiasre ~undsr lawtb
sxistlpg cm August ~24; 1935; provided, how6War, no salarias
oovored by 6eld Ssotion 15, supra; shall 6xoeed the 6~6 of.
~.:$4*~500.00. _~'
Honoreblo Jack F. Hemphill, pegs 4
we now cousidor ycur .QwEt~On wf&h roraronca
tomthe animal salam of the oounty audtt~f. Soot&on 1
0r Sonete Bill no. 119, AOt6 or th6 47th h~iEl6tUFtl,
19W; providsbr
Honorable Saolc B. Hsmphill, page 5
*xn oouutiee &l&~ the, rollowi& asseward ta3&a-
8ions, respwtival~, as &hmn by tha total.asssserd
valuationa or all pxwpsrBi4r ~OertWlad’by the oowtf
Honozwble Jaok F. Eemphill, pago 6
and 1484 than$30,000,000 not to exoaad
ard411 williem8