Honarebh T. I& Triabte
Irirat Awlrtant
state Superlnteadont of ?w?slleinrtruotson
Awtin, lbxar
D44r sir:
whloh we quote in put 80
riot8 aatabliUml their
artor the rum were
Ia It pomible to pay the
hool dlstriote referred to above
W ara of the oplnlonthat the answer to your
questionis in'ths negative. Llko any othor eppregrl~tion
bill, the Rural Aid ~ppropriatlon Bill 16 for a p4rloQal
two y44r4, and t&s estcibliahcmntof eligibility an4 re-
oelpt at funds %hemunder laumt oome within th4 tama an4
Bononblo T. li:.
page Si
oonU1tIonaor th4 bill.
of the rural aid bill'iaho eid
th4 84hool dIatrIotratmingwithin Ita terma ror th4 p4rio6
oi tlag oovered by th4 bill. Xa %aotion 13 oi the Rural
ii6 Bill for the blmnlun begW13.a~Yegteaber1, 1.989, and
andiw mguat 3l, lQU, (AotalWH, 46th Leg., R.S. H.8.
93s) th4 foiiwiag laaguwe I8 found8
*All 4ld gmnted cut ot! the fund8 provided
4h4ll b4 rllot4d O&f en thr b4414 of n44a b484d
upen an approvedbu4gat ef 4a4h dlatrlot eakFn((
fztauT Er of aId, 4rr4pt aa othwwir4 provl(le~
All &ppIia8twaa fbt *fb wthorlwd
herein 6hrli bo Oil fcil4rith,th4 @t@te lMp4r(i-
aant oi Xcldwation not latw than Qotabar 1 of c~oh
~earoftha blaaaium,anO a~aohoolnot tIlIn#
lwh appltaat~oabeforo auoh d&o of lao& yaar
shall not b4 4ligibl4 for da fcrr th4 ourwant
par aa shall
not be oonrfdra4& or apprcw4d for
the tm4 of aid 4p9.1146 rCrf."
A almllar~roviaionis tatladin the bill for the
ouzrent bionnlua. (Aeta lWl, 47th w., FL&, &El. f&4).
ai 4x4anation 0r th4 ourreat amel aid ~ppropa-
tlon Bill Y4114 to 0Laoloaa say prevlaloa for th4 mymat ai
o1ai.mot o previous aoholeatio ear. -mu 42-4, theraror4,
ldvIa4tlthat olalmafor the aohoIaatta year 1940-1945.nay
not be paid ?mm tho fwd8 apprOprlata4 to? the bienniumbe-
g- Ikpt#rber 1, 1941, and 4Mhi3 quat 51, 19425.