Honorable A. k. Coker, Ohairman
m~conrraittoe for aommittes on c0unt14.30
caflito1 Station
Dear Sirs
the payment Of mime; prorIdIng
estra oempbfieatloa to bald &ii-
oero In eert6In eount1.r~ la-
orearing bl oirioio oomQoneatloa
ln oertaln eouatleo; exoluding
reward0 from ouoh eoapbnoatIon
or bululbr henin prod&o&;
p r o r l& aiallog wa aefeelll M OW-
o a re yx P e nM 8
Iaoumed bv MI&
0fSioero or their deputIe8 In
the diaaharge of tbelr offlolal
duties, a04 &eaignatIogthe
flu140 Out ei whloh said rxpenws
are to be pal41 proddie f9r
the purohaee of neaeseary eqqIp=
out ~.of whldh Saow, ahall .br p&I&
ior; rep,ealo& all lawe aad parts
of law8 viaconfllot .hereylthto
the extbot of the -qongliot otiys
aa a0eLari~ Mu u~n~na~.
*llrpeaa Bouti til Ho. 1380 by. striking out all
b91m the maotine olauao an6 inserting in lieu
thitbof th8 roilarin&t
*‘se&iio3.1. Except as othbrwlre prmlbod in
@Slbt iA &a
this a9t; ~%&It$O@!NiOS%OlkOrb’ WWbty
OS this ‘Btit6 @h&l1 have the pbwbr and thoritr
to fix the aoap9naat$on ai the fJl@~lff30
1 rob,
bared gpo0 t&e ldat prrciWIng iedbml aamie, a0
. 116
tionorableA. #. Cohsr, Chairman, Page 8
**(a) In oou5tier oontaI5Ing a8 many a8
Twenty Thoueand (ZQ.000)~4 not more than Thirty-
8ev.n Thouand IWO ha4rad (S9,SOO) Inhebltantr,
not 108s than your Wou8and ($4~OOO.OO)~Wllar8.
*v(d), fn eauntler ~oo~talnlng aa many i8
Th&ty-8Hrn Thoumwl five k~dn~ snd. air* (87 501)
UBd lw'mm6thuL8lrty*owand 60*ooo) ma&-
tant‘, mot torr than ybwr Tlwum Tm Ellaand &nil
Ylfty ()r,8SOdOf Wlluo.
@'IO] In oountle~ OOBttiBbQ a‘ ully *r
S$xt ThOu8and end OBO 60 ml) ud BOt mere than
one k&w3 ThouawZl (l&O boo)~Inhabltricltr not
1888 ?Jiai.PIre Thiqan6 ~&o &i&e&~ (#S,&i&OO)
Wllarr; _. .,
a*(f) 'Id eountl
madred Thqwaxid and.
tha5 oae Euemd rlr$y
tent‘ not lwir tha5 rl
(#S,Sh.ao): *$18aTl.r
Honorable A. 1. Ookw, Chairman, Page 4
(#iSO OO0,000.00) Dollem valuation end up to but
not lnoludlag One muulred meaty &lsn (QUO 000 000.00)
Dollars rtiPutloa over end ebme the aarounteilow~d
emoh offloor a8 fired by tie Cmunlrsionerr~ oourtj
and further proriding that the oompm8atIon herein
flxed,or aUo+ed for the Sheriff of any oounty shell
be erolurrlve oi any reqerd or rewar&,noeIved for
the appreba8loa of orl&uxIs or iugifAve8 tram
Jtistioe,a& rowiu?dsreoeivod fo’r thb roeor*ry 0s
stolen prgperty,.
~~seotIolI 8, In all 4ountIe6 whoraIn the @her-
Ii? Is oomgoa8ntsdon a rec.bar14 the Oo11pls4Ioaers~
Court play alla suoh SherUY an annua 'ex errlolo
oanpenmtlo5 aot to 8x0806 Two Thouma four Hundred
($2,m.00) DOllai“.
qleotloa 4. In addition to tbs foregoing ral-
ary pr@8iooa, all neoeesiwy esp4a8eq lmurrad by
any Wirlfl .or his .deputIes~ ln tbr'altioWg4~ ot. their
oitiolel datios &all be aLl4wod'bg the.OkmIul~-'
era* Court of the aotmty of the sheriff*8 resId4n40,
upon properly authorized sworn repart. and p8id out
or tat6 0er~rra.l mud or out or the orrf0t3m~~warp
Rsnd~oi the oounty 48 th4 ease a49 bajiy'ead, upoh
the mi0ra co UIdtioA Of any Shetitt &ttSying
that 'any o' pee& @u4b as auWa4bliei'%lI4s
M hi8 @to.o~~~s~~m8& S&r ~hb-~8TSI4S~)lt oi&tlon
*6eloaersP Court or th4 ooun-
ty or w0.:8h$isi~8 ~~81~0n08 rhaii atk~1~0~q0
purohaae oi.sdah equipmoat.
