AUs'rIN 11, TExAs
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movable J. E§. Rc£¢ma.ld
Comilalonar of mineralth
war hfr. chmn.M.z opinion Ho_. 0-449$
ms illegality of dam in
lie law your request of mata ll, 1943, wish
roads n follows
gm awaitinme mann
mims irwinch hinman
m:£nth»mtud§tatnll_'rw;mh n
sua mum¢r'£m mm w
H&G;' ',v me\lsmt$dmgndi-
nw f°r‘m¢ , rim shaw sms-t _.x__ __
Wintko$t¢tcg£mm, j_`,_u*
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rmi-ah rain - - ama why minimum smbe m'¢"
'Wu¢ml_imtiowh fommnviw)
mbough£iwotmchi¢md£ormkfng canderm-
iommo¢‘mru!miu mwtmdrprtlorlh!.¢h
u!.uflmmdl¢ml, summation omni
mwlo!'d£n mmm*wmnm'.¢-hd-
lm*¢ 2301 human Mot., w id-
mwm¢ main . _uk (Vm\m'a matured
I.'ml¢ods, wish?m}mwidll hit shall'b¢unla¥fui
-- far m penn to minute er gin narcotic drum movant a
iam to do so fm tdc mgm-tmt of miss Bmty. £B¢o.
"Bme‘.*ic ¢" is curiam n ".cocz lenvn, opi-
te,” hug w I. , l co (3.¢4 l luv.o
143 m*:.»e.¢rmau¢ sym.l,au£
of thi- bets
mmvl¢_ J. R, iéoBomld - page 2
"Tha tem'oannidis‘, umcdintbis&otshall
inelma all parts er the plant cannabis aetna L.,
mother m or t mandatme warsaw
mailed from any part of such plant, sham
pmmd, manufacture aalt£ tdar$.vatiw, odxtxu~e, orw pre-
gym-etten et such ear roa.m; but
'E memo the nenl§:slmna oil 05
texaco mow load-,
{wl£ tac h .-
immune lairdumn, magath mish"
ingot cannabis sit-iva or beef le
not mcintole mmmb§tod what 1a ¢triotl roguiltod. l`J\aox'\~-
manning aaron hosp for ita fiber iam mut
obtain o him co to do from the nopth ot 'Pdhho woty,,
ooti.e mg Aot'.
key truly years
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lump m. 33, 1942
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