Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Y?hml*ttw hox-bto*ttao&~ ia the ma*. rd.lrs. to Lr with 01 whentha audlter and I obwyo5 yaota %a It wao draftedby the, au&l- tor thatII* witH'm, an4 I aa pcwmtln~ it jwt l&k4hb wmtib it *Inor E Qo not kaow wh8 the C~~~b&ia~r'aQaartto16hh to fin4 out. *Am ha taldyou In penon, boththe (1) Dookbtoes the, var10w courtbane tha (It) mm+ iff'.RbljQrDb .~ 0hQwtbat la lwa the ClokiAtr At- tommy &f Rkyette lotkmll+ear& km4 .Copmtp' than &S.llGO. barnod uimn s+ePrmtbbd of cntoalab umer the gwtr Btateahareit i8 aer opinion that the "aaraad 8e3qwnsatlmaw (tmborth* Ofiiaaat Salary Law) of the Ctttaety Attoraay of hyatta Camty for #a fitteal yaar1888wu in exeem of $S 800.00. lt i8 oar Sawthor eplo$oa ondor the fbot8 otad that itlm tha aarbdatory duty of the Cald.m8ianars* Court of Ybyatta county to aat the u&amof th. tbufhtiy AttOraay Of YwttO COrmty at u,ao8.00 pu aunt% very tnalr yours