- --..
L L^"
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rommlooiuorr court @hall sylme tha 4uo~40
to lo b p to a l8oba8-tc
~88ruo6 ad *id out
of the 8rnrral ro~4n~oo or tbo uuntr ub
la 04oo or dlugreaoAt the oaao my go Iat-
tl46'br lplt 40 la otbrr a4ow.-
The woo et bmlb cotit V* oad, 16 a. II. (ad)
SW, 4ltrb br pU ln par lotto?, ha I 6o th4t 4 arunty IO llablo
for da8a@O to laati by b4Ok146 mp lutfaeo wrt4r4 in t&4 lo a -
ltr o o tlo0r w4 quoterm4 tbo oourf’oOpiAiOA
o a oeunt~ r o a d.
la 4414oaoo a0 r4u080:
“Wdu tho 00118108
z1w l o o tmty40 mt
liabl0 ror doaagro groring out the er
br itO OrriOUO Or 4geAtO. This i0 tb4 rUl4
in thio Ototo umlr o rluoh llebllltylr orutd
br At4tuto 4ithor by rrg?orr wordr at by loe-
oooary lY&oatloA. Boig.1 I* kirhlta Cwntf,
84 Tax. 893, 19 8. 8, 662, U k. St. Itr~. 4s~
Inubaolr 1. &ll Count e7 Trr. a ta 8. It.
a rhet, 118 +ez.440,
m0AO~~U~O lr amiru
ate wa8 rrot an loou~. Ap#41-
loa*@ Obdt ir 80 ba8U Pj'OA th0 ,u&l~uOr Or
lgpellaat*o lfilou0 of 46-U. El8 prtltlon
allego a taklaa or hia gmDwty Sot publla a81
8itbbpt 003ipusatlon. xi tn raet lppolunt
to o t l Quagod l ~p o llo Iproyuty
o ’o ru )UbliO
u44, 1t root46 Oadsr the lbrolote to am-atbtr
pmo4te plr tborolor. VAaO? lUtUtOr7 p ?0~i-
llono grujarty PIJ bo tekm or d0ms& by 0Ou0-
~100 ror put110u44 In lrt4Ulrhl~ aad dntoln-
a pub110 road8 and the aothorfty tbor glvon
4abnoro thr m*kfAg of Cltcboa 44d draiA0 and
th4 buildlag Of OQb4AksOAt4. xt fr thheworo
true, ar contodd by 43poll40, that, theA tP.14
authority I4 proprrly 4~4mlo46, o routy luy
b4 ~460 ll0:~10 fcr da!m(;eo ther4br Oau8od to
prlrsk property. Ttilo moald E4 l e404 lo whieb
U4blllt~ 10 4rgr444i;l iapOO4d UWJI the OOUDtY.
Art1010 67SO (MS8) (4946) 8. 8. 19% Wimo-
barra t. 6411 county, 97 T41. 04, 74 8. f. 430.
m4 lit4a 4rti~14, 6760 ( m m ),lp4esrirum do -
414r401 'XboAoVOr it 14 A~OO~AATY t0 d?4iA tb4
rater from any publlo r-444, tho OTUSOOP lJml1
out a ditch r0r tbet plr;!Ooo, b4vlAg dA4 r4434rd
Bonorablr ~hhrlro L 644fpn. -0 S
so the
natural rtrr now, sod *it21 a0 llttir
iAjUE7 10 pooolbAr to th4 lbj.OeAt 1404orn4r~
PIWidUi, that iA Met 0aOOO thr 00Ed0010A4~0'
0OPrt 8blll 08U84 th4 4-40 to 0-h Dl-.d$O$
to bo looooO04 lA6 paid oat of tho 8snorrl
NIN~O Or tb0 eOtUkt , and lo earn4 4r ai00gr40-
muit botwem the ON i8010n~0' OOu?t and ouoh
-aor, the l4A0 elf bo 8OttlOd by lult 40 ;A
other eu40.~
?A hl0 PiAt COWAt 1. @OiAOO (%x.
Clr. Ape.) 168 8. If. 891, i t was IroN that this
sta tute lr9;?4rolyAad 0 0Ntr lkblo for
64~0540 t0 4djae4nt 144d~0w r0r tb 0~0~.
ri4W Or iAAa0 iAO;dOAt t0 th0 OOMb?UOtIOA aA
~l~to~uo or its roUrry8. Ia that 0~0, am
In this, thr m4i( vao 00 lOmOtrurt4d 40 to
oauoo tbo ?tUrAOO uutor to loomAlOt0 srd bock
UpOA am6 mar tbo plbi8t%rtsrlad md autray
hi4 6mrl4& or4ph TEo ooa~tr was he14 llablo
w&r w14 rtatuta just q uo ted,
ld tha 6up r 4 m0
court t~rwoe 4 wit or orrot. 84O, llo o ,
Bouthorn wuetf Co. T* MoOulrr (Tax. Clr. App.)
L76 a. m. 8481 Fhrlio Cemat7 t* hrkrt, Ub
‘hs. us, US Sa I. &8Bt toaoa Cmaty ?a loon,
,(Tor. Cl*. ADD.) & I* m. (84) 889 (uit ntru.0."
It lo our 4pltiu1 thut pou flrmt Qu4rtlon should bo
asmrrl $a th4 lriirrtl+o.
It lr 4ur oplBio4 la 4mN4r k mur 444oau qu48t~oa
tbt paymrnt r0r OrrOb dMO840 Bhm14 be-40 r-2 trio @4anor41
ba 0r th4 004Aty.
R4 WlOhto oxpr4oo o url~~rOOiAtiOA fo ry o ur
tiOA Or p 4 r tiXIO
At Cr iti4in8nur 1 4 ttOr .