Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronorebla 2. Sayne Setterfleld Deer Sk: the writer for cooaiberetlon. "The queatienh66 f the fire dejmrt- 6WDt6 Pf?((r.ldin~ tht3 PiOt lng the wunt to Mb by the flmimnbr 6ahrg Or the 66hl7 66Y a fiX’86!6n W66 - or&h, but rho actually 100 da6 to the t6.at that tttsa W66 daduet.5 -as yQw: fi1’6t gUS6tiOll iIMO1V66 the OOIl6tl'WfiO~Of Section 16 ot House 61111Z58, 6ttJW6, whlah i6 a6 fOlhW6: Eonotabla 8. Sayne Ssttsrffe&d, Waui66foner, pa8 8! "Within 6ixty (60) dam lfterthlr Aat take8 effeot l6oh tul4 paid flr6aan ma lmh put pelb firbmSn whose 661aI7 Or oOngen&tion 16 Fifty Dd&rS (%50) or more Qar month and eaah part p6ia flmm6n who60 6516ry 01 OOi~~M&tfOIl i6 1e66 thn Fifty Del- lax-6(#bO) per Pvrnthati eaoh a6tln rolu6teer‘rlreme.n In the 06$&y of any ewh oitr or torn or laxwlled In tho ii re d8prkn8nt of ln? luch ofty or tom, who de8ln6 hlsurelfor hi6 beneflolarie6, a6 heroinafter n6med, to participate in 6uOh l'UW3or the benefit6 therefrem 66 by ttiiskot provided, 6hau.file with the.SeOretarJ- Tre66urer 0r the soara of ylre61en'6xtbuer ana Rbtln- ment ma Trustee tr that cfty or town a atateaent in writing under oath that he ae6lru to partialpate In the bsnbrita rroa rUOh'Y'u& glting ths x&J66aa relation- 6hip or hi6 then aotU6l dependent6 and ehall therein authorize 6atd pity or town or the gwarnlag body thereof to deaut3t not 1666 than 0118 per asntpm nor mom th4n three (3) .per eentum, the er6ot Blount thereof te be determined by the vote d the fire de@ertmeut of whleh 6uah penon i6 am.embe.r,frQlhl6 sal.6ryorocuapen6ucrtloslflwholljbld or p6rt paid flreman.riho6e66tiry or OoiQ~n6atloiIi6 mom than Fifty Dollar6 (#Cl) per month, but if a part pald firmum nhore 6alary la 1066 than Firtf Dollara ($50) per month, or tifa vohnteer fil~nan the 6t6tOMUIt 6bau inOh a JUti Ma Ul obll&on t0 Pay t0 add mud of Tru6tee6 not lees than Three Dollar6 (*J) nor more then Fire L80116r6 ($S) per wmum to be paid ,6aml-6~uill.~, the mot a6muOt tbsreor to be llk6wi6e 4etennlaed by rote 0r tat3rire a0Wrtsent of.which 6u0h pe~on ia a~maaber. Suoh money 80 abauoted mm 661arle6'or oa6pen6atlon or agreed to bepeldtoboeO6m and form apart of theFund herein da6ignated e6d uteblf6hdl 68 Firemen16 Reuer 6&d RetlrexzentFuna or that oltf or town. Fallure or z+efu66l to XW&O md file the statement herein pravlaed, or fall.ure or rem661 to allow deduotion from salary or tc pay the 66munt herein 6psalfle(la6 herein provided on the part 0r my moabsr shall forfett bi6 right to QOrtioipdb in UrJ of the bsnetitr rroa; aala YiretPen’s Reiibi MU RefIXWent Fund. lf any 6UOb member 6han eieat POt to partioipate in 6uoh Iti&, he ah621 not be llable,igr 6ny Sti6m de&IO- tina nor to p6y a6 herein pmviutta.* . Honorable H. Beym s6tterfiela, CammIr6ionsr, Pam 3 The Le$lelature hae not 6een fit to define whet it meant bg the tew *ealary or owpea6etioa.n Tketera 8828z-y i6 dsiined ln W6b6ter*6 InternatIonal DlotIonary a8 beirigr The reoompen68 or ao6ipeneetloapala; or 6tlgtrkte& to be pda, to a per6m 6t re&ar lnterr616 Sor 8enI08, 86peoially to holder6 of official,exe6utlte or elerIo8l po6ltIon6; rix0a aompe58etlon regularly paid, 86'by the year, quarter, month or week.w The we,authorlty deilner th6 tann 8cWW86tiOa a8 belalet .