Donorable &me8 E. KU&y, Director, page 3
aertiflcate .of public eontehleZW8 and aeoe88ity
i88Ued by the Railroad Comtni88ion; and that when
the ?Iighvay Department ha6 iB8Ued ths special p6rc
ait above referred to, psrmltting the baullng of
oveweight or Over81se or overlength COmWditie8,
that the pe66ittee 18 authorized t0 haul 8uCh load
over the highvays designated by the Blghvay Depart-
ment . '
we Bl'e 6liClOShg B COPY Of thi.8 OpiJlio31, obvloarly th.
- PefePred to la your letter.
bbder the applicable statutes, Article 827a, Section 2,
penal Code, and Article 6701.3, Vernon'8 Annotated Civil Stetutw,
t&e duty Of and authority for i66U.i~ the80 8po1a1 pePdt8 18
ve8ted in th6 State Eighvay Departmat. Pre8Umably in the ad-
rtPi8tl'atiOh Of the80 a&8 proper pnd 8UffiCieZlt iIlVe8ti@i~
vi11 be made by the department before the 188uea~e of the pemit8.
While Article 827a, Section 2, 6upra, enjoIn upon th8
it$@lauaJ ~UFtWIlt the 6eQspOhBibility Of 86'eiI2g that the hati
made Under 8nch pemit8 ahall b8 by the 68horte6t praatiaeble
wllte," the Hlghuay Department may not enlarge upon aertiflcato
tight8 a8 granted by the ~Railroad Com~i88ion, ex4ept a6 to route8
to be traversed. It ~ay.not by the special pemslt authorise a -
per806 to tranaport property for hire rho 1s ultbout authority
to do 80 from the Railroad Comnia6ion, or authorire a servim3 to
and from polntr not authorized by the Railroad Ctzimls~lon.
In reply to your question one, you sbopld honor 8p8oial
pemlts issued by the Hi&way Department even though the carrier
is thereby anthorissd to traverse routes not lmluded in the
certificate Issued by the Railroad Commission, provided the csr-
rle~, if not trarmportlng hi6 oyn property, ha8 authority from the
Xtailroad Cw6is8ion to trBn6pOrt the ~property at hand from and to
the points inYO1Vef.i.
Xourguestlons tvo, thme and ionrare amrwered in the
If, uader your question five, the carrier posaesse8 a
persilt from the Elghvay Department, and If the condition6 loen-
tloned ln our ansver to question one are existeat, the camler
should be permitted to proceed unmolested along the route con-
tained in the permit from the HIghway Departmmt.