Honorable A. W. Ooker, Qheirmen, P?ge S
Gem.rall mpeaklng the vvnstitutlon fixes the oom-
penaatlon or oerb 1’ n orriour and aeotloa 44 Artlola 111,
of the State Uoa8tItutIon authorIz+s the ~e~rlaturr to’prv-
rldo by law for tha o6ia3maeatIOB Of all other offloors, 8erv-
ants, agents and publlo oontraotors. Pursrrrnt to the euthor-
Ity thu8 ootderrod, mWrour statutes hare born passed fixing
the pm&MtiOB Of l’Uiau8 O~sse8 of offIoer8. The power
of the Leglslatun to flixthe aompm8atIoa or offloarr 18
iidt0a bi the provirIoa8 4s the 28ms mi8titution prohibit-
lng the pamage of looal or speol&l lnw8.
delegatid b, the Ugis&tw to the governI
ties, munio xpal aorporatlon or dlstrlots;
done In verfmuv lAsta5oerr. In the ej?reave of lxp~or8 oonstl-
tutionel p.rovlsivn~ the oompensatlon of Offloer8 nurt be
fixed by the Legldaturo or by 601~
been exproasly authorlead 00 dv 8c&
authority to pass loaal vr 'speolsl lays regulatI.ng the general
oompenoatIo5 4s _ooqity offlorre vr nltarlng the general leww
la relatlba thereto. It 18 erpres81ylrprvhlblte6 from pssdng
say spoh law.g&raIng the fees vi o+rt&k oles~8 o$.oHIoers
exoept,~aek o‘therwIs8 prorldd la the ~bg8tlttitlon.(fJiotIon
66, Article IXI, or the state Gonstitutloa).~ .
The blil Ins question Is qpplloable to every oounty
of the deeIgnated v&ass. It 1s our vplnioo that the bill
under.oomIderetIon Is Mt ~mpugnant tO that sebtlo~ of the
oonetltutlon ~hIo.h~prohib~tr the ~pa68a&o-# spe~lal OF looal
laws In oertala 6peolrj.ed oatis aM %a vvvxy ,W8v whvra a
general law mar be made &pplioable. ft'1@~ 6~ .a~iti~VBthat
:;;;I11 ia a.ppl$oable ta every-@gal&y of .t~‘datig~atod
. .Soe the *aso ai. alark cr., Pl.al*~, 54 S. Wi 843.
wo ha?o .38v gazefull v@&iavred BOOFWA61, ArtI-
018 m, of th4 tqtibr OoaWWt 1on la eim5oOt~va .rith t&
foregoing bill, ft Is u~~oplaioa at rsid MZl'%‘ not re-
p-t to that seotlon or: the ooniMtatlon.
Xonorable A. K', Cok6r, Chalrmah, pw 6
Thie departmeat latwtalnr sorioua doubt am to the
Wdibty Of the ~prOti#iOn pi %mtiOn 8 of Act pr6~~ng that
in aountles haul= an assssmed valuation in ezoeaa of m&,y
Yilllco Dollar8 (~80,000,000.00), and 18~6 than orw fiuadted
TwOAty b!~llioA DollAr6 (~lEO,OOO,OQO1OO)acoording to the
last greasdlng tax rdll al ruoh oouAti66, the paOuAt allAw6d
sutrh eh6rifre 68 eanipen66tlon ala&l1 b6 Um6666d Opul p6r
OeAt for each OOa Mul1110ADellars j~1,000,C00.00) ralU6tioA
or rmotioml Jmt 'th6reOf in eSOe68 Of &@& TWtIAtgj6iiiiOA
DolbU'6 (~O,O~,WO.o6) valrsrhioa, and up to bat set fAolud-
1Ag on6 ?iUAd+eBTWJnty Yi.llloa ~llam ()L%O,QQ0,0QO.b0)
ValUatiOA WQr aAd #bW@ tt6 a6IOnAt allQw&'#nmh Aff&cnr 6&
ima by the oenai66lonar6~ 06-t,. ft in 66ate8 iA the oaso
Of Bsrar COuAtY v* 'Pgnooet al., #t@ra thatt -ho zula fa
thati P alaesiiioatien oanaot be adlo d arb&tMlT apon a
@ma6&whloh ha8 AQ PeuimiatloniA 6P f&en&@ cyr 6lt~~tie~a
or~afrorun6ttum66 6r the Au4lsfgalltl*6 p&*4308i,A tam a&&
remit ola66436. Them Aunt bQ saw r6mQMIkl~ .ml*$iei bm-
tWMA the 6ftuPttOA Of iIia.&oi~iti6l:a@i6&tk~~ wktlm
shyer awl ebjwts to be attabe& .Those suet )m se&w
.whitoh tA #am. reaeontbb da@eo r&!qwn66 for b&
dlrloio~ into i3la6666. . .* ,faor xlllor 4* a&. Ye la 'b&no
County, 150 se B. (8) 1OOOj 08kl6r rt a&,. ~7. ma%,, i&l 5. w.
(8) OLO). Cla66l~ioatfoa r&u&,M n~soaab~% acle‘mtuml,
mot mrblfrary aat? eaprloioa8i
we have aoarrider6d mrbU6 @her prorEaieaiI or tha
coA6tltUtioA iA cionnection rrtth fEouao Bill Ila. SW, a6 aaended,
and have fall66 CO find any pl’OVi8iOA Of 66&a,blll FWUeAaAt
to tho66 pror~eioA6 Of th. &Xk6tibUtiQA. out Att6Atkm h66
not been direot& to say ~rorlaloi:+t 66&d bill tbaf tight
OoAtr6V6lu, ,th6 OOA&$tUtlOA Oth6r.th6A ths .BiWVi6~oA 6f th6
bill (~OtdOA fi),h6lWtOtOP6, dt6w666d.
Toarr very truly,