~~ ?That which oon6titute8, or i6 re@rded 08,.&h epdra- lent or reuompen88~ that whlah mk68 6ood th6 laok of v8rI8- tion or 6oinething8188~ t&t which bompenrator for lotisor prl*utloa; emeuls; ~entlon; r60~a8e.R A reading al the mtlrq bill 6160lo886 tht the word8 W8elery or aolap6n8etIoa*6re ~lof'orodaxeapt In Sutloa 10. fh other pauta of the bill the word W618W *loti 16 wed. A0 stated in your quwtim Bar .l, th6 8ilax-yof the ilreaui ~88 $lSO.OO per month but the fIra aetuallf re6elved Onlf $1~0.00 dU6 t0 d8dU6tiOM for b66’ Of tiPI). ATtar a 6on8lderetIan of th6 bill a8 a *ba&k; thr purp0666 of Out the ptoti8iOM the AOt end th6 a6aner Of 68rXy'ine; thereof, we 6re of thb opinion that it was the latentioa at the Legl6littire to repulre the meat8 to be made oa th8 bad.6 of the aompea6r&loa aatu6lU rrobiyed br t&e f%reman. You ore, thererore, edvl8ed that your quritioa X0; 1 IO eamred to the effeot thet the deduotlon will b8 8648 oa the b8818 or @OO.OO per mnth. The wmwerto iour eoooad wmotioa depeadr oa the eoa6truatlon or Seation 7 or Eoure Bill,OS& 6kQT6, whloh I‘ . a6 r0ilorr8: Wh6nev6r a perooa nrylid 68 an 6.otivofinrurduJ$ 86roUsd in any regularly aatlye iire deprtmat in m elty ore tom in the State, sow wlthla or that m6 here- efter oane wlthh the prorislonr of,&8 A6t, 8haL beeoae Bonorab1e.H. Bayne sattortiold, Oaemi8rloner,~~&e 4 phJ8ioally or mentally disable4 uhlb In and/or in' oon8epuence of, the pdx?onanor of his duty, aaid Board of TIpsfee Eey, upon his mqUbl)t, or without suoh request if It 8hall doem proper an6 for the $006 of the awartm-t, rstlrs 8Wh p8r8& fr0m 8~mt1 88rViOe either upon total or partisl dlrablllty a8 the Oa8e may warrant &nd rhall or&or thet hs b8 paid from 8uOh Fun&, (a) it ror totddiaability, aa ammt equal to one-half the average mmthly ralary of ouoh fireran, not to exceed the 8um of Ona IiuudrsdDollar8 ($100) p8r month; provided that if 8uoh anrago smthly satiry be Fifty Dollar8 ($60) or lam per month, or he be a rolua- tser firelQanwith no salary, th8 amount a0 ordered paid 8hall not be la815than TWmty-five Dollan ($a) p8r month; such average monthly salary to be bal.6 QII th8 monthly avorap of hle ralary tar the firs (5) year period, or 80 muah tharsof a8 he lolay have fmrved, pre- 08tIing the date or sgah retlruasnt; or, (b) elf the dl88bilitJ be loE8 than t&81, t&ll SUoh 8ulL1M ia oh!, juagniartor the Poard or %kU8t808 may bo propa- nnd OOIWHX8U~t6 With t&r!drip88 Or dl8&bfiit;l; ~~Wid8d iurther, that if and when 8u@h di8ablUty Bhan 88888, 8uoh retlnlssnt or aisabiuty 8lkwano~ mhallbo'dl8- oontlnued and auoh wr8on 8hall be re8tor.d to WSivO 88niae 8% not b8S than the 8am0 8daarp he MOStVred at ,tho time of hi8 retirelrnt for dl8abillty.” For the rea8on stat& In 8lWU8T to yoOrrQUO8~hI Boo. 1, w8 are of the opinion that tho tlrsm8nWamhhly bensflt8 mhould be ba88d uppon the fiv8-yWW merag Of th8 aaountrrof money aotually rees~vet3by ruoh firema. Trusting that the forrgolng fully aqswore your Inquiry, se are Tours ~0x7 truly RICHARD El. COCK5 A88i8taBlt APrnrnD onmolJ , By B.W.B. , ,/’