Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN kuaorableThmcu L. Blaatioa, ST. couatrAttorao~ Elhaakelrora Qountl Albanf,PaPar Tour tel~grrphio re oardully oonddored by thin tai062miM r0110w8: Oil&8 q&ally t&all per- on or statutsn,findnot laJoylng the ri&ht 0r rior 1s not to bo lma1~6~b tr givea by law. 34 Team &aotltutlou nx the rtatute8 any general rertriotiorm5rs on the eligibilityto hold offib.. the deoleloaahave &salt with the aattrr it ia ha16 that c slaor aat hold the orfioe or notary .and that both ainora aa4 WODMD. . . .* Buaorablo Thom~ L. Blantoa, Jr., -0 2 We ham beon anablo to find any authorltler dlraot- ly la point oa your queatloa. It la our opinion that the (Iota of the oounty oZsrk wuld be ralld regardlesei or whether ahe signed vlth the name she had before marriage or whether Bhe alened with her married name; Bowever, we think that the preferable way for her to a.. >. vauid be to sign her married name md add thereto in par ai% bill (neN ) slvlag her name beroiwm-ria S; i ‘here la no provieioa or the law prorldlng- for .tdi~~maor f etlon of the ahawe or ruoh name. Tsuetlng that this 8atlafaotorllJ ansv~rs your in- utiw, *w) a- . Y0.q truly your8 Wm. J. F-ag LLss1